
时间:2021-07-10 16:17:32 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】阳光不会永远灿烂,没有一成不变的幸福,磨难或许是上苍赐予我们的礼物,用来考验我们的意志,如果是这样,就让我们微笑着面对生活。以下是®文档大全网为各位考生整理的2021年6月英语六级高分作文范文,欢迎阅读参考。


  Some People Like Different Friends. Others Like Similar Friends. Compare theAdvantages of These Two Kinds of Friends. Which Kind of Friends Do You Prefer? Explain Why.


  Some People Like Different Friends. Others Like Similar Friends. Compare the Advantages ofThese Two Kinds of Friends. Which Kind of Friends Do You Prefer? Explain Why.

  It is universally known that friendship is one of the eternal themes in the literature of alllanguages. This is because human beings were born to need the warmth and laughter offriends. However it is impossible for us to make friends with everybody. We have to choosetrue friends. Some of us like similar friends, while others different friends. Personally, I preferboth.

  It goes without saying that having similar friends has many advantages. We can feel a sense ofstrength when we have a group of old friends who would share our sufferings and happiness. Mor eover, old friends always know how to maintain mutual trust and how to avoid potentialfriction. I always feel delighted when I meet an old friend after a long departure. Immediately, hearty laughter fills the atmosphere.

  Never theless I believe that a mixture of friends is equally advantageous. In the first place, frequent contact with dif ferent friends broadens my wor ld outlook. For instance, I have foundit a real treasure to have so many friends on the campus who often help me reinforce mybeliefs. Secondly, I have found that different friends cannot only lead to new adventures butalso show me new avenues in life. Thirdly, they can help me with whatever difficulties Iencounter in life.

  To conclude, I prefer to have both types of friends and as many as possible. Of course, I willnot forget to choose friends wisely .


  CET6六级级作文范文:My Dormitory Room我的宿舍

  My dormitory room is on the second floor. It is small and crowded. The dark green walls andthe dirty white ceiling make the room seem dark, and thus even smaller than it is. As you walkinto the room, you are stopped short by my bed which fills half of the room. The two largewindows over the bed are hidden by heavy dark gold drapes. Against the wall on your left, pushed into a corner behind the head of the bed, is a large bookcase which is crammed withpapers , books, and knick-knacks, Wedged in between the bookcase and the wall opposite thebed is a small grey metal desk. It has a brown wooden chair which seems to fill the left end ofthe room. Stuffed under the desk is a wooden wastepaper bas ket over — flowing with paperand debris. The wall above the bookcase and desk is completely taken up with two smallposters. On the right hand of the room is a nar row closet with clothes, shoes, hats, tennisracquets, and boxes bulging out of its sliding doors. Everytime I walk out of the door, I think, "Now I know what it is like to live in a closet. "


  With the rapid development of society, almost everyone wants to be educated. However, manypeople hold an erroneous view towards education. They think , probably most parents do, thatthrough education, they will, or their children will, turn out to be either prominent scholars orrich merchants. To them, education suggests merely fame or riches.

  The aim of education, in my understanding, is set upon deeper and more important mentalaccomplishments and moral culture. When we study at school or at the university, we arecertainly aiming at a profound learning of various subjects, for that is one of the essentialthings and a fundamental indispensable for building up our future career. Equally importantis the moral education which we must receive either at school or at the university, for buildingour character.

  On the other hand, education does not simply mean "going to school." We cannot considerourselves well-educated and superior just because we are the fortunate ones who can gosomewhere to study, thus looking down upon those who cannot get such golden chances asours. It is a truth univer sally known that that a doctor is different from a black smith is notbecause the former has received higher education and the latter has not.

  To conclude my essay, I would like to quote an old saying "Learn whatever it may be, whenever you can, and whenever you will, " and this, I think , is the true meaning of education.

