
时间:2023-02-03 20:56:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】寒假到了,沉重悄悄落幕,轻松偷偷起步;烦恼渐渐远走,愉快慢慢露头;平淡悠悠消散,精彩缓缓出现。祝你开心!®文档大全网为大家准备了《有关寒假的生活英语日记》,供大家参考阅读。

1.有关寒假的生活英语日记 篇一

  Today is the New Year's Eve. Every year, my mother will stick to her job. This year, I can finally have New Year's Eve dinner with my family.

  My mother prepared a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner. My grandmother was responsible for wrapping spring rolls. This time it was leek yellow. My mother was responsible for frying spring rolls. The spring rolls were crispy and translucent. It looked very delicious. My mother also made my favorite salty food and steamed a bass. Finally, my mother also made my favorite vegetable assortment, which is also called ten dishes, because there are more than ten vegetables in it, and the color of this dish is also very bright, There are red and green, which makes people feel comfortable and delicious. It's time to eat the New Year's Eve dinner. We put the dishes on the table one after another and filled the table. Then, led by my father, we began to raise glasses and say some words of blessing. I wish Grandma good health and good luck in everything. I wish my parents success in their work. Dad and grandma gave New Year's money at the dinner table. Dad took three red envelopes, gave me one, gave my mother one, and gave my grandmother one. Grandma took a red envelope, gave me the red envelope, and I gave my grandmother three kowtows. Then I quickly put the New Year's money under the pillow. After a while, the steaming dumplings were brought to the table. We were talking and laughing happily while eating the dumplings. The whole family was happy!

  After the New Year's Eve dinner, we began to paste Spring Festival couplets. My mother was responsible for pasting them, but I could only help. First, we pasted horizontal banners, then the upper couplets, then the lower couplets, and finally a big blessing. After the Spring Festival couplets were pasted, the family had a strong New Year flavor.

  Next is the time to watch the Spring Festival Gala. The whole family sat in front of the TV. I watched the time nervously. The time passed by and the Spring Festival Gala began at 8 o'clock on time. This year's Spring Festival Gala is very beautiful. I like all the programs in it very much. There are beautiful dances, melodious songs, comic sketches that make people laugh, and funny crosstalk. The programs of this Spring Festival Gala are more wonderful than one, and more vivid than one. This Spring Festival Gala not only has Beijing's general meeting, but also has four sub-venues, one in the southeast and one in the northwest. This Spring Festival Gala makes me very unforgettable.

  This year's New Year's Eve is the most unforgettable one for me.

2.有关寒假的生活英语日记 篇二

  The winter holiday is coming to an end. I think I have a very happy winter holiday! When the weather is good, my mother and I will climb mountains and do some outdoor sports, which can not only drive away the cold in winter, but also make our body better. In particular, I went to Vientiane City to skate on real ice for the first time. The ice is very slippery, much more slippery than on the ground. When I stood on the ice for the first time, I could hardly stand, let alone slide. My mother taught me how to do it so that I wouldn't fall. I carefully supported the fence and let myself walk slowly. After walking for a few circles, I started to let go and then slowly slide. In the process of skating, I also fell a few times, but I still insisted on skating. Although I felt a little pain, I was still very happy!

  Watching animated movies is an essential thing for children during the winter vacation. I also like watching animated movies very much, both at home and abroad.

  Also, during the Spring Festival, you can play firecrackers, set off fireworks, eat reunion dinner and have a happy New Year! Up to now, I still miss the lively atmosphere during the Spring Festival!

  My mother and I also went to the Southern Song Guan Kiln Museum and visited the treasures of the Southern Song Dynasty, which were excavated from the ground by archaeologists. It was very spectacular! I also tried the jigsaw puzzle of the real blue and white porcelain bottle with my own hands, and it took me a long time to put the pieces of the bottle back together. This work is very hard and takes a long time to complete. I admire the workers who have made contributions here. They are really great!

  Later, we went to do ceramic drawing. First, the ceramic teacher showed me how to fix the shape, and then let me make the shape by myself. I soaked my hands first and started the turntable to turn, but as soon as I touched the clay, I was at a loss how to control it. My hands often followed the direction of the turntable, and it was difficult to shape the clay. As a result, the clay was half less and the shape was not made. It seems that the ceramic teacher can make it so easy, and the shape can change freely under the teacher's hand. It can be large or small, high or low, but it is very difficult for me to do it. It is really easy to look at and difficult to do it! But it is very meaningful to make it by hand!

3.有关寒假的生活英语日记 篇三

  Today is the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, and there is no 30 this year, so today is New Year's Eve! I got up early because my grandpa assigned me an important task yesterday. Today I will paste Spring Festival couplets and worship my ancestors with my grandpa.

