
时间:2022-06-23 07:08:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】理想是人生导航的灯塔,就像百花从中的多多鲜花,散发出阵阵芳香;又像画家手中的一支支画笔,描绘着一个个五彩缤纷的梦.....以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  I have always dreamed of being an astronaut, flying off the earth and into space.

  One day I saw a strange and beautiful mirror in the market and bought it home. When I opened the package, the mirror shone. I was so happy that I began to play with it. Suddenly, I saw the four words "future mirror" written on the back of the mirror. Besides, there is a line of small gold characters beside it: you can see your future as soon as you take a photo.

  After reading it, I hesitated, but I took the mirror and looked at it. The mirror immediately sparkled, and suddenly a strange face appeared in the mirror. "That's me!" I screamed in surprise. Yes, that's me.

  I was wearing a heavy transparent helmet. Walk into the space flight module with heavy steps and press the button to start the spacecraft. Soon I reached the universe. "Wow, the universe is so beautiful!" I can't help sighing beside the mirror. Beautiful stars, satellites and all kinds of planets surround me.

  After arriving at the destination, I gently jumped off the spacecraft and walked to a silver planet... "That's the moon" I exclaimed. God, landing on the moon is something I never thought about. So I was busy doing scientific research and experiments on the moon.

  After reading it, the mirror showed a few words: "as long as you are willing to work hard, you will certainly realize your ideal!"


  Ideal is the first step to success; Ideal is a street lamp that illuminates the way of life; Ideal is everyone's first teacher. It is the controller of life, controlling the direction of life, urging us to move forward bravely and reach the other side of victory. Ideal is an ordinary but extraordinary road. As long as you work hard, it will pay off. Even if you look plain, it will outline the path to success for you. Ideal is the road sign of life. Without it, you will be lost in the difficult and ups and downs of life. There is only a starting point, but no end point.

  Everyone has a dream, and I am no exception. My ideal is to be a teacher - an engineer of the human soul.

  When I was a child, I was very ignorant. I often tilted my head and grinned. Many strange questions always appeared in my head: why is the sun hanging in the sky? Why are people divided into so many kinds? Why does the moon change shape? When I ask so many strange questions, the adults are always confused and smile faintly.

  Before the first grade, I always thought up many questions out of thin air. I was also a little depressed because no one could answer them. But I was helpless. My curiosity became more and more heavy and I was always exploring the answers.

  After the first grade, all my previous problems were solved by the teacher. In her kind eyes, the light of wisdom shines; The constantly swinging mouth spits out a boundless ocean of knowledge. It seems that the brain is full of knowledge and wisdom. My interest has greatly increased. I think the profession of teaching is very wonderful and great. In this way, the ideal of being a teacher sprouted in my heart.

  When I reached the fourth grade, I had a deeper understanding of the profession of teacher. As a teacher, its work is very tedious and hard. We should not only know enough knowledge, but also have enough patience. Sometimes, the teacher is like a spring silkworm, quietly weaving the ideal silk thread of each student; Sometimes, like the sea, let every boat sailing in the sea float in its arms; Sometimes, she is like a hard-working gardener, who takes care of every student's healthy and happy growth under her protection. Every teacher is not a qualified teacher unless he can dedicate his knowledge to his students; If you can't teach every student patiently, you can't be a qualified teacher. This shows how important and great the profession of teacher is. However, as a teacher, as long as you see that your students can achieve something, you will be satisfied.

  "Sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently", this poem describes how vivid, isn't it a true portrayal of the teacher? At ordinary times, the unknown work and all the hard work have ignited the flame of hope in the heart of every student, opened every treasure house of knowledge, let everyone roam in the ocean of knowledge, absorbed the essence of knowledge, refined a wonderful life, and helped the country cultivate generations of social pillars without seeking any return.

  I want to shout loudly to the whole world and be a people's teacher, "sneak into the night with the wind and know how many flowers bloom" -- the most beautiful ideal in my heart!


  My dream is to be a super inventor. I want to invent many things that are useful to us. I will first invent an "automatic umbrella". It is also an umbrella without hands. It will automatically float above your head and listen to your remote command. There are two buttons on it, one is red and the other is green. When it's hot, you can turn on the green button, and a cool wind will float from the top of the umbrella. The wind is as cool as the air conditioner in summer, taking away the heat for you. When it is cold, turn on the red button, and a warm wind will float down from the top of the three to drive away the cold.

  I also want to invent a colorful and fragrant cloud, which can not only add new landscapes to the urban area, but also a means of transportation. As long as you stand on it and say where you want to go, it will quickly send you to where you need to go. I think with this invention, we won't have to worry about the crowding of cars and the danger of flying.

