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【#英语资源# 导语】鲜花感恩雨露,因为雨露滋润它成长;苍鹰感恩长空,因为长空让它飞翔;高山感恩大地,因为大地让它高耸。而我,感恩我的老师。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Who struck the Gong of knowledge in my heart? Who took me across the ocean of knowledge? Who brought me to the peak of knowledge? Who took me to fly freely in the blue sky of knowledge? Ah! It's you, it's my teacher, it's my respected teacher!

  Starting from the innocent and ignorant children, you pulled me up step by step. When I was a child, I often saw my brothers and sisters standing on the high stage to receive the award. I looked forward to the day when there would be my position on the stage. Therefore, I struggled for this goal and fell down again and again. It was the teacher who pulled me up again and again. Your efforts again and again were the teacher's encouragement. Finally one day, I succeeded! This is the teacher's credit.

  The teacher is a gardener, watering us with hard sweat. The teacher is a guide and guiding us. The teacher is a candle, burning himself but lighting others. Whenever the teacher sees your hands holding chalk and cocooning on the ground, and your eyes turn red in order to change our homework, I have unspeakable pain in my heart.

  Teacher, you worked hard! You are both great and hard. You are like a star in the sky, but you must be the most dazzling. How can I forget your thousands of instructions?

  Teacher, my gratitude to you is like a spring. I can't thank you enough! Because as the saying goes: one day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father, and you have paid so much for us, of course, I am very grateful!

  Teacher, today is Thanksgiving on November 25. Say here, "Happy Teacher's Day! You've worked hard, I love you!"


  Teacher, do you know? When I stepped into the threshold of middle school with fear, you made my young heart no longer fear and timidity.

  I still clearly remember that at the beginning of school, you entered the class at a steady pace. At that time, you were fat and short, with a small bag on your shoulder and a pair of thick glasses on the bridge of your nose. You go to the blackboard, pick up a piece of chalk and write football like characters on the blackboard: Wan Bangli. "That's my name," you said. Your voice is small but loud. At that time, I was full of curiosity about you.

  In class, the blackboard is like a vast sea, and you are the sailor of that sea. In the morning, you arrive at the class before 6:30 every time. You are always watching our every move. When the hour hand is between six and seven and the minute hand is ten, you will give us ten minutes of practice and let us do it. Then you collect it and correct it carefully. Finally, you send it down for us to revise. When we ask you questions that we can't, you will always put down your work and explain it to us carefully.

  Although you are my teacher, sometimes you play football and play with us like a friend. In the last two classes every Tuesday and Thursday, you always take your time to play football with the boys. On the court, your vigorous posture and super skills attract our attention. You always say: learning is learning, playing is playing. Learn well and play well.

  Thank you, Miss Wan. Like a candle, you burn yourself and illuminate others; Like a spring silkworm, you dedicate yourself and decorate others; Like chalk, you sacrificed yourself and left knowledge; You are more like a guiding light, guiding us forward in the ocean of knowledge.


  Speaking of gratitude, I often feel a warm current in my heart, because I think of you, teacher. Thank you for teaching me knowledge for several years and how to be a person. Teacher, thank you for making my timid heart brave. Teacher, you are like a wisp of spring breeze. But I am the humble flower. You make the humble flower bloom a beautiful smile with the warm spring breeze. You are my pride.

  I remember once, just after the third class, I felt my head was a little heavy, my limbs were weak and my face was red. My deskmate Lin Zhiwei saw it and raised his hand. When the teacher saw Lin Zhiwei raise his hand, he asked, "what's the matter?" Lin Zhiwei whispered, "Chen Chao doesn't know what's the matter. It seems that he is ill." the teacher came over and touched my forehead. Maybe he was having a fever, The teacher put down the book, without hesitation, picked me up and ran to the hospital all the way. I lay on the teacher's back and clearly heard the teacher's breathless gasp. "Teacher, you must be tired. Take a break." I said gratefully, "I'm not tired. The hospital is in front and will be there soon." it's still a long way from the hospital.

  I still remember one time, it was the third grade final exam. The exam paper was handed out, and everyone answered the questions seriously. I was also very smooth, but the test paper was half done. Suddenly, a very fierce "roadblock" stopped me. I racked my brains for a long time and had no clue.

  I was sweating, the time was the same, like an arrow leaving the string, I quickly flew over, come on, come on! My heart was flustered, just like ants on a hot pot. I remember turning around. I didn't know what to do. Finally, I handed it in slowly. After a few days, the paper was distributed. I was surprised when I saw it. My God, I got good grades. I only got 70 points in the exam. This time, I will be criticized again. Sure enough, a classmate informed me to go to the office. On the way to the office, I was terrified. As a result, the teacher didn't criticize me and encouraged me. I can't be careless in the future.

  Yes, the teacher is like a wisp of warm spring breeze. The spring breeze makes the humble flowers more lush and more like a golden key to open the door of knowledge for others. Teacher, I love you! Dear teacher, I will live up to your expectations. When I grow up, I will repay you.


