
时间:2023-04-03 16:32:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】雷锋生平做过许多好人好事,每天都没有虚度光阴,到处都有他曾留下的痕迹。每天,我都要向雷锋学习,尽自己所能地去帮助别人。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  There are many living Lei Feng in the world. Today, I met a living Lei Feng, who is a member of the people's Liberation Army.

  How did I meet you? Please listen to me carefully: I just finished swimming and came to the bus stop. Because I forgot my goggles, I went back to the men's dressing room. That's why I missed a No. 19 bus. That's why I found a living Lei Feng living in the army.

  As soon as I got on the bus, I found a window seat in the back. I hurried to find a captain of the Nanjing Military Region and then a major. I was surprised! Usually, it is difficult to see officers above lieutenant on the bus, and this time there are still two.

  When I was looking at the major, the major stood up and helped a pregnant woman to her seat, but he stood. When he saw a seat next to me, I looked around and saw him standing alone. Then he sat down.

  He saw that I had been staring at his two bars and one star epaulet with big eyes of respect and worship, and he was still talking: "major, how powerful!" So he said to me, "you know..."

     Halfway through his self introduction, a middle-aged woman got into the car and had no seat. He immediately got up and gave his seat to the people. It's a pity that I missed the opportunity to chat with him again.

  After five stops, he got off. I looked at his Lei Feng like back and slowly went away. I really want to catch up and get off with him. I hope I can see him again!


  When I mention Lei Feng, I can't help thinking of the good things he did during his lifetime: helping the conductor mop the floor, cleaning the waiting room, buying tickets for the sister-in-law who lost her ticket, helping the elderly grandmother hold her children, and so on. Therefore, people often say: "Lei Feng travels for a thousand miles, and good deeds make a train." Although Lei Feng is far away from us, as long as you observe carefully, you will know that there is "Lei Feng" everywhere in life, and Lei Feng spirit will always exist in our hearts.

  In our happy campus, Lei Feng spirit is everywhere. Some students patiently help others with their homework, some students find money, some students are not afraid of dirt and fatigue, help junior students clean up, and others help teachers maintain classroom discipline

  What worries me most is that in a physical education class, we all had a good time. Some played football, some played keys, some threw sandbags, played games with each other, chased each other, and had a lot of fun! The students are also sweating and dry mouth. When class was over, everyone hurried to pick up their water cups and gulped them down in one gulp. And I am also immersed in the refreshing coolness and pleasure. Squinting, I found xiaopang blushing, sticking out his tongue, looking at us with greedy and envious eyes - he didn't bring water. I shook the glass and it was empty. At this time, fuzhihan came forward, handed his water to him, smiled and said, "here you are, I'm not thirsty, you drink!" But I found a trace of blood leached from the corners of fuzhihan's mouth. At this moment, his weak body is so big and tall, and the trace of blood is so bright and dazzling!

  Students, Lei Feng is a good example for us to learn from. Let's join hands, work together, help each other and love each other, start from the little things around us, inherit Lei Feng spirit, and be a "little Lei Feng" in the new era of the 21st century. I believe: as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become more harmonious and better!


  There are many people like Lei Feng around us. We admire Lei Feng from the bottom of our hearts.

  People will do good things, and good things are useful to the motherland. Since they are beneficial, why not make them more beneficial? We learn from Lei Feng because his advantages are worth learning from! It helps us!

  Whether Lei Feng's good deeds are true or false, we should learn from him. Lei Feng lives in our hearts. Although he didn't die for the war, he did enough good to fill a train.

  There are also many "Lei Feng" around us. What they do is not spectacular and huge. However, their spirit is worth learning from. Lei Feng was frugal all his life, and how many frugal people are there now? Don't you spend a lot of money? Therefore, we should also be frugal. We should buy what we should buy and not what we shouldn't buy. We use the resources of the country! It is shameful to waste national resources.

  It's very easy to do a good deed, but it's still a little difficult to do it well. Lei Feng is doing good for the Communist Party and the people. Now we don't have to work for the Communist Party for the time being. It's enough to study hard; But doing good for the people around us is within our power. When I saw the old lady crossing the road, I stepped forward and helped the old lady over; The old man is carrying heavy things. If he can carry them, he comes forward to carry them. If he can't, he will carry them with the old man; The child fell and came forward to help the child up; When taking the bus, I see that grandma (grandpa) has no seat to sit, stand up and let them do it; There is garbage at the door of the neighbor's house. Bend down and throw it away. The door of the neighbor's house is dirty. Help clean it. Aren't these all small things? Isn't it difficult to do well?

  Chairman Mao personally inscribed "learn from Comrade Lei Feng" for Lei Feng. We should all take Uncle Lei Feng as an example. Do more good deeds and be a good student serving the people!


  Learn from Lei Feng's good example, be loyal to the revolution, the party, distinguish between love and hate, never forget their roots, stand firm, have strong fighting spirit, stand firm and have strong fighting spirit. "Whenever I sing this song, the Lei Feng spirit fills my heart.

  I read this book during the holiday. In this book, my favorite sentence is: there is a name, always written in spring; There is a spirit that continues to be preached in China. Lei Feng, with his short life, composed an incomparably magnificent life poem and built an immortal moral monument.

  Lei Feng, we are all famous for this name. There are also many living Lei Feng around us. Although their appearance is not noticeable, they said and did good deeds that I am very unforgettable. For example, Guo Mingyi conveyed love and true feelings to everyone around him, Liu Xingyuan's son and Yu Huian, who came to save people, fell into the water. Without hesitation, he grabbed Yu Huian's hand, and his child was drowned.

  Lei Feng met a "roadblock" when he was practicing throwing grenades "He was short and weak, so he failed. What should he do? Practice! It would be a cold winter, but Lei Feng was not afraid of the cold! Everyone else had a rest. He practiced alone on the playground; finally, Lei Feng no longer practiced blindly, thinking that his strength was not enough. Lei Feng trained his skills so hard, from morning to night, day after day. It took no effort, and after a period of hard work After training, he finally achieved excellent results in live ammunition throwing and became a strong soldier who was not afraid of difficulties.

  Comrade Jiang Zemin wrote an inscr iption in 1990: "learn from Comrade Lei Feng and carry forward Lei Feng spirit. "Although Lei Feng made a glorious sacrifice, his spirit continued to be praised in China.


  Let's learn from Lei Feng. Let's learn from Lei Feng. Today is Lei Feng day. Everyone should learn from Lei Feng and do good deeds. Of course, I'm no exception.

  Just after school this afternoon, I ran out to do good deeds. This is because I saw a lot of garbage beside the trash can, which was thrown outside. I hurried to throw all the garbage into the trash can. In this way, I looked very fresh, happy and comfortable.

  As I walked along the road, I saw two children fighting at the door of the community. One of them was my brother, so I hurried forward to dissuade them from fighting, but they all refused to let each other. I reasoned with them: "today is Lei Feng day. Let's do good deeds, OK?" as soon as they heard it, they stopped fighting and sang with me, Learn from the song of Lei Feng's good example and set out. This is a child shouting, "look, there is a grass pulled out, and we'll plant it in the soil." I found a small wooden stick, dug a hole in the ground, loosened the soil and planted the grass, which gave him life and nutrition again, In this spring, it adds a landscape to us.

  WOW! It turns out that doing a good deed is equal to getting a happy return!