  I also want to invent a magic seed. As long as I put it in the water, it can take root and sprout immediately, and it can blossom, and it can give off a faint fragrance. Put it in the toilet, and we won't be afraid of the smell in the toilet.

  I want to be an inventor of the world. I want to invent more things to serve mankind. In order to realize my dream, I must study hard. I believe that as long as I study hard, I will realize my ideal.


  Ideal is the beacon of life navigation. Ideal is a little green in spring. Ideal is a drop of water in the sea.

  Everyone has an ideal. Today is a teacher, tomorrow is a lawyer, and the day after tomorrow is a doctor. The ideal is changing all the time. My dream is to be a teacher. Some people think that teaching is a hard job, and they often worry about students' grades. They can become the second "mother" of students. I don't think so.

  In grade one, my parents sent me to school and met my teachers and classmates every day. When we saw the teacher with a stack of homework in our hands, as soon as we walked into the teacher's class, we shouted, "Hello, teacher!" Since then, the profession of teacher has established a lofty position in my mind. My ideal is to be a teacher.

  As you grow older, you have more reasons to be a teacher. The teacher's office is a place that students don't like to go, but I fell in love with the office. The hot summer is coming. It's so hot that I sweat. I had to rush around to give my homework to the teacher. When I entered the office, the cool wind suddenly blew all over my body, and I was full of energy! It's good to be a teacher. You can enjoy the air conditioning in the office while changing your homework. Sometimes after changing your homework, you can pour a cup of tea and chat with the teachers in the office. The most important thing is to use red pen to tick when changing homework and practice scoring.

  My ideal has been in a flash for six years. Now I am no longer as naive as I was when I was a child. My mind is full of knowledge, but it is not enough. This knowledge is like a drop of water in the sea. In order to be a teacher, I must study hard, fill with knowledge, and then teach it to other children, so that the whole society can be civilized and progressive. Teacher, when can this lofty ideal be realized? It's not far away. As long as we work hard, I believe we can achieve it in a certain time.


  My dream is to be a mathematician. Although this sentence is easy to write, it is difficult to realize. Therefore, my ideal became "a small sapling in the desert".

  When I was in the second grade, I suddenly found that I was very interested in mathematics. Although my mathematics score was not very good at that time, I would actively participate in anything related to mathematics. Once, when my brother went to make up for the Olympics, I also shouted that I would go. My brother had no choice but to take me to class. In class, the teacher talked eloquently. The students all looked up to the teacher with admiration. I admired the teacher from the bottom of my heart. Somehow, I had the idea to be a mathematician when I grew up.

  When I thought my parents told me this idea, they were very happy. They hurried to the street and bought me some books on calculation. I also worked hard. I didn't shut myself at home every day, doing calculations again and again. Finally, I got a promotion in my class - I was happy to be the representative of mathematics! Even the teacher said that I was gifted in mathematics. After listening to the teacher's words, I was not as complacent as other students, but more diligent. Now I have taken a small step towards my ideal, but it is of great significance to me, which will directly affect whether I will work hard and hard in the future.

  Although I am just a young tree now, I believe. This little tree must grow into a towering tree!


  Many people ask me what my ideal is.

  In fact, I have a solid ideal in my heart, that is, to be a people's policeman.

  Perhaps it is because I have often watched some films about the police since I was a child, so I know more about their deeds, and I think their behavior is so noble.

  I remember watching a film when I was a child. I can't remember the title of the film. A policeman insisted on his own style, dealt with the bandits to the end, and finally gave his young and precious life. For many people, it's a pity that our police soldier left us too early. We feel sorry for this. However, I have different views. Life is inherently a death, which is more important than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. Sooner or later, people will die. No one can leave. Most people choose to die, but this is also a matter of time. So most people are mediocre and can't live in people's hearts. So there are so many people in this world who can't leave their names. They just have a bad time in this world. The policeman explained the meaning of life with his own behavior. Although he left us too early, he can live in people's hearts forever, forever

  The police is a noble profession. He is powerful and unyielding. He is not rich. He is admirable. He is always protecting people's safety. He has no regrets and works tirelessly. They will be remembered by people.

  My ideal is to be a policeman. I hope I can punish evil and promote good, fight against injustice and maintain social order like them. Let our common people live in a peaceful society, and they can live and work in peace and contentment. I think all this is due to our people, the police, who are holy. They are so noble that I must learn from their spirit and strive to become an excellent people's policeman. This is my ideal.


  "The road to ideals is long and tortuous, sacred and glorious. No matter how small an ideal is, as long as it is pursued unremittingly, it will eventually glitter with life!" As it says, if you have your own ideal, you must pursue it unremittingly. My dream is to be a doctor.