  Today's weather is particularly good. The sun shines on you warmly. The birds surrounded the wintersweet tree in front of the door, smelling the fragrance of flowers and appreciating the Spring Festival couplets and blessing words I wrote. They chirped as if they were praising me for my good writing! Grandpa moved the square stool, and I found the scissors and tape to be Grandpa's assistant. I cut the tape and handed it to my grandpa, who took the Spring Festival couplet in one hand, took the tape I cut in the other hand, and pasted the Spring Festival couplet and the blessing on the door. At first, I was not skilled enough. My grandpa waited a long time to get a piece of tape I cut. Gradually, I cut it faster and faster. My grandpa also praised me. Looking at the Spring Festival couplets I wrote and pasted on the door, I felt very happy.

  After pasting the Spring Festival couplets, we will begin to worship our ancestors. Grandpa put all kinds of hot dishes on the table, put chopsticks on the table, put white rice in the bowl, take out a small wine cup, and pour yellow wine into the cup. The yellow wine should be filled in three times, and light incense candles. Grandpa, grandma, father, mother and I will worship one after another. Grandpa said that the whole process should be devout, so as to express our respect for our ancestors.

  In the evening, we have New Year's Eve dinner and chat, and beautiful fireworks will light up from time to time outside the window. How beautiful! After the New Year's Eve dinner, we gathered in front of the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala. We were drinking tea with melon seeds. Time passed quickly. Countdown, I excitedly shouted with the host: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!"

  Today is really a full day. I feel that I have grown up. I am a member of my family. I can help you do well in your family. I am very happy and proud!

4.有关寒假的生活英语日记 篇四

  Unconsciously, half of the winter vacation has passed, and I can't help sighing that time is passing so fast.

  When I have nothing to do, I often fantasize and even fantasize about ridiculous things like going through. So I immerse myself in the sea of books every day, so I will no longer have time to think about these unrealistic things. I have to say that my imagination is really strong. I will conceive an end in my heart when I read each story halfway. If the end is not the same as the one I conceive, I will write the satisfactory end on a piece of paper with pen, and then clip it into the book. This is what I must do every day during the winter vacation. For this reason, I also used a book I like most.

  Of course, time is precious. I can't spend all of it on reading. I also spent a lot of time reviewing my previous lessons. Although I have learned all my previous lessons, I can't guarantee that I haven't forgotten them. So this winter holiday, I spent the most time reviewing my lessons. I reviewed my lessons regularly every day, and the time went by like this, and the lessons I reviewed were also very beautiful!

  Girls are always "stinky", and I am no exception. I spend 20 minutes dressing myself every day, and then spend 10 minutes looking at myself in the mirror. I also yell: "Whose little girl is this? Why is it so beautiful?" When the voice just ends, my mother always looks at me, and then says: "Cut, why are you so narcissistic?" I will smile, Say in a mosquito like voice: "Cut, I am not narcissistic." Of course, I dare to be heard by my mother.

  Unconsciously, this winter holiday is half past, and my winter holiday life is also very full. Today, when I saw this essay title, I realized that the winter holiday was half past and time was passing at my fingertips, so I should cherish every minute and every second.

  My winter vacation life is like this. What about your winter vacation life?

5.有关寒假的生活英语日记 篇五

  Time flies very fast. In the blink of an eye, the happy winter holiday life will be over. Looking back on the whole winter holiday, I feel very full and happy.

  Shortly after the winter holiday, our family came for a big cleaning. Early that morning, we began to divide our work: father cleaned the cabinet, mother cleaned the floor, and I cleaned the glass.

  I took the newspaper and wiped the glass carefully. Then I found a good helper to "wipe it clean". I wet the two pieces of sponge inside, put the "one clean" half inside and the other half outside, close to the glass, and "Pa" absorbed the glue. I held the outside half with the line, and then moved up and down in sequence. I cleaned five windows at one time, and the cleaned windows were so clean that I even bumped into a bag when my father looked outside.

  In order to reward me, my father promised to take me with him when he went fishing, but I had to make sure that I could not make a sound when fishing. I promised again and again. A few days later, my father took me to a big pond in the wild, took out the fishing rod, and helped me put the earthworm on it. I chose a place, threw it down, and waited quietly for the fish to bite. After waiting for a long time, there was no movement at all. I almost wanted to throw down the fishing rod to play. But when I saw that there were several fish in my father's bucket, and I was not willing to lose to him, I had to hold the fishing rod and wait. I stared at the buoy with my eyes hooked straight. Suddenly, the buoy trembled slightly. I rubbed my eyes, and it moved again. I was sure that the fish was hooked, so I lifted the fishing rod with one hand. Ha ha, a big fish, I held my head up to my father confidently, Dad also looked at me with surprised eyes. I was so happy!

  With a good start, I am confident and don't want to give up easily. So, the goddess of luck came to my head, big fish and small fish came to eat bait, and I had a big harvest. When I got home, my parents had to give me thumbs up, and I admired myself.

  By the way, how was your winter vacation? Are you as full and happy as I am?
