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1. The neighbor often borrowed my inflator.
One day, my four-year-old daughter suddenly told me:"Papa, what shall we do if the air of our inflator is used up?"
2. "Mama, why does the puppy drink the water in the slot?"
"Because it's thirsty."
"Oh, I know that the puppy has no money to buy coke!"
3. Two little boys were looking at an abstract painting in an art shop.
"Let's run," said one, "or they say we did it."
4. Little Mike was visiting on his grandparents' farm. Checking the chicken's tail, he came upon a peacock. He ranquickly to the house shouting, "Granny, come quick! Your chicken is in bloom!"
5. Mother:"I sent my little boy for two pounds of plums and you gave him a pound and a half."
Shopkeeper:"My scales are all right, madam. Have you weighed your little boy?"