  Teachers are important people in our life. Without you, we have no knowledge. Teachers are gardeners, we are flowers. We thrive and learn knowledge under your watering. Teacher, if you hadn't taken us into the ocean of books, how could we know the world and the bits and pieces here.

  Teacher, you are very strict with us, but we know that it is all for our good. You just want us to learn the truth of life as soon as possible. Let's take our study seriously, not careless, be careful. We understand you very much. Teacher, you really care about us sometimes. Once a classmate in our class accidentally broke a bone. You were very worried at that time. Carry him with your thin body and send him to the hospital immediately.

  We know that you work very hard. We should teach us carefully in class and correct our homework after class. Sometimes you don't even have a rest. You break your heart for our study. We can only repay you with good results. When we rest at home, you are still working hard to correct our homework and make a lesson plan for our class tomorrow. You also have your family, but you spend more time on us. Teacher, I really thank you!


  It is often said that teachers are gardeners and teachers are parents. But I think Mr. Ling in our class is more like a book, a book that people love more and more, a book with rich content and colorful colors.

  Sometimes, Mr. Ling is an encyclopedia, which takes us into the ocean of knowledge, let us understand new knowledge and find the right answer. Look, Mr. Ling is holding chalk in his hand, talking and writing. It's like constantly watering and fertilizing the small tree, hoping that the small tree can grow into a big tree as soon as possible. Mr. Ling constantly conveys knowledge to our minds, so that the knowledge in our minds can be updated and accumulated. We are like small trees, full of nutrition and growing constantly!

  Sometimes, Mr. Ling becomes a humorous master. Mr. Ling speaks with humor and can often make us laugh with interesting words. I remember once, Mr. Ling was looking for Zhu Qihang. As a result, the students told Mr. Ling that Zhu Qihang was in the toilet. Mr. Ling couldn't help laughing and said seriously, "Zhu Qihang is the director of the toilet. He runs to the toilet every day." after listening to Mr. Ling's words, everyone couldn't help laughing!

  Sometimes, Mr. Ling is like a thirty-six stratagem. The teacher is busy! Every day, the teacher carefully designs every teaching plan, carefully gives every class, carefully corrects every homework, and sometimes stacks of homework books. How hard and heavy the teacher's work is! But I was surprised to find that although the teacher's face was tired, it was always full of a smile. I am content and happy to meet such a good teacher. "Grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, so that I have the courage to be myself." whenever I hear this song, I can't help singing with it, and the smiling look of the teacher always comes to my mind.


  There is a great profession, a kind voice and kind eyes. There are such a group of people who are teachers! A great and ordinary career gives countless pairs of eyes eager for knowledge hope; Give many Chinese people their dreams.

  I have high respect for teachers, because I have a grateful heart. It is the responsibility of every student to be grateful to teachers. On the podium, the figure who is writing; On the podium, the loud and clear voice. In the office, the tireless figure; In the office, we are correcting our homework actively and seriously. This is the teacher! This is their mission!

  The teacher has a pair of eyes that can find the child a little; The teacher has a eloquent mouth; The teacher has a patient and tolerant heart. The teacher never gives up any of his students. No matter whether the child is clever or naughty, the teacher can purify the child's mind. Let the child understand the ups and downs, joys and sorrows.

  Thank you, teacher! You are the hard gardener, we are the flowers in the greenhouse; You are a big tree standing in the cold wind, and we are the saplings protected by you. Teacher, you trained us from ignorant children to knowledgeable students. You are like our mother. The school is a big family. We absorb sunshine and rain. Move forward bravely towards the future!

  Teacher, thank you! Teacher, thank you! Thank you for your nurturing, your knowledge, your criticism and your praise!


  Every river has its source, every building has its foundation, and each of us is accompanied by a mentor.

  It is the teacher who let us know the truth of being human; It is the teacher who let us swim in the ocean of knowledge; It is the teacher who helps us get the golden key to the treasure house of knowledge. So let's learn to be grateful!

  Great love without words, true love without resentment. The teacher's silent dedication makes us ashamed; We admire the teacher's without complaint; We admire the teacher's due diligence. "The crow has the grace of back feeding, and the sheep has the virtue of kneeling and suckling", but the teacher never asks for it. Teachers are like hard-working gardeners who try their best to take care of the flowers of our motherland; Teachers are like a glimmer of fire in winter, which makes us feel warm; Teachers are like silent dedication and burning candles, illuminating the way forward for us.

  Let us thank our teachers for their kindness and teachings. Teachers' kindness is sacred and inviolable in our hearts: it is like a towering mountain that makes us look up to; Like a precious treasure inviolable. The teacher is with us. The teacher's criticism is to guide us in the direction; The teacher's reward is to let us continue our efforts; The teacher's encouragement is to make us work hard. Let's thank the teacher!

