破裂的英文词组 Break down:分解、崩溃、抛锚 例句:The car broke down on the highway.(这辆车在高速公路上抛锚了。) Fall apart:破碎、崩溃 例句:The old chair fell apart when I sat on it.(我坐在那把旧椅子上时,它破碎了。) Burst into tears:突然哭泣 例句:When she heard the bad news, she burst into tears.(她听到坏消息后,突然哭了起来。) Crack up:崩溃、笑得前仰后合 例句:The comedian's jokes were so funny that the audience cracked up.(那个喜剧演员的笑话太有趣了,观众们笑得前仰后合。) Shatter into pieces:粉身碎骨、支离破碎 例句:The mirror fell off the wall and shattered into pieces.(镜子从墙上掉下来,破碎成了碎片。) Split up:分手、分裂 例句:After years of fighting, they decided to split up.(经过多年的争吵,他们决定分手。) Crumble away:崩塌、逐渐消失 例句:Over time, the ancient ruins crumbled away.(随着时间的推移,古代遗迹逐渐崩塌。) Collapse under pressure:在压力下崩溃 例句:He collapsed under the pressure of the difficult exam.(他在这场难考试的压力下崩溃了。) 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/fee06b084bd7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de8007a2.html