
时间:2023-04-03 16:27:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】3月5日是学雷锋纪念日。老师说:“同学们,大家要像雷锋叔叔学习。让我们在这个特别的日子里为他人做一件力所能及的事情,为人民服务。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In the twinkling of an eye, March has quietly come to us. Everything is the same, but

  I looked at the blue sky and white clouds and thought: Uncle Lei Feng, how are you? Time flies. It has been 51 years. Your spirit of helping others has already spread all over China. Every Chinese is proud of you!

  Although you are an ordinary soldier, you are writing your brilliant life with your 22-year-old youth. You, your moving deeds have touched many great men and made them write "learn from Comrade Lei Feng!", This inspires people for generations to take their vows in their posts: hard work, hard study and willingness to help others... Your name has been deeply rooted in people's hearts and has become the most perfect star. I respect you!

  Although Uncle Lei Feng is gone, his spirit still exists forever. If someone "borrows" your pen, please "hand it over"; When others "fall", please "help" them; When others "ask for help", please "help". In March, flying dreams; In March, help others; In March, learn from Lei Feng's good example!

  We must strive to be little Lei Feng.


  At about one o'clock on Saturday afternoon, our team began to learn from Lei Feng, which is to clean the sanitation around the school.

  I first took a broom and thought I must sweep the land clean.

  Although the land is not too dirty, there are many cigarette ends on the ground. Next to the trash can of the canteen, there are several food packaging bags "lying" there. The trash can is full of stuff. Here, I remind you: don't buy more of these snacks. Buying less can not only reduce the generation of garbage, but also protect your health, because these snacks are generally unknown. I don't know whether they are produced by unscrupulous businesses. Sweep, sweep, sweep all the garbage.

  We were very happy to see the ground swept clean.


  Back then, Uncle Lei Feng was just an ordinary soldier and earned only six yuan a month. But when people were killed, he always "helped them out" without hesitation; During the rest time, he did not forget to contribute to the people: carrying bricks and sending the old lady home... In the army, he would also help his teammates when they were in trouble. In short, in his life, he always thinks about how to contribute to the people and how to help others overcome difficulties. He doesn't think of himself and won't even buy a new sock.

  "Learn from Lei Feng, a good example..." this song has echoed in our ears for a long time. Whenever we hear this song, the spirit of being willing to help others arises spontaneously in our hearts. Give up your seat to the elderly on the bus and help the blind cross the road... These small actions are full of love and Lei Feng spirit.

  Ah! Let more Lei Feng emerge in our life!


  What is Lei Feng's spirit?

  Lei Feng's spirit is a vivid embodiment of the socialist core values. Socialist core values include the guiding ideology of Marxism, the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with innovation as the core, as well as the socialist concept of honor and disgrace. Specifically, it means loving the motherland, serving the people, people-oriented, scientific development, common prosperity, people's democracy, fairness and justice, advocating science, unity and mutual assistance, honesty and trustworthiness, discipline and law-abiding, civilization and harmony, hard work, hard work, glory and shame. Comrade Lei Feng's spirit of thinking for others all the time, the spirit of being willing to be a screw, the spirit of being hot when there is a minute of light, and the spirit of putting limited life into unlimited service for the people are exactly what the socialist core values require. Lei Feng spirit is consistent with the core socialist values.

  Thought is the forerunner of action. Knowing and grasping the profound connotation of Lei Feng's spirit, learning from Lei Feng can avoid blindness, enhance initiative and consciousness, learn from essence, and avoid the phenomenon of "Uncle Lei Feng comes in March and leaves in April".


  Human life is limited and there is no limit to serving the people. I want to devote my limited life to serving the people infinitely. " This is Lei Feng's maxim that we are familiar with. Lei Feng said this sentence and did it. He did it bit by bit in life: volunteering on construction sites, buying tickets for people he didn't know, and helping the old lady find relatives... When people need him, he always helps everyone, but never tells others his name.

  At that time, Lei Feng had only 6 yuan of military subsidies a month. He saved little by little and finally saved 100 yuan. He donated all of them to the disaster area. His own shoes were broken and he was reluctant to buy new ones. He patched the old shoes one by one. His comrades in arms asked him, "why don't you buy a pair of new shoes to wear? Can't this pile of patches hurt your feet?" He seriously replied: "shoes can be worn, and the money saved can help others."

  Holding his finger, Lei Feng has left us for 50 years, but Lei Feng's spirit has always lived in our hearts. Now in life, there are good people like Lei Feng who help us all the time.

