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【#英语资源# 导语】时光如梭,四季如歌,家乡的四季美如画。以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  My hometown is in the countryside, which is a very beautiful place. I like his tranquility, but I prefer the colorful seasons.

  In spring, all kinds of plants begin to take root and sprout. The little swallow also came back and sang in the branches, adding infinite vitality to the lovely spring. The children took off their cotton padded clothes and rushed out of their homes to the fields. Some children were fertilizing and watering the plants; Some linger in the fragrance of flowers; Others play games in the fields. Only Ming painters can draw such a scene.

  In summer, the earth is shrouded in the sun. The flowers are blooming in competition. Under the big trees, you can see many people enjoying the cool, and occasionally you can smell the fragrant fragrance. Oh! It turned out to be a nameless flower. Although they are very inconspicuous, they also add color to the summer scenery.

  In autumn, Auntie Qiu came to the orchard quietly. The fruit in the orchard is ripe. The red persimmons hung on the branches like agates, and occasionally talked to Sister Apple; The yellow pear is making faces with the children; Pomegranate wants to play hide and seek with children! It's a good harvest scene.

  n winter, heavy snow covered the whole village. The trees were covered with silver and the ground was covered with snow blankets. The children put on their cotton padded clothes and made snowmen and had snowball fights in the snow. It was really a charming pastoral landscape.

  My hometown is not bad, is it! If you come to our hometown, we will treat you warmly!


  I like the four seasons in my hometown.

  Spring is coming, everything is reviving, and wild geese fly back from the south. The farmer uncles have started to sow in the field, and all kinds of fruit trees have blossomed. They are like beautiful girls proudly displaying their beautiful clothes, including red, white, pink... and yellow, oh, those are the winter jasmine flowers! She is welcoming Spring Girl!

  Summer is coming, the weather is very hot, even my favorite lotus is hot and sweaty. Cicadas have been singing in the tree. The teacher said that they will die in autumn. Their lives will bloom only for this summer. I have to learn from their spirit of striving to realize their life value.

  Autumn has come, she is a shy girl, let the world everywhere dyed red and gold. In the orchard, all the proud little princesses showed their achievements this year, which made the farmers happy. It was another harvest year! My little friends and I are very happy, helping to pick grapes and apples... We are eating the fruits of our own labor, and we are very happy. Come and pick them!

  When winter comes, the heaven and earth seem to have been enchanted. The vast expanse of whiteness everywhere seems to have entered the realm of elves. My friends and I all went out to have snowball fights and make snowmen. We had a good time.

  This is the four seasons of my hometown in my eyes. I like the four seasons of my hometown!


  No matter what season it is, spring, summer, autumn and winter are so beautiful in my hometown.

  In spring, everything revives. The spring wind blows in the air, mixed with the fragrance of soil, and rustles in my ears. The flowers also drilled out of the soil and looked at their beautiful leaves affectionately, as if they were expressing their feelings to the leaves. The leaves also use themselves to set off the beauty of the flowers. The flowers give off a fragrant smell, which smells great.

  In summer, it's very lively here! Little cicadas lie on the trees and bark. The sun shines strongly on the ground. Little frogs eat at the tip of the field and keep croaking. The little butterfly hides in the flowers, as if playing hide and seek. The summer wind has a lot of fragrance, which is very comfortable to blow on the body, and all the heat will gradually disappear.

  In autumn, it is even more interesting. It is a harvest season. Farmers can get a lot of harvest when they sow. It seems that the farmers' uncle's laughter and laughter are coming from the tip of the field. The withered and yellow leaves fall from the tree, like a butterfly flying in the air. After falling, they are blown by the gusts of wind and mixed with the aroma of many leaves.

  In winter, white snowflakes fall from the world, and the earth is covered with silver makeup. In the snow, a small snowflake floats into the mouth, tastes cold, and the body is ice. In the distance, you may see a house with a family eating hot food around the stove.

  This is my hometown. Every season in my hometown is unique.


  My hometown is located on the bank of Huaihe River, with 104 National Highway passing through the center, and the provincial forest park Dagong Mountain in the east. The four seasons here are so beautiful and charming.

  Spring is the season when everything recovers. The spring wind blows with sweet soil breath, and grass grows and thrives. Various seeds peeped out secretly, and the mountain was full of red, yellow, white...... Colorful flowers and plants. Birds chirp in the air. The sun crept from tiptoe to knee, dispelling the morning fog and opening the curtain of spring.

  In summer, thousands of rays of the sun burned the earth, and the suntanned animals had no way to escape. The cicada kept shouting, "Hot!" "It's hot!", The snake hid in the gloomy nest, listless. And the trees became more luxuriant, standing like sentries. Wheat half man high. It is endless. In the big sparkling reservoir, fish are playing. It's beautiful in summer.

