
时间:2021-08-08 18:31:54 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】“教诲如春风,师恩似海深”。园丁——这个崇高的称号,包含着老师多少个日日夜夜的汗水?作为学生,我们是否应该学会感恩呢?以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Teachers are the fire that never goes out, which ignites the ideals and hopes of students. Star fire, the potential to start a prairie fire, it gives students optimism in life, enthusiasm in learning and passion in work. The existence of fire is infinite. Teacher, you are a clear spring, flowing through dense forests and mountains, deep ditches and shoals, and will never dry up. The mountains can't stop your streams, and the rainstorm will only strengthen your trunk. Reading at night is to enrich your source; It is to irrigate the fields of ignorance to wear stars for reading. The crystal clear mountain spring represents integrity and always draws a clear line with the dirty stream. You keep running, is to complete your noble mission: moisten every inch of water shortage land. Comfort, give people unlimited power. Every inheritance and innovation of students is ignited by it. Without it, we will grope in the dark, move forward in ignorance, and we will be struggling.

  You are the pilot petrel, leading us to our destination. You are always on high alert to prevent us from heading wrong, correct our indulgence like a strict father, and take care of our every fall like a loving mother. You clearly tell us where there is food to eat, which poisons cannot be imported, where the strong wind can be avoided, and where the rainstorm must be crossed. Because of your navigation, we travel in the boundless ocean and fly over the mountains into the clouds without fear. Therefore, we have grown up and become qualified people and even leaders in all walks of life. Some people have become another group of pilot petrels.

  You are an excellent craftsman who carves all the statues regardless of style. What you carve is not only our full knowledge, but also our upright character. You are the most diligent craftsman in the world: a word, a formula, a truth, tireless, meticulous and unknown. He is more careful than Rubin when he works. Every truth and phenomenon in the world, everyone's character and personality are initially through your industrious hands. So it's no exaggeration to say that you have shaped the world.

  You are the rooster announcing the dawn, always encouraging us to get up early. The time is short and the road is long. Only those who smell the chicken and dance can achieve something. With your voice, we know that we are determined to work hard, and we will not be lazy. The new day starts with the rooster's dawn. It gives us endless power, gives us the concept of time and gives us the efficiency of life.

  You are a first-class actor, and the three foot podium is the place to play. Even without neon lights and vivid props, you are still full of passion, talking about ancient and modern times, and skillfully playing with an inch of chalk. Your affectionate voice spreads the warmth of love and pours the rain of wisdom; Your board writing like Ma Liang shows the idea of turning stone into gold everywhere.

  Those who drink it will cherish its source and read its teacher when they learn it. The teacher will always be the object of our respect and the benefactor we need to thank. I love you, teacher.


  The movement of falling leaves is the gratitude of trees to the nourishment of the earth; The clear sky with silk strands is the gratitude of white clouds to the blue sky. Flowers are grateful to rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish its growth; The goshawk is grateful to the sky, because the sky makes it fly; The mountain is grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it towering.

  It is said that a good teacher can make her students grateful all their life. Yes, I am one of the peaches and plums you planted yourself. My germination and growth are bathed in your sunshine and rain.

  Your love is a warm reminder in spring. I remember a hot afternoon. Because of my naughtiness, I was left on the playground by a strict PE teacher for corporal punishment. Instead of accusing me, you said to me in a kind and pleasant voice: "Tang Yihong, be good in PE class in the future. I believe you will improve." The kind words made me very excited.

  Your love is a severe teaching in summer. It was a sunny morning. With the ringing of the class bell, I returned to my seat and did eye exercises. Unconsciously, I couldn't help opening my eyes. I saw that the inspector had just passed by. I thought: it's over and points will be deducted!

  After a while, the inspector said that 1 point was deducted. You hurriedly asked who deducted the points, and the inspector pointed.

  You asked us to stay. After 4 o'clock, you finally spoke: "children, why do you want to hold back for the class? If it's like this in the future, do it three times for me, do you hear me? " We hurriedly said, "I see." Although you are very strict, I know it is for our good. I'm so proud of your strict teacher!

  Your love is the sparkling grapes in autumn. Once at a morning meeting, you got my certificate. When I slowly stepped onto the sacred podium and received my certificate, when I took my certificate from you, you said to me in a kind tone: "Tang Yihong, as long as you continue to work hard, you will have excellent results!" I said to you in a grateful tone, "thank you, teacher!" Then I walked off the platform.

  Your love is a fire in winter. Once, I was confused and at a loss when I got lost in my homework. When you saw my face at a loss, you came over and carefully taught me to do this problem. Thanks to you, I finished my homework on time. Successfully got an excellent. From then on, I didn't procrastinate my homework as before.

Teacher, you may have forgotten all this because you have done too much for your students. And I will always remember. The bee uses its delicious nectar as a reward to the human beings who feed it. I will express my gratitude to you for my progress in learning!


  The kindness and sincerity of a wise teacher is too much. Heaven and earth are more important than parents—— Jin Gehong's "diligent seeking"

  Teacher's Day is a festival that symbolizes the hard work of every teacher. What is a teacher? A simple answer is that a teacher is a profession. Deeper, there are countless appropriate adjectives. Teachers are hardworking gardeners; Teachers are warm candles; Teachers are the embodiment of knowledge; Teachers are our human engineers; Teachers are our guides on the way of learning

  I remember that day, the particularly hot summer also dried up. All the students sitting in the classroom doing their homework are sweating. There was a lot of homework, and everyone wrote desperately. Of course, I'm no exception. After a long time, a classmate finally got up from his seat, stretched, put his homework on the podium, and then went out. Then, one after another, the students came to the podium. At that time, I was worried. Sweat dripped from my forehead to my cheeks and onto my pants

  Soon, I found that it seemed very quiet around me. When I looked up, all the people in the classroom were gone, leaving only me and the teacher, as well as those lonely and messy tables and chairs here.

  The teacher seemed to find me, so he walked towards me with great strides. At that moment, my mind turned quickly. I was thinking, how will the teacher punish me? Sweeping, running or push ups? However, this is not the case. She came over, sat next to me and handed me a piece of paper. I was stunned. She smiled and said, "wipe your sweat. You see, your clothes and pants are wet." At that moment, I felt all the dryness and heat were gone, and I was very comfortable all over. I took the paper towel and said with an embarrassed smile, "thank you, teacher." The teacher said nothing but smiled at me. In this way, my happy and gratifying mood made me finish my homework quickly. On the way home, my ears kept responding to the teacher's ordinary words. It turns out that teachers are not always serious, harsh and reluctant to do something. Maybe I was wrong.

  "When the spring silkworm dies, the wax torch turns into ash and the tears begin to dry", the teacher is like a candle, burning himself and illuminating others. People say that we are the flowers of the motherland. Teacher, you are the gardener who cultivates us, waters, fertilizes and kills insects. I still remember that thing. Here, I want to say: thank the teachers, thank the teachers all over the world. Because it was you who taught us the truth and needs of life. It was you who passed us the power of great and selfless love when we were most sad, wanted to cry and needed to rely on. It made us stand up again in the place of failure, insert a red flag of victory and run to the end again. It is you who constantly urge us to pursue our ideals and strive to move towards our goals.

  Thank you, teacher, the embodiment of our strength given by this selfless dedication.

