邀请信(英语一二适用) Directions: For this part, you are allowed to write an announcement to welcome students to join to a club. You should write about 100 words following the outline given below: 1)本社团的主要活动内容 2)参加本社团的好处 3)如何加入本社团 (一)预测范文 Welcome to English Club December 24, 2016 Welcome to English Club! It could serve as a platform to show your outstanding abilities and help you develop a range of great skills. You can be involved in a variety of activities including staging musical dramas, holding group discussions, watching Oscar-winning movies, and so on. These after-class activities could offer you ample opportunities. First, your active participation is helpful to strengthening the sense of responsibility and managing interpersonal relations. Second, various activities organized by us could raise your level of proficiency in English. A good command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers. You can file a written application to our staff office or email us via englishclub@163.com. The deadline for entries is December 26. Come on, join us now! English Club (二)参考译文 欢迎加入英语俱乐部 2016年12月24日 欢迎加入英语俱乐部!它能成为一个平台,展示你卓越的才能,并帮助你开发众多技能。 你可以参加各种各样的活动,包括表演音乐剧、进行小组讨论,观看奥斯卡获奖影片等等。这些课外活动能为你提供丰富的机会。首先,你的积极参与有助于培养责任感与开发人际关系。其次,我们组织的种类繁多的活动能提高你的英语熟练程度。良好的英语水平使你比其他人享有明显的竞争优势。 你可以向我们的行政办公室提交书面申请或通过 englishclub@163.com 发送电子邮件。报名截止日期是12月26日。快来加入我们吧! 英语俱乐部 (三)亮点词汇 club社团、俱乐部 serve as作为 platform平台 outstanding卓越的 ability才能 develop开发 a range of一系列的 skill技能 be involved in参加 a variety of各种各样的 include包括 stage表演、舞台 musical drama音乐剧 hold举办 group discussion小组讨论 Oscar奥斯卡 win获奖 movie影片 and so on等等 after-class课后 offer提供 ample丰富的 opportunity机会 active积极的 participation参与 is helpful to有助于 strengthen培养 sense of responsibility责任感 manage开发 interpersonal relation人际关系 various种类繁多的 organize组织 raise提高 level水平 proficiency熟练 command掌握 empower使能够 enjoy享受 decided明显的 competitive竞争的 edge优势 over比 peer其他人 file提交 written书面的 application申请 staff office行政办公室 via通过 deadline截止日期 entry报名 join加入 (四)道长点评 告示是公告性应用文。机关、团体或个人如有事需要向公众说明或请求帮助,可将要说的事简要写成告示张贴。如特别重要或涉及范围较广,还可以登报。标题写在上方正中,日期放在标题右下方,一般不用称呼。 (五)佳句拓展: Priority and preference will be given to those experienced, either in international conference or in other similar activities. 在国际会议或其他类似活动中具有相关经验者优先考虑。 Call 86754321 or send messages to postgr_ass@ccc.edu.cn for an application and for information on the interview. 你可以向我们的行政办公室提交书面申请或通过 englishclub@163.com 发送电子邮件。 Enquiries are encouraged but visits declined. 欢迎垂询,谢绝来访。 建议信 Directions: You are studying at university and one of your lecturers has asked his students to write and suggest ways in which he could improve his teaching. Write an email to the lecturer. Say the way you enjoy about his lectures and suggest how they could be improved. Dear Professor Byron, Last week you asked students to write and give you feedback on your lectures. Therefore, I have outlined my thoughts below. In general, I find your lectures very informative and inspiring. Indeed, I particularly like the way you demonstrate complex issues with the use of simple drawings. This makes your lessons both interesting and memorable. However, I do feel that you could provide us with more handouts, as I often don’t have time to take down all the important points. I would also like to see more discussion work, as I find this method the most suitable way to clarify and deepen my understanding of the subject content. I’d like to thank you for the interest you are taking in your students and look forward to your next lecture. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 参考译文 尊敬的拜伦教授: 上周您要求学生写信告诉您关于您课程的反馈。因此,我已列明我的想法如下。 总而言之,我发现您的课程信息量大、令人鼓舞。事实上,我非常喜欢您使用简单图画来阐明复杂问题的方式。这使得您的课程既有趣又令人印象深刻。然而,由于我经常没时间记下所有的要点,我确实感到您能给我们提供更多的印刷讲义。由于我发现课堂讨论是澄清和加深我对课程内容理解的方式,因此我想有更多的课堂讨论。 非常感谢您对学生的关注,期待您的下次课程。 您真诚的, 李明 亮点词汇 professor教授 feedback反馈 lecture讲座 outline列明 thought想法 below如下 in general总而言之 informative信息量大的 inspiring令人鼓舞的 indeed事实上 particularly非常 demonstrate阐明 complex复杂的 issue问题 simple简单的 drawing图画 memorable令人印象深刻的 do确实 handout印刷讲义 take down记下 discussion讨论 method方法 suitable的 clarify澄清 deepen加深 understanding理解 subject课程 content内容 道长点评 建议信首段应表明写作意图,简要介绍自己,注意语气,切勿罗嗦。次段应针对情况提出具体建议或忠告,应首先肯定优点,再写需要改进,否则对方以为是投诉而非建。尾段应总结建议,注意礼貌原则。建议信很容易写成议论文,应时刻考虑读者感受,给对方提建议时经常提到I和you。 佳句拓展 1、I am writing the letter to propose some conducive recommendations to you as regards your major.我写这封信是为了关于你的专业提出一些有用的建议。 2、I hope you find these proposals useful.我希望您发现这些建议有用。 3、I trust you will take my suggestions into account.我相信您会考虑我的建议。