【#雅思# 导语】九层之台,起于垒土;千里之行,始于足下。备考的路上,哭过、累过、笑过,但只要坚持向前走,终将会拿到属于我们的证书。以下是®文档大全网整理的“2019年雅思口语话题范文part3:最近读的书”!祝大家备考顺利!
In your country, who would ask the children to read, schools or
Well, I’d say both actually. It is required that students should read
particular books at school, and the teacher will check if the reading is
properly done by the students. Usually, we will have seminars at school to
discuss what we have read during the summer and winter holiday. And our parents
or I should say most parents are willing to encourage their children to read as
many books as possible. Because Chinese people attach great importance to
reading books. After all, home is a massive influence. Supportive and
understanding parents are key to developing their child’s reading, you know.
Do you prefer paper books or E-books?
Well, I think this depends upon a couple of things, and I would go with
paper books. Physical books exclusively. I love the look and feel, the smell of
crisp pages, good print and font in a physical book, whether it is a very
expensive signed hardcover, paperback or mass-market paperback. I love holding
it whilst reading. The overall experience is necessary. They are more
accessible. This is what I feel personal. More accessible in terms of the first
reading. They have felt easy to the eye over the years and better connections
were made when I read them first. Touching the pages and holding the book makes
reading a good experience. And...., I love some Classics wherein the books are
specially leather-spiral bound; stays immaculate for decades.
What kind of books do children read?
Well...... I think children read Picture Storybooks. Text and illustrations
tell the story in picture storybooks. This type of book is especially
appropriate for young children because the colorful and clear illustrations and
artwork support a simple storyline. The illustrations often provide additional
information not covered in the text. Rhyming stories and books with repeated
patterned sounds are particularly interesting to children. Picture storybooks
remain children's favorite books long after
their preschool years. And what else….. Yeah, I think children like
participation books coz young
children delight in being able to repeat the book's suggestions, such as
clapping their hands, touching their toes, or covering their eyes. Lift-the-flap
books also promote interaction. You know, children enjoy peeking under the flap
to find the answer or make a new discovery.
Do you think parents should continue reading?
Yeah definitely. And I do think that parents should read with their
children. It's a real shame that parents don't realize that just 10 minutes of
reading with their children each day. I have read a report somewhere saying that
Reading together six days a week means an extra hour of support for a child.
It's definitely cheaper than an hour with a tutor and it could make a much
bigger difference. Parents are really important reading role models and research
shows that children's attitudes towards reading improve the more they see their
parents read.
Do you think printed books will continue to exist?
No, I think paper books will continue to be printed, alongside other
technologies. Yeah, it’s true that electronic books have any number of
advantages—they take up less room, it’s lighter and easier to carry one device
than a dozen physical books, they can be easily updated. But they aren’t good
for everything. I think most people have had the experience of picking up a book
and saying, “Now, let me think, the paragraph I was talking about was about
halfway through, on the left-hand side, near the bottom of the page” and quickly
find the passage in question. But whatever the answer is, I think that different
types of text will migrate to different delivery systems. So, while electronic
devices might be better for disposable reading, it doesn’t lend itself as well
to keep reading or study.