
时间:2022-10-23 20:01:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


划手腿不动,To draw arms and legs do not move 收手再收腿,Close hand and then the legs

先伸手臂再蹬腿,First extension arm and then kick 并拢伸直漂一会 approach unbend float for a while 开始姿势:两臂保持一定的紧张自然向前伸直,与水面平行,身体成一直线。

The starting position: two arms be nervous natural straight out, and the water surface, the body into a straight line. 收腿:两膝自然逐渐分开,与肩同宽

recovery of legs: Two genu natural gradually separate And shoulder are the same as wide 脚跟向臀部靠拢,力量要小

The feet close to the hips , Power to little 翻脚: 小腿内侧对着水。脚掌对着上面 翻脚就是勾脚

Turn feetcrus inside toward the water The feet toward top Turn foot is ticked off the feet

蹬夹水:这是腿的动作中产生推进力的主要部分, 动作motion Pedal clip water This motion is the main part of the propulsive force


Pedal clip water is a motion coherentdont separate 边向外蹬水,边向内夹水

Pedal water outside, clip wate inside 大腿带动小腿发力 thigh drive crus Hair force 大腿thigh 小腿crus

并拢伸直漂一会 approach unbend float for a while
