
时间:2024-03-15 09:16:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. It is/was…that… 强调句型

例句:It was yesterday that we had the argument. 翻译:就是在昨天我们有了一次争吵。

2. Would rather do sth than do sth 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 例句:I would rather watch TV than go out. 翻译:我宁愿看电视也不愿出去。

3. Farther is better than nearer 远水比近水好

例句:We prefer to hire someone who has more experienceeven if they are from farther away.

翻译:我们宁愿雇佣一个经验更多的人,即使他们来自更远的地方。 4. Each other one another 表示“互相”、“彼此” 例句:The twins enjoy playing with each other. 翻译:这对双胞胎喜欢一起玩。 5. As soon as possible 尽快

例句:Please call me as soon as possible. 翻译:请尽快给我打电话。 6. As a result 结果

例句:As a result of his hard workhe passed the exam. 翻译:由于他努力学习,他通过了考试。

7. As if好像,似乎,仿佛

例句:He acts as if he knows everything. 翻译:他表现得好像他知道一切。 8. As well也,又

例句:He likes English as well as Chinese. 翻译:他喜欢英语也喜欢中文。 9. and so on等等

例句:We can see many types of animals in the zooand so on. 翻译:我们可以在动物园看到很多种动物等等。 10.except (for)除了……之外

例句:We go to the same schoolsexcept for Sarah who goes to a different one.

翻译:我们上同一所学校,除了莎拉,他上不同的学校。 11.First of all 首先

例句:First of allI need to finish my homework. 翻译:首先,我需要完成我的作业。 12.First and foremost 首要的是

例句:First and foremostwe need to consider the safety of the passengers.


13.For one thingfor another thing 一方面,另一方面

例句:For one thingthe cost is too highfor another thing