  Autumn is a busy season, and the rice in the field is golden. Harvesters and cultivators are busy in the fields, which contains the sweat and joy of many farmers. The autumn wind is blowing gently, and leaves begin to fall on the ground. The little swallow returns to the south.

  In winter, the cold and piercing north wind howls in the fields and the whole hometown. Dagong Mountain is even more beautiful. The snowflakes are flying and the branches are covered with snow, just like beautiful silver bars, which swing with the wind. Small animals are also missing. We rarely come out to look for food. We have fun playing snowball fights, skating and making snowmen.

  The four seasons in my hometown are beautiful. I love the charming scenery of the four seasons in my hometown.


  In hot summer, fragrant autumn, white winter and spring, the four seasons in my hometown are really beautiful!

  In spring, everything on the earth wakes up. The flowers shyly open their clothes. Wow, it's so fragrant! Dashu also opened his green clothes and showed his little face. The grass also woke up and continued to be Dashu Grandpa. The foil of Miss Hua. A gust of wind blew, and the willow girl's braid was dancing. Spring is an enviable season!

  In summer, the trees grow luxuriantly, and the leaves cover the blue sky. The cicadas sing beautiful songs on the trees. In early summer, the pomegranate flowers opened, which looked like a burning fire or a bright sunset from a distance. Its oval leaves and beautiful flowers nodded and smiled in the golden sunshine, as if they were welcoming you. This is the hot summer.

  In autumn, the mature rice in the field, full in grain, dances in the wind and wafts with intoxicating fragrance. Look, the corn has a big belly, the apple has a red face, the sixteen grins, and the yellow pear has a big face. This is the fragrant and colorful autumn.

  In winter, the ground is covered with thick snow, and the children are happy to play with making snowmen. It is a winter when thousands of flowers fall in the snow.

  My hometown is a beautiful garden with attractive scenery all the year round. Welcome to my hometown!


  My hometown is Longchuan Village, Danxi Town. It is a lovely place with beautiful scenery and rich products.

  In spring, everything revives. The trees pull out new branches and grow green leaves. The grass poked its head out of the hard soil. In the garden, all kinds of flowers are in full bloom, and the fragrance is fragrant. It's really intoxicating. Birds chirped in the branches, as if to say: "Spring is coming! Spring is coming!"

  In summer, the trees on the mountain grow verdant. The dense layers of branches and leaves seal the mountain forest tightly, blocking people's sight and the blue sky. When the sun came out in the morning, thousands of golden rays like swords passed through the treetops and shone on the land. The land was in full bloom with all kinds of wild flowers, red, blue and green, just like a beautiful flower bed.

  In autumn, the rice is ripe, which looks like a golden ocean from afar. When the wind blows, the rice will turn up waves of wheat. Sorghum is like a graceful girl standing shoulder to shoulder. In the field, the sugar cane is mature and stands upright in the field, just like a determined soldier, who has a sweet bite. In the orchard, there are a lot of fruits. The persimmons are ripe and hanging on the trees like red lanterns.

  In winter, the weather became cold, and frogs, snakes, and gold hid in their caves. The little squirrel hid in the tree hole and lived on the pinecones stored in the hole in autumn.

  Are the four seasons beautiful in my hometown? Please come and have a look when you have time!


  My hometown is in Neijiang, also called the sweet city. It is very beautiful all the year round! Now let me introduce my hometown - Neijiang.

  In spring, the trees draw out new notes and grow green leaves, just like a newborn baby sticking out of its head. When it feels the gentle touch of the east wind, it dares to bud. The snow on the mountain has melted, and the snow water has converged into streams. The streams flow from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. Some birds stop by the stream to drink, some side their heads to enjoy their reflection, and some bathe and swim in the stream.

  In summer, there are sugarcane forests all over the mountains in Neijiang. When the wind blows, they sway in large areas, which is very magnificent. When the sugar cane is ripe, it can be pressed into white sugar juice, hence the name of the sweet city.

  In autumn, oranges are ripe, full of branches, heavy, big balls, and the branches are bent. It's like bowing to you. At this time, the peanuts are also gradually mature, and a hoe is used to dig a lot of them. Take any one and peel it off. The peanuts in it are just like a few fat babies, lying comfortably in the cradle and sleeping.

  In winter, people sit around, roast the stove, peel the crisp and sweet peanuts, eat the sweet and sour oranges, and watch the beautiful snow scenery. Looking forward to the spring of next year.

  This is my hometown - beautiful and rich, quiet and comfortable!


  I love my hometown, especially the charming four seasons!

