
时间:2022-09-24 21:50:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】希望考试卷上的题目都是你似曾相识的,并建立了深厚感情,让你可以迎刃而解!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  You and all organisms live an environment. An environment is made up of everything that surrounds an organism. It can include the air, the water, the soil, and even other organisms.

  An organism responds to changes in its environment. When an organism responds to a change, it reacts in certain ways. All living things respond in some way.

  Have you ever noticed how plants and insects respond to light? Plants bend toward light. Insects fly toward light.

  Living things also respond in other ways. The leaves on some trees respond to a change in season. In autumn, they change colors and then fall off the branches Animals also respond to a change in season. Squirrels save nuts for the winter. Bears sleep through the winter in a cave.

  You respond to your environment in many ways, too. You may shiver if you are cold. What other ways do you respond to changes in your environment?


  What are the parts of a flower?

  Flowers can have male parts and female parts. The female parts make eggs that become seeds. The male parts make pollen. Pollen is a powdery material that is needed by the eggs to make seeds. To make seeds, pollen and eggs must come together. The wind, insects, and birds bring pollen to eggs. Many animals love flowers’ bright colors. They also like a sugary liquid in flowers. This is called nectar. While they drink nectar, pollen rubs off on their bodies. As they move, some of this pollen gets delivered to the female flower parts.

  Over time, the female parts turn into fruits that contain seeds. Animals often eat the fruits and the seeds pass through their bodies as waste. The animals do no know they are working for the plants by planting seeds as they travel to different places!

  Useful words and Expressions:

  1. flowering 开花的

  2. pollen 花粉

  3. powdery 粉状的

  4. sugar 含糖的,甜的

  5. nectar花蜜,甘露

  6. rub 磨擦


  Water is very important to us. Factories and plants need water for industrial uses and large pieces of famp3land need it for irrigation. Without water to drink, people die in a short time.

  Today most water sources are so dirty that people must purify water before drinking. Water becomes dirty in many ways: industrial pollution is one of them. With the development of industry, plants and factories pour tons of industrial wasters into rivers every day. The rivers have become seriously polluted, and the water is becoming unfit for drinking or irrigation. The same thing has also happened to our seas and oceans. So, the problem of water pollution is almost worldwide.

  Scientists of many countries have done a lot of work to stop pollution. The polluted water in some places has become clean and drinkable again. Perhaps one day the people in all towns and cities will be drinking clean water. That day, we believe, is not very far off.

