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【#英语口语# 导语】雅思口语备考时需要多积累一些素材,一些雅思口语考试的基本素材,都是一些简单的句型或者是短语,同学们可以利用起来。以下是®文档大全网整理的雅思口语话题的三类素材,欢迎阅读!


  Due to the development of economy, people in my hometown are living abetter life.由于经济的发展,我家乡的人们(正)过着更好的生活。

  I have changed a lot in personality.我的性格已经发生了很大的变化(我个性变化很大)。

  Great changes have taken place in my hometown in recentyears.近几年我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。

  I was once a shy boy in the past,but now I am confident andextrovert.我过去是个羞涩的男孩,可是现在我自信而性格外向。

  You could hardly imagine how your life would be like ten yearslater.你简直不能想象十年后的生活会是怎样的。

  Environment is getting worse so that people in the world are worrying aboutit.环境日趋恶化,世界人民都在为此担心。

  The greatest change in my life is my way ofthinking.我生活中的变化就是我的思维方式(的变化)。

  Life is colourful because it is full of change.生活(命)是多彩的,因为它充满了变化。

  Life is like a box of chocolate and you never know what you are going toget.生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远都不会知道你会得到什么。

  As long as I am striving forward, I know I could make big changes of mylife.^只要我不断地努力,我知道我的生活会发生很大变化。

  Everyone can be better and better if he has a dream and tries his best torealize the dream.每一个人都会越来越好,只要他拥有一个梦想并为此不断地努力。

  I may have difficulties and frustrations in future, but I am ready forit.我的未来会有困难和挫折,可是我已为此做好了准备。




  A Wedding

  Describe a memorable wedding that you attended

  You should say:

  When it was

  Who was there

  What you did there

  and explain why you think it was successful

  在雅思口语考试的机经题库中,以wedding为主题的问题分别出现在了第一部分和第二部分,在第一部分中,题库中的考题有,what’s thetypical chinese wedding like? What do people usually wear in the wedding?…这些题目相对而言比较简单,在答题中简单展示出中西文化差异即可。

  但是在第二部分中,很多同学看到wedding这个话题时会觉得很难表达,其实这个话题仅仅是描述一次参加婚礼的经历即可,建议各位同学拿到话题之后,就马上开始根据wedding这个关键词做brainstorming, 在脑海中可能会出现的词:rose petals, lovely balloons, red carpet, wedding candies,bride and groom, exchange the rings, exchangevows…有了这些单词,接下来就是组织语言的工作了,事件题相当于是一篇口述的记叙文,各位考生可以把记叙文的六大要素(when, who, where,beginning, plot, ending)融入进去,并且可以在其中点出自己最难忘的一个场景之类。

  例如:I think the most romantic part was the time when the newlyweds weretaking the wedding vows. The groom said to the bride, “I love three things inthe world, the sun, the moon and you, the sun for the day, the moon for thenight and you forever.” And the bride said to the groom, “To the world, youmight be just one person, but to me, you are my whole world.” Those wordstouched everybody’s heart.



  You should say:

  where and when you walk

  what you see on this walk

  who you walk with

  and explain why you walk.

  Part 3:

  Walking and health

  Do many people in China go for walks?

  How do you think walking is beneficial to health?

  Are there any disadvantages to walking?

  Do you think that playing sport is better for your health than walking? Doyou think people in the past walked more than people today, or less?

  What is the relationship between people's standard of living and the amountof walking they do?

  Compare the amount of walking that rural people, such as farmers do withthe amount of walking that city people do.


  I usually walk in a beautiful park trail that goes into the woods in theevening with my parents. There are artificial wooden bridges over streams andthere is a lot of wildlife to observe, like parrots and magpies. On both sidesof this river are parks with many different exercise equipments for the publicto use. There are also paved walk ways that run down the sides of the stream onboth sides for people to use as walk ways or to jog on.

  I like walking for several reasons. For one thing, walking is a kind ofaerobic exercise. It makes me feel like living in the air and it can burn bodyfat while building leaner muscle. For another, it can improve mental health,including reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression. Moreover,talking some interesting things happened every day while walking with my parentsmakes me feel we bound together. Also, with all the beautiful natural sceneriesI feel relaxed and happy.