  Look at winter like a passer-by in a hurry. Look at the young girl coming! Little Swallow went back to his hometown and told us: Spring is coming! Xiao Cao has been sleeping deeply for a winter, and just woke up to hear the news that Spring Girl was coming. She was very happy to go up. As the most important ornament of Spring Girl, Xiao Hua could only join in the fun beside her? It is trying to bloom and show off its beauty.

  The spring girl was sent away, and summer came, and the summer doll was welcomed. Xia Wawa let the hot sun grandfather hang in the sky, baking the earth. The willow trees beside the river drooped their heads listlessly, as if they wanted to drink a little water from the river. The fish in the river did not know where to swim to enjoy the cool. The tar ground on the bank was almost melted by the sun. Walking on it was soft, like walking on cotton.

  The summer doll was sent away, and autumn came. I sat in the field happily singing and intoning poems. After reciting Du Fu's poem "A Mountain Trip", I recited Chao Buzhi's poem "A Farewell to Two Ones". My high pitched voice was carried far away by the gentle autumn wind. Look at the red sun falling in the west. It is reluctantly hung on the tree, which makes people feel powerful!

  Look, autumn has gone and winter has come again. It's snowing. The snowflakes are flying all over the sky. Soon, the whole hometown became a silver world. The ground has become a "snow-white carpet". From a distance, jade trees and branches, made of powder and jade, are poetic and picturesque. What a white hometown! The children run out of the yard and embrace the fields. The small figures become active, adding infinite happiness to the hometown scenery.

  I love you, hometown. I love you, the four seasons of my hometown! I also like the beauty of my hometown!


  My hometown is in Wuhan, Hubei Province, where the scenery is beautiful all the year round.

  In spring, the warm spring wind blows away the cold winter and seems to blow away the haze of the epidemic. The trees pulled out new branches and grew green leaves. The river began to thaw. Down the Yellow Crane Tower and on both sides of the Yangtze River, all kinds of trees took off their white clothes and put on their green coats. The wild goose flying south came back.

  Wuhan's summer comes very early. After April, Wuhan became hot. No wonder it was called the "stove". The trees are verdant, dense and green. The birds happily shuttle among the fir trees in the East Lake to build their beloved home. Adults enjoy the cool under trees, play cards, dance, and play chess. Looking up at the sky, white clouds are like little sheep, like cotton candy, and the sun is like a big fireball that is about to hit, baking the earth like smoke. Look! Several light children "plop" into the lake and play like fish.

  Autumn is a harvest season, especially when it is orange and green. The leaves of wutong trees and ginkgo trees are yellow. They are almost falling, and the pines and cypresses look even greener. A gust of autumn wind blew on my face, as if to tell us that winter is coming. The little animals quickly got ready. The squirrel found the pineapple for the winter, and the little mouse stole the cream reserve for the winter.

  Wuhan's winter is especially wet and cold. The river wind blew across my face like a knife, making me shiver. The children are happy because they can ski, make snowmen, have snowball fights... All the animals hibernate, and the geese fly to the south for the winter.

  This is my hometown. It is beautiful all the year round. It is a beautiful riverside city, a heroic city, and a huge treasure house filled with memories of my childhood. I like winter best.

  Welcome to my hometown. Welcome to the great rivers, lakes and Wuhan.


  My hometown is in Hubei, where the scenery is beautiful and the products are rich. It is very beautiful all the year round.

  In spring, my hometown is very beautiful. My grandpa and grandma took out the seeds at home and planted them in the field, because spring is coming. So the snow in winter has melted. The branches sprouted new branches. The green leaves grow. It's really beautiful. The grass has sprouted green buds, so lovely!

  In summer, my hometown is also very beautiful. The saplings in spring become tall and strong trees with verdant growth. The branches and leaves of the big tree are dense, and the leaves of the big tree are airtight. It seals the blue sky and the forest tightly. It covers people's eyes. The thick fog covered the forest like milky clouds.

  In autumn, my hometown is more beautiful. The seeds planted in spring are particularly rich, and wheat has turned the fields into a golden ocean. How beautiful! The leaves of birch, maple, oak and other trees have turned yellow. Because autumn is coming, some of these trees are red and some are yellow. How beautiful!

  In winter, my hometown is the most beautiful. Countless snowflakes are flying freely in the sky, like beautiful butterflies. How beautiful! The trees are covered with snow. The snow on the ground is soft and soft, so beautiful. Many children come to have snowball fights and make snowmen. There are many animals in my hometown, such as birds in trees

  I love you! My beautiful hometown is really like you. It's a big garden. It's so beautiful in spring, summer, autumn and winter. You are also a treasure house. How beautiful the autumn millet is like a golden ocean!
