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一、 找出不同类的单词(10分)

( )1、 A、cat B、dog C、tall
( ) 2 、A、heavy B、thin C、fish
( ) 3、 A、long B、tall C、metre
( ) 4、 A、bigger B、year C、heavier
( ) 5、 A、are B、than C、is

  1、thin (比较级)_________


  3、bigger (原形)________


  5、foot (复数形式)________


  ( )1、I′m 11 yeas . I′m 2 years than Jack.

A、old;old B、older;older C、old;older
  ( ) 2、The woman is seventy. But she looks so .

A、tall B、young C、younger
  ( ) 3、I′m 8 years old. You′re 10 years old. I′m than you.

A、young B、younger C、older
  ( ) 4、I′m shorter you.

A、than B、or C、then
  ( ) 5、Mike′s bag is . My bag is than Mike′s.

A、heavy;heavier B、heavier;heavier C、heavy;heavyer
  ( ) 6、She wears 12 in clothes.

A、size B、side C、number
  ( ) 7、 heavy are you?

A、How B、What C、Which
  ( ) 8、You are than me, but my hands are than yours.

A、thinner;biger B、thiner ;bigger C、thinner;bigger
  ( )9、What you do last weekend?

A、does B、do C、did
  ( ) 10、He his grandparents last Saturday morning.

A、visited B、visit C、visits

  Amy : Hi , Tom.

  Tom : I climbed mountains.

  Amy :__________________

  Tom:Did you have a good time?

  Amy :__________________

  Tom : Me too.


  ( )1、如果你想问别人的身高,你可以这样问

A、How are you? B、How tall are you? C、I′m 1.5 metres tall.
  ( )2、如果你想告诉别人你比Mike高,你可以怎样说

A、Mike is taller than me. B、I′m 1.3 metres tall. C、I′m taller than Mike.
  ( )3、如果你想问小明谁比他大,你可以这样问

A 、Who is taller than you? B、Who is older than you? C、Who is younger than you?
  ( )4、如果你想问别人几岁了,你可以这样问

A、How tall are you? B、How are you? C、How old are you?
  ( )5、如果你想说Amy比John更年长,你可以这样说

A、Amy is older than John. B、John is older than Amy. C、Amy is younger than John.

  ( )1. I read it′s yesterday._________

  ( )2. Did you see an film?________

  ( )3. What does John do yesterday?________

  ( )4. Mike went boat last weekend.________

  ( )5. I watch TV last night.________


did went visited cleaned washed cooked tired
  Last Saturday was October 12 th. I _________my homework on that morning. Then I ________shopping with my mother. In the afternoon, I________ my grandpa. I________ his room, watered the flowers, ________his clothes and ________the dinner. I was________in the evening.


  I had a happy weekend last week.On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash the clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-mine, my parents′ and my brother′s.