  Thank the teacher, often ashamed. Thanks to the teacher, blood poured into my heart. The teacher's love and encouragement to us is like the melting snow in the spring, which revives everything and ignites hope for everything. It's like sending charcoal in the snow. Everything comes in time. It makes our frozen "soul" feel a little warm and spread to our hearts.

  We should thank our teachers for their silent dedication, their no complaints, their due diligence, their snowmelt in spring, and their help in the snow. Let's always thank the most admirable teacher in our hearts!


  Some people say, "the teacher is a great engineer to feed the students' hearts." others say: "the teacher is a glass of water to feed the students." but I think the teacher is a ray of warm sunshine and warms the students' hearts. The teacher's love is invisible and untouchable. Like many parents, the teacher also has the heart of looking forward to the success of his son and the success of his daughter... But the students can't realize this love. Just like me, they don't realize this strict love.

  I am a naughty student and don't obey discipline in class. Once I spoke in music class and the teacher gave me strict education. I was very angry at that time. I thought: don't you just say two words? What can I do? After I got home, I said this to my parents. My parents told me: a word or two is a small thing... If the 53 people in the class say a word or two, can we still have class in class? We think it's good for the teacher to do so! Because it can make the whole class take a warning. If the teacher doesn't talk about you, you will grow and bend as easily as a small tree. If you don't correct it, it will grow and bend more and more. In the end, you will only be cut down and burned. After correction, you will become a towering tree, step into your green Road and become a useful person in a country. After listening to my parents, my heart is full of gratitude to my teacher. My previous dissatisfaction has turned into dust and gone with the wind. There are many students like me. I hope they can communicate more with teachers and tell the true meaning of life. When you grow up, you may think that everything in front of me is given by teachers.

  Ah! How great the teacher is. If science is a peak, the teacher is a guide to make you embark on this peak. On Teachers' day on September 10, I hope students all over the world will give their teachers a bunch of flowers and a trace of blessing. Although it is not a golden thing, it shows your gratitude to the teacher.


  One of my teachers helped me a lot and influenced me deeply, which can not be described in words. He is like a "well digger", and I am a "drinker". My gratitude has always been deep in my heart.

  At that time, the teacher asked me to participate in the singing competition. I was surprised and thought: Why did you come to me? I have always been so timid that I dare not even talk to my teacher. I silently walked into my room with my speech in my hand and practiced in a low voice.

  My family lived on the second floor, so I practiced on the balcony. My sister often says to me, "stop talking nonsense. I have to go to bed."

  At the thought of the competition, there are so many audiences and so many judges. If you are nervous and forget your lines, it will be too embarrassing and you will lose your shame at home. I'm going to tell the teacher to ask him to find someone else! The teacher said, "I believe you, you will succeed."

  The teacher's words made me find a little self-confidence. After that, I worked harder. I often dry my throat, but when I think of the teacher's words. I insisted and often said to myself, "it's all right, just make a contribution to the class!"

  Sometimes, the teacher asked me to try to make a speech in the class. The students were the audience, and the teacher sat in the corner and gave me a thumbs up.

  The game finally arrived and I got a good result. The teacher held a congratulatory meeting for me.

  I became no longer timid and didn't blush when talking to people I didn't know. I became more and more like to communicate with friends and teachers. My heart was very happy. I overcame timidity. All my changes come from my teacher's encouragement.

  The teacher is my benefactor. As the saying goes, "the grace of a drop of water should be rewarded by a spring". The teacher makes me confident and self-improvement. The teacher is the enlightener of my life.


  From kindergarten to primary school, we have changed many teachers and many impressive teachers. I am grateful to my teachers, because they open the door of wisdom and let me roam in the ocean of knowledge. In my growth process, their strong love for teachers has always been with me.

  I like Miss Wang in grade two best! He is not tall or short. He combs his hair and wears a pair of glasses. He is our head teacher. Mr. Wang is not very strict with us, but in learning, Mr. Wang is still strict with us, and after class, Mr. Wang talks and laughs with the students.

  In class, the teacher asks a question. Even if I know the answer to the question, I always hesitate to raise my hand. Mr. Wang saw it and gave me an encouraging look. It seemed that he was saying to me, "don't be afraid! Summon up the courage to try, even if the answer was wrong. You can do it! Come on!" I raised my hand and answered. Although it was not very correct, I also received praise. For the first time, I raised my hand to answer questions. I had the courage. I gradually raised my hand to answer future questions.

  At one break, the students and the teacher told us about our PE class. One student told the teacher while doing the action: "he ran like this, so he was trained by the PE teacher." the teacher said while learning the student's action: "so?" everyone laughed and laughed, and everyone couldn't close their mouths.

  Although we are just a rising sun, we should also learn to release the warmth, and think and act with gratitude to the teacher. After all, the teacher has paid too much for us.

  Dear teachers, you have plated every note of our life into the most beautiful color in the world. Since then, our hearts are as majestic as the sea. I really want to sing a heart song for our teacher with gorgeous fireworks. Sincerely wish teachers happiness and happiness.

