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【#四六级考试# 导语】面对目标,信心百倍,人生能有几次搏?面对成绩,心胸豁达,条条大陆通罗马。 给自己一个恰如其分的自信。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。



  The cheapest energy comes from coal, which is very polluting, but necessary for economic growth. Do you think the price of poorer health, farmland, and general environment is too high to pay for prosperity? What is your opinion?


  We Should Reduce Our Dependency on Coal

  Accounting for 70 percent of China's energy supply, coal has fueled China's economy. However, as an extremely dirty source of power, coal imposes huge costs on people's health and general environment. As far as I am concerned, the cost is too high.

  Firstly, deterioration of the environment and people's health will in turn halt economic growth. The environment, as a resource-provider, exerts direct influence on economic production, and is closely related to the living standards, health condition and longevity of people. Once certain damage is done, we will have to suffer from the horrendous consequences. The “retaliation”of nature comes in forms of resource exhaustion, water and soil erosion, natural disasters and so forth. In this situation, the economy is certain to be affected, The overuse of coal, which will finally yield severe results, is a perfect example. Secondly, economic development should not sacrifice people's health and the environment. It is the government's responsibility to ensure a good environment for the sake of people's health. Unfortunately, coal induces considerable environmental hazards which can be noticed at local and global level.

  "Prosperity" is a state when a society is socially arid environmentally thriving, not just confined to economic growth. Therefore, we should reduce coal dependency and move towards a future where energy supply is both environmentally friendly and sustainable, (218 words)



  Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue. However, respect for the elderly seems to oe lacking nowadays. What is your opinion on respecting the elderly?

  写作范文Respecting the Elderly Is a Traditional Chinese Virtue

  The elderly have accumulated a lifetime's worth of experience, however, many young people often regard them as irrelevant, embarrassing, and out of touch. As far as I am concerned, the traditional Chinese virtue to respect the old people needs to be emphasized.

  Firstly, the elderly deserve the respect due to their effort in bringing up their children and their contribution to society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged people in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes, "One generation plants trees under whose shade another generation rests," Secondly, family is one of the best places for learning values, so every family should inspire younger members to respect the older ones. It is important, therefore, to set an example at home by taking good care of the elderly members, so that children learn to adopt this same practice. Families should make a point of including and involving the older members in the family activities and decisions. In this way, families will exemplify the right values, and young members will learn first-hand on how to respect the elderly.

  Perhaps the most important test of a society is the way individuals behave towards one another. And specifically, how that society treats its elderly men and women. If young people do not respect the elderly, the whole society will be a mess without respect. Therefore, the elderly should be respected by all of us. (244 words)



  Many university students donate blood because they either get marks or benefit in some other way while others see it as helping others in need. Do you think that students should get something in return for donating blood?

  写作范文Universities Should Reward Blood Donors

  Should university students be rewarded for donating blood or should they do it out of altruistic reasons? As far as I am concerned, I believe that students should not make the donation merely in order to obtain rewards. Yet, institutions ought to devise some incentives to promote blood donation.

  To begin with, the act in question is to help or even save the lives of people in need. In view of the notion that prize and punishment should be meted out accordingly, donors should be rewarded for their selflessness. Second, the implementation of various incentives also serves to encourage students to donate blood. As the saying goes, "One good turn deserves another." Even if donors do demand some repayment, it is utterly justified. Meanwhile, the establishment of the incentive policy also reinforces an advantageous societal system where good deeds are encouraged. Nevertheless, the foregoing points do not justify able-bodied students eschewing blood donation if no rewards are offered. Otherwise, our world would be replete with mercenary individuals; and no society can survive let alone thrive when it is corrupted with selfishness.

  In the final analysis, students should make donations in an altruistic fashion".However, universities ought to present some rewards to express their gratitude. (205 words)

