

时间:2023-04-14 14:56:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

   Task 1.If you were to study a new form of art, which would you choose? Wood sculpture, portrait painting, or photography?

  Task 2.Some students prefer to take an essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a test with objective questions. Which type of exam question do you prefer? Give reasons and examples in your explanation.

  Task 3.Reading: 学校要在建酒店,一方面在宿舍旁边方便亲戚朋友来访,一方面价格便宜,40美元每晚。

  Listening:女生说这个计划不错。原因1. 现有的酒店离学校太远,举自己母亲为例,上次母亲来访,来回酒店开车要花很长时间。同时,如果没有车的话,坐公车太麻烦了。原因2. 价格确实很合理,现在的酒店很贵。举自己的舍友的朋友为例,上次本要来,可是酒店90美元一晚,贵,就没来。

  Task 4.【名词解释】:learner-centered teaching:讲一个现象是老师提供学习材料让同学学习,不如让同学自己找自己感兴趣的材料,更能激励学生。【教授举例】:Professor's daughter Anna wants to learn guitar. With the intro-material given by the teacher,Anna seldom concentrated on it and even had day dreaming. The instructor discovered it and changed the way of teaching. He asked her to bring some songs she likes or some popular songs. By learning those songs, she became interested in learning guitar.

   Task 5.男孩本来在 school book store 兼职,可是 back 伤了。两个选择:1,还在 book store,但是做 cashier 收钱。2,去干别的,比如去学校 cafeteria 刷碗。在 book store 吧,时间冲突,早上他要去物理学习小组,因为这个学习小组让他的物理进步很大,他不能不去。在餐厅刷碗吧,时间很自由,但是不在 book store 他买 text book 就木有折扣了。

  Task 6.【讲课要点】:动物长途迁徙靠两种方法导航 During long distance immigration, animals navigate by two ways: 方法 1、by star: Ducks(野鸭)fly at night. Stars help them to distinguish their own flying way。方法 2、by smell: Salmons(大马哈鱼)track unique scent released by plants or something in the river to get to specific sites for laying eggs. Another way that animals can use to navigate themselves is using stars. For example, Salmons track unique scent released by plants or something in the river to get to specific sites for laying eggs。
