2017年职称英语 考试 报名:2017年职称英语综合类B级词汇选项题精讲15


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1. He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.

A. stated firmly B. argued light-mindedly

C. thought seriously D. announced regretfully

解释:asserted:state (sth) clearly and forcefully as the truth

清楚而有力地表明(某事物)为事实; 声称; 断言:

She asserted her innocence/that she was innocent.


2. The proposal provoked widespread criticism.

A. demanded B. elicited C. extracted (obtain获取) D. defied (openly oppose)

解释:provoked:to cause a reaction, especially an angry one

cause (sth) to occur or arouse (a feeling, etc)

使(某事物)产生; 引起(某种感情等):

provoke laughter, riots, smiles, violence

引起大笑﹑ *﹑ 微笑﹑ 暴力行为

elicit (v.) makes other people respond or react. 引出, 诱出, 探出

3. Other people's houses always fascinated her

A. intrigued B. infected C. inclined D. inconvenienced

解释:fascinated:attract or interest (sb) greatly

使(某人)着迷﹑ 神魂颠倒或极感兴趣:

The children were fascinated by the toys in the shop window.


Intrigue (v.) arouse sb's interest or curiosity 激起某人的兴趣或好奇心:

What you say intrigues me; tell me more. 你说的很有意思, 多给我讲些吧.

infect (v.) cause sb/sth to have a disease; contaminate sb/sth

使某人[某物]传染﹑ 感染; 污染某人[某事物]:

The laboratory animals had been infected with the bacteria.


inconvenience (v.) to cause inconvenience to (sb/sth)

to cause trouble or difficulty for sb

给(某人[某事物])带来不便; 麻烦; 打扰:

The companies were greatly inconvenienced by the postal delays.


incline (v.) lean or slope in the direction of sth 向某物的方向倾斜:

persuade sb to do sth; cause a certain tendency in sb; influence sb 说服某人做某事; 使某人有某倾向; 对某人施加影响

4. We hope the factions will be able to settle their differences by peaceful means.

A. determine B. solve (解决) C. unite D. complete

