养生城常用英语三十五句 1、您好,欢迎光临中国死海! Good morning (afternoon ,evening).Welcome to China Deadsea—Yuncheng Salt Lake. 2、谢谢光临,请慢走(欢迎下次再来) Thank you for staying with us. Thank you for coming. Hope to see you again soon. 3、水疗(温泉)盐水漂浮、黑泥养生三个项目一共198元,这是我们这里的最低消费标准 Salt Water Floating, Black Mud Health Preserving and Medical Mineral Water Therapia are called three dreaming enjoyments.It is one hundred and ninety eight RMB. This is our lowest expense. 4、这边请小心台阶(地滑) Please mind the step. (Mind that you do not slip .小心别滑倒。) 5、您感觉怎么样?好玩吗?还好吗? How about do you feel now? How would you like it? 你觉得怎么样? 6、不用谢,非常乐意为您效劳 You are welcome.My pleasure.(or with pleasure). Glad to be of service. At your service. 7、泳帽12元,泳镜18元,泳衣30、100、158、198元 Swimming cap is twelve RMB. Goggles is eighteen RMB. Swimsuit is thirty/one hundred/ one hundred and fifty eight/ one hundred and ninety eight RMB. (This is ……) 8、需要帮您叫出租车吗(联系您的朋友吗?) Would you like me to get a taxi for you? Would you like me to find your friend for you? 9、好的请稍等,您需要等大约**分钟可以吗? Just a moment, please. 请稍等一下。 About *** minutes later,OK? 大约***分钟,可以吗? Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。 10、很抱歉,不能再打折了(优惠了,少了) I am sorry that we could not discount again. 11、出租车按双程计费,价格请您和出租车司机协商 The taxi cost is according to double distance. To negotiate prices with the taxi driver. 12、非常感谢您的合作(理解)。 Thank you very much for your cooperation and consideration. 13、请问怎么称呼您?我是*** Could I have your name please? I am ***. Would you like to follow me,please? 请随我来,好吗? 14、您来自哪里?到山西是旅游还是工作? Where are you from? Are you coming to Shanxi for business or pleasure? 15、不打扰您了,有事请随时吩咐。 I'll be with you if you have any instructions. 16、请您在这里签名。 Would you please sign here? 17、您需要点什么?水?饮料?啤酒?水果?冰激凌?食品? Would you like something to drink? 您想喝点什么吗? What about a cup of tea? (茶) And mineral water?(矿泉水),beer(啤酒), How about some ice cream?(来点冰激淋怎么样?) 18、这是您的账单,共***元,请检查一下 Here is your bill. Would you please check it? Your bill totals ***RMB. 19、对不起,请您讲慢一点(重复一遍) Sorry, please say that more slowly. I beg your pardon?(or Pardon?) 20、请问,可以点菜了吗? Would you like to order now? 21、请您到收银台结帐,好吗? Please pay the cashier over there. 22、见到您很高兴 Glad (nice ) to see you . 23、我一共收了您***元,找您***元,请收好 This is the change…***RMB. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ff80e1ea998fcc22bcd10da7.html