
时间:2023-05-20 04:02:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#四六级考试# 导语】®文档大全网为大家提供2023年6月英语六级听力考点复习,帮助考生提高听力能力和应对考试的策略。英语六级听力考试是英语六级考试中的重要组成部分,考察考生的听力理解能力和应对听力场景的能力。考试内容包括听力长对话、听力短对话、听力短文等多种形式,考生需要通过听力理解和记忆来回答问题。因此,备考过程中需要注重平时听力训练和模拟考试,同时也要掌握一些应对听力考试的技巧和策略。®文档大全网提供的复习资料和模拟试题可以帮助考生更好地备考和应对考试。

1.2023年6月英语六级听力考点复习 篇一


  上午八点 eight AM (a.m.) [eiem]

  下午九点 nine PM (p.m.) [piem]

  六点六分 six six

  六点三十二 six thirty two

  八点正 eight o’clock


  八点四十五 a quarter to nine

  七点零五分 five past seven

  七点五十四 six to eight

  六点半 half past six


  十一点正 at 11 o'clock sharp

  at 11 o'clock on the hour

  at 11 o'clock on the strike

  正午12点 at noon

  午夜12点 at midnight


  W: How long does the class usually last?

  M: Umm, let me think. It starts from a quarter to nine, and ends at nine thirty.


  W: That is fortyfive minutes. Thank you very much!

  Q: When does the class usually start?

2.2023年6月英语六级听力考点复习 篇二

  Would you like to come over our small party?(你愿意参加我们的小聚会吗?)

  If you ever in Beijing, please do look me up.(如果你来北京,请一定来看我)

  Would you like to join us?(喜欢和我们一起吗?)

  Shall we dance?(我们可以跳个舞吗?)

  Shall we go for a walk?(去散步,好吗?)

  What about another coffee?(再来一杯咖啡?)

  Shall we go to see a film?(去看电影,好吗?)

  May I have a dance with you?(可以请你跳个舞吗?)

  We'd be very honored if you come to our wedding ceremony.(如果你能参加婚礼,我们将感到非常的荣幸。)

  Would you honor us with a visit?(可否赏光来我们这儿?)

  I'd like to invite you to attend our graduation ceremony.(我希望你能参加我们的毕业典礼。)

  I'm very sorry, but can we make it another time?(很对不起,下次可以吗?)

  Welcome to our city!(欢迎光临我们的城市!)

  Are you free this evening? I want to pay you a visit.(晚上有时间吗? 我想去看你。)

  I really can't thank you enough for the invitation.(得到你的邀请, 我感激涕零。)

  It's my great honor to attend this grand graduation ceremony.(能参加这次盛大的毕业典礼,我感到非常的荣幸。)

3.2023年6月英语六级听力考点复习 篇三

  I do apologize for the inconvenience I brought to you last night.(对于昨晚带给你的不便,我感到非常的惭愧。)

  I've got to say sorry for what I said rudely just now.(我很抱歉刚才对你说的那些无礼的话。)

  I'm awfully sorry about the delay.(对这次耽误,我感到非常的抱歉。)

  It was me to blame.(这是我的错。)

  I do beg your pardon.(求你原谅我。)

  I am sorry to bump into you.(对不起,撞着您了。)

  I'm afraid I've taken you up too much for your time.(花您那么多时间,实在对不起。)

  It was all my fault to have done...(这都是我的错……)

  We really didn't mean that at all.(我们真的没有那样的意思。)

  Please forgive me for...(请原谅……)

  That's all right, don't think any more about it.(没什么大不了的,别想的太多。)

  It's nothing serious.You don't have to upset yourself.(没有那么严重,不必太自责。)

  It's not as bad as that.There is no point to getting upset.(没那么糟,不要为此而不安。)

  That's okay. Don't let it bother you.(没事,别想的太多了。)