  The reason why my dream is to be a doctor is one thing: when I came home from a holiday, my mother told me that my sister was ill in hospital. At that time, I was very worried, so I quickly went to the hospital to see my sister. When I got to the hospital, I entered the ward and saw my sister. I saw my sister wearing an oxygen mask and sleeping with her eyes closed. My mother said to me, "my sister's illness is not very serious, but her resistance is still poor. She has a fever and a cold..." when I saw her so uncomfortable, I thought that others were worse than her, so I had a thought in my heart - I want to be a doctor.

  Being a doctor can not only heal the family, but also save the dying and heal the wounded, treat other patients and let them recover their usual health.

  Now that I have made clear the goal of becoming a doctor, I tell myself that I must complete this dream. From now on, I will strive for the goal of becoming a doctor! I will pursue unremittingly!

  First of all, I have to study hard. The teacher said that it is not easy to be a doctor, so I have to work harder. When he grew up, he was admitted to a Medical University, became a doctor and worked in a hospital. It's hard to avoid some tiredness at work, so I can't complain because of tiredness, because it's my duty to treat patients. I also want to win the hope of life for more people. I believe I can save others' health.

  From now on, for my goal, start to struggle!


  Everyone has his own ideal, because ideal is an important searchlight on the road of life, and my ideal is to be a beautiful actor.

  Actors are indispensable in life. Without them, there would be no TV dramas and movies. Actors have an irreplaceable position in life. There were movies that made people cry, TV dramas that made people passionate, and movies that made actors famous all over the world. Actors make life more colorful, more emotional, and more romantic and joyful.

  To say that I have this ideal, I have to start with the TV series journey to the West. The special effects on TV made me itch and gnash my teeth. I also imagined new and strange props, which made me yearn and look forward to becoming an actor.

  Being an actor doesn't mean you can do it. He also needs the necessary conditions. First, it is the most basic - calm. Actors must keep calm in any case. Then, they must have the ability to adapt to all kinds of harsh shooting environments. Finally, the most important thing is that actors must have strong patience, because a TV series often takes several months to shoot, in all kinds of climates and environments, so they must have enough patience.

  I am not a man of words but not of deeds. I took advantage of the opportunity of performing in the art class. In the stage design class, I carefully understood what stage production is all about and understood that performance is inseparable from the background, scenery, props and costumes. During the performance, I put on my elaborate mask. I played an old man with white beard. During the performance, I was sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes angry. The performance was very successful. After that, I was very happy. Not only the audience were happy, but I also tasted the happiness of the performance.

  Ideal - the beacon of life. He will guide me to a better future!


  Everyone has different ideals. They are all so colorful. I also have my own ideals.

  My dream is to be an inventor, because I want to create more things. It's like this: when I think of six, I want to read extra-curricular books, but my father doesn't agree, saying that I can only read them after I finish my homework. I had to use the forgery of the Dragon subduing father's eighteen palms. But after a while, my father opened the door gently and pulled me out. The second time, I immediately had experience. I tied a rope to the chopsticks. As soon as I opened the door, the chopsticks would ring. After this time, I gradually fell in love with invention.

  I made my dream into a dancing kite. I drew an invented tool. After my grandfather's wonderful hands, I finally made the kite. I pasted the picture and began to set the line. An inventor appeared in the blue sky.

  I want to make my ideal into a book. I drew a beautiful cover with my dream story written inside. I also drew several beautiful illustrations with concise and illustrations written behind. In the rich mountain of books, there is a magical inventor.

  I want to make my ideal into time, let it go step by step, step by step development, in the urgent time, there is an inventor.

  My dream is carried far away by the dancing kite!


  Ideal is a stone, which makes a spark; Ideal is fire, which ignites the extinguished lamp; Ideal is a lamp, guiding me to the right way; Ideal is the road, leading me to a new journey. What is my ideal? My dream is to be a great inventor.

  Time flies. When I grow up, I invent a machine that can eliminate noise, put it on the car, and the car noise disappears; Put it on the ship, the engine of the ship has no noise; Put it on the plane, and the original noise on the plane is gone

  I also want to invent a non recyclable garbage converter. No matter what non recyclable garbage is put in, it will be immediately converted into something useful. If you put in the plastic bags that have been sleeping underground for decades, you can come out with countless clean drinking cups; If you put the waste book paper in, you can come out with bundles of brand-new white paper

  I also want to invent a very magical potion to make the nearly extinct creatures multiply and raise their interest rates; I also want to invent a kind of purifying liquid that can purify air and sea water, making sea water and air clearer and cleaner

  I really want to make all my ideals come true, but I can't just think. I want to start from now on, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard when I grow up. I must make my ideals come true!
