
时间:2023-02-28 20:55:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】乡村,是多么美丽,它记载了自然的和谐、美好。它的天是那么的蓝,云朵在那上面飘着,飘着,是那么舒适、安闲!®文档大全网为大家准备了《乡村美景英语作文》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.乡村美景英语作文 篇一

  "There are few idle people in the countryside in April, and only after the silkworm and mulberry are planted in the fields." Although the countryside is simple, it is still beautiful and intoxicating.

  In the spring morning, the clouds and mist match the green trees and red flowers in the countryside. In this cloud, enjoy the beautiful peach blossom with white and red, and feel like entering a fairyland. It would be even better to watch the rape flower at this time. You think it feels like swimming when you lie on your father's back and wander in the fairyland of flowers.

  In summer, ducks will follow the children who put them into the river. The ducks play happily in this paradise, and the naughty children splash water on the ducks. Honest ducks won't take you seriously! Against the sunset, it looks like an idyllic landscape painting.

  In autumn, the maple trees spread a red carpet of life on the earth. It seems to be a little more lovely in the majesty! Plus the pumpkins, loofahs and cucumbers hanging from the arbor, the joy of harvest is everywhere in the countryside. Listen, the autumn wind sang the song of harvest, and the rice floating with the wind became an important note in the song.

  When winter comes, the earth is silvery, like a thick quilt. It is said that the frosted sweet potato is sweeter, and every household is eating the harvest food and the sweet sweet potato. The warmth set off the bright smile of the people in the countryside.

  How beautiful the countryside is! Do you love him?

2.乡村美景英语作文 篇二

  My grandmother lives in the countryside, where there are mountains, water, trees and flowers. It's beautiful! In this summer vacation, I finally came to my grandmother's house.

  In the daytime, I go to the river in front of my grandmother's house to play. Looking at the clear river, it looks like a bright mirror. A few wild flowers blooming on the bank of the river stretch their heads to the river from time to time to enjoy their beautiful faces. On the shallow bottom of the river, there are all kinds of pebbles lying quietly. There are also groups of lovely and unknown small fish in the water. They swim freely. If they see people coming, they will dart to the bottom of water grass or rocks. People who wash clothes, pull piggrass, and pass by talk and laugh, and are not happy!

  In the evening, the sunset is like a red-faced drunk who has drunk too much, falling on the back of the mountain. The golden sunset in the sky dyed the river golden. Look, it is spinning happily! The willow tree by the river unties its long braids, takes off the elegant blue bow, bends down to let the long hair hang in the river, and cleanly combs. The little fish played happily all day and all went home. It must be their parents who told them to go home for dinner. On the hillside behind me, three or five buffaloes are leisurely chewing on the grass, and they also raise their heads from time to time to express their happy feelings and feelings with a few long cries.

  How beautiful the countryside is! I love this beautiful country!

3.乡村美景英语作文 篇三

  I like the countryside and the scenery there. I remember that when I went to my grandpa's house last winter vacation, I smelled the fragrance of wild flowers and exaggerated the fragrance of grass as soon as I entered the village.

  Walking into the village, you will see golden wheat and scattered cauliflower. I can't help thinking of the words "plum is golden, apricot is fat, wheat is white, and cauliflower is thin" in Fan Cheng's "Four Seasons Rural Miscellaneous". There is also a small river beside the path. In the river, there are often several ducks playing in the water, and several fish spitting bubbles in the water.

  Not far away, there are several cows waving their tails in the shade of the tree to "enjoy the cool", and dragonflies have been "resting" on the back of the cattle. Look! There is a child lying on the edge of the pond peeling lotus seeds, eh? This is not what Xin Qiji said in his words: "I like to have children die, and I like to peel the lotus seed at the end of the stream".

  At noon, the fragrant sunshine shines on the flowers all over the mountains, like a golden shawl on the hillside.

  Then at dinner time, you will surely see the country people move the table outside to cook, and then from time to time there will be birds flying from the sky.

  After a while, the sky and earth suddenly turned silver gray, and the milky smoke and gray twilight blended together, like two thin layers of cellophane covering the walls, roof ridges, tree tops and village roads, making every part of the village faint.

  At night, when we were sleeping, everyone was immersed in a beautiful dream. One day passed, and the village was restored to tranquility. Only a few dogs were heard occasionally to guard the village.

  However, at night, every tree and every wind embrace the moon.

  I like the scenery in the country, and I prefer people and beautiful scenery.

4.乡村美景英语作文 篇四

  The countryside, for me living in the city, is both strange and remote. Now I live in the countryside. Spring is coming, everything is recovering, and it is drizzling. In the pond, many small fish and tadpoles are swimming happily. In the field, the farmer uncle is working hard. On the mountainside, a loulou white silk-like cloud surrounded the mountains.

  Summer is hot, but it can't stop the enthusiasm of children. They sang, danced and played on the prairie in the countryside. The trees became luxuriant, and the birds were hopping about in the branches, chirping and singing. The fields are full of colorful wild flowers. On the wild flowers, many dragonflies and butterflies fly arrogantly, savoring the beauty and fun of the countryside.

  Autumn is a harvest season. In the orchard, persimmons are hung high on the trees, red like small lanterns. In the paddy field, the rice is mature, and it looks like a golden grassland. When the breeze blows, it looks like a golden ocean, and waves of waves, "sand and sand".

  The departure of autumn ushered in a cold winter. At this time, the scene was amazing. The countryside became quiet, but the farmers were still working in the fields. The leaves also began to fall, just like a butterfly dancing. Children no longer play everywhere as before, but quietly wait for the arrival of spring at home.

  All of these have added a lot of beautiful scenery to the countryside. No matter what the countryside is beautiful or what the season is, the countryside is always so beautiful and brilliant! I love the countryside, and I love the countryside all the year round!

5.乡村美景英语作文 篇五

  I like the scenery in the country. Let's take a relaxed step, hum a farm song, and enjoy the rural scenery together.

  Spring is coming, the mountain is full of golden rape flowers, and the grass secretly sticks its head out of the soil, showing a vibrant.

  In summer, the earth enjoys the sunshine, and many places are filled with the joy of harvest. The mountain is full of colorful flowers, including golden sunflowers, pink peach blossoms, white gardenias... It is simply a sea of flowers. When it rains, the sound of running water is everywhere. It is clear and sweet. The river seems to be humming a beautiful song, which is very beautiful.

  Autumn is full of fruits. The orange hanging on the branch is like a small red lantern; The big watermelon lying on the ground looks like a fat baby. The sugarcane on the ground is thin and long, like rows of soldiers standing straight beside the road.

  In winter, the earth is covered with a thick layer of snow, covered with snow. The children played snowball fights and made snowmen in the snow. Some picked up the snowball and threw it on others' heads, and some were making their own snowmen with great fun. In the laughter, I closed my eyes and listened carefully. In addition to the children's anger, I also vaguely felt many quiet and sleeping lives in the thick snow.

  I love the beauty of the country.
