

时间:2023-05-22 12:47:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


  1. dump倾倒 倾销

  This chemical pollution has two sources: the factories, which dump polluted water directly into the river, and the local community, which dumps untreated human wastes into the river.

  2. earn赚得 挣得 获得

  Yuppies are young people who earn a lot of money and live in a style that is too expensive for most of people.

  3. ease不费力 安适 自在

  Have you heard about the plane crash yesterday? It caused 120 deaths. I’m never at ease when taking a flight.

  Though we often hear about the air crashes and serious casualties, flying is still one of the safest ways to travel.

  4. economic经济的 经济学的 经济学

  For them, the economic benefit they reap surpasses the risk of dying or losing property in one of the volcano’s frequent eruptions.

  5.edition版 版本

  Hi, Louise, I’ve got a used copy of our chemistry textbook for half price.

  I’m afraid you wasted your money, yours is the first edition, but we’re supposed to be using is the third edition.

  6. electricity电

  Benjamin Franklin’s Experiments with electricity and lightening led directly to the invention of the lightening rod.

  7. electronic电子的 电子学 电子设备

  I’m told Alice is trying to find a job in an electronic company.

  As far as I know, she is good at anything but electronic.

  8. elementary基本的 初级的 基础的 小学的

  Youth in elementary school sites completed one version of the survey, while youth in junior high site completed a different version.

  9. embarrassed尴尬的 窘迫的

  Boys, for example, cry only about a quarter as oftener as girls when they reach the teenage years, and we all cried a lot less now than we did as babies, could it possibly be that we face less stress? Maybe we found other ways to deal with it, or maybe we just feel embarrassed.

  10. emergency紧急情况 突然事件

  A few months ago, millions of people in London heard alarms all over the town. The Emergency Services, the Fire Departments, the Police, hospitals and ambulances stood by, ready to go into action.

  11. employ雇佣 使用 利用

  The factories here employ 3000 people in the area where there is very little alternative employment.

  12. employment工作 职业雇佣

  After the earlier period of settlement, the first sharp increase in immigration took place in the 1830s and 1840s, this brought to American crafts people from northern Europe who lose employment in the industrial Revolution.

  13. enable使能够 使可能 使可行

  Benjamin Franklin worked hard to enable the American colonies to gain independence from Britain.

  14. encourage鼓励 支持

  The program will encourage governments to establish building standards, emergency response plants and training programs.

  15. engage占用 使从事于 雇 使订婚 参加

  Young children should be not allowed to engage in activities at the same time that they eat.

  16. engine发动机 引擎 机车

  In the earlier days, horses pulled the trains. The train had no engine and no power of their own.

  17. enjoy享受 喜爱 享有

  During the summer, people started work very early in morning, so they can finish early and enjoy a leisure afternoon.

  18. ensure保证 担保 确保

  Laws have been written to govern the use American national flag and to ensure proper respect for the flag.

  19. entertain招待 款待 给…娱乐

  Good movies not only entertain us, they also help us understand a little more about life.

  20. entertainment娱乐 文娱节目 款待

  Movies are the most popular form of entertainment for millions of Americans.

  21. enthusiasm热情 巨大兴趣

  Your son certainly shows a lot of enthusiasm on the tennis court.

  I only wish he’d show much for his studies.

  22. enthusiastic满腔热情的 热心的 倍感兴趣的

  You didn’t seem to be terribly enthusiastic about the performance.

  You must be kidding. I couldn’t have clapped any harder. My hands are still hurting.

  23. environment环境 周围状况 自然环境

  Yoga is a corporeal practice which emphasizes on a work on a body in a specific environment.

  24. epidemic流行病

  Some people believe that the obesity epidemic is a result of a more evolutionary development of the sedentary life-style in modern society.

  25. erupt(火山、喷泉等)喷发 (危机、问题等)爆发

  Mount Etna does erupt frequently, but those eruptions are usually minor, So the overall risk for people living nearby is relatively small.
