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【#四六级考试# 导语】考试即将临近,备考也要加快脚步了哦!为了帮助广大考生高效备考,®文档大全网整理了“2019年12月大学英语六级作文模板4篇”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!


  Some students of ten say "My spoken English is poor." Other s say "Speaking English is veryhard for me, so no need to try." T his is what we call "negative thinking." In fact, a lot ofChinese students can speak good English, but they don't. Their problem is a linguisticinferiority complex, in other words, they worry that they won't be able to speak as well asother people, so they feel infe rior in their presence. This sickness has a cure, that is, buildingself-confidence to get rid of shyness.

  Here are some suggestions for you .

  The first thing you can do is to speak English with good friends, with whom you can speak freely without feeling shy. Then, try your ability with teachers and foreigners if possible. Don'tbe afraid of mistakes and don't be afraid to ask questions about things you don't know, as thisis the way to acquire knowledge.

  Thirdly, try to think in English and leave out mind translation. Not until you have done so canyou be said to have a bet ter command of spoken English.

  Fourthly, do more reading to expand vocabulary and learn to use the new words in your speechas much as possible.

  Lastly, don't get angry with your self when you come across something you cannot express inEnglish or the words you want to use suddenly escape your memory. This is unavoidable inthe learning process. Just keep constant practice. For example, in CET-SET, a number ofcandidates failed the first time and after half a year's practice, they succeeded in the secondround.

  To sum up, just as the old proverb says "Where there is a will , there is a way," so no oneshould convince himself that he can't do what other people have done. Erase the negativenotion and maintain a positive attitude. Therein lies success. By then you can communicatewith the world.


  We may say with cer tainty that the more one reads, the better one unde rstands ; and that thebet ter one understands, the more one is inclined to read. In other words, from reading comesunderstanding, and from understanding comes more reading. The reading habit is actuallycultivated by reading itself.

  Now let us discuss the question of what to read. There are books on various subjects — history, literature, philosophy, science, fine arts, etc. When you a re to choose from among a vastnumber of subjects the best books to read, you will feel quite at sea. I therefore suggest that, before you proceed to read any book, you try to find out what others have done before you, that is read the results of other people's labour first. Usually newspapers or magazines arealways your convenient guide to the world of best writings.

  Another problem is how to read. Here, I would offer two suggestions: concent ration andreflection. You cannot well unde rstand what is said in book s unless you concent rate yourmind on what you read. And then you must think over what you have read. This is reflectionwhich helps to s ummarize your reading . To a great extent , concentration and reflectionare interdependent.

  A reading habit thus formed will prove valuable to you. Whenever you have spare time, youwill resort not to places of pleasure, but to the bookshelves, you will not feel lonesome whenyou are alone, because you can see all kinds of characters moving and acting on the pages, andyou can hear all kinds of good counsel. In the long run, your imaginative power will beincreased, your esthetic sensibility heightened, your vocabulary enlarged, and finally your ability ofwriting tremendously improved.


  A library is a building for a collection of books, magazines, periodicals and newspapers. Thebook s are kept on the she lves in the stack room whereas the magazines, journals, etc. in thereading rooms. Modern libraries also have xerox rooms, and computer rooms.

  If you want to bor row books, you can go to the loan desk , look over the correct call numbersin the card catalog and ask the librarian to take them out for you. Or you're allowed to enterthe stack room to find books for your self, you can look up the bound volume of index for thearticles relative to the subject, on which you are going to write a thesis. If the library doesn'tsubscribe to the magazine which carries the ar-ticle you want, you can borrow the magazinefrom other libraries by means of inter library loan service. Don't forget to show your librarycard or I.D. card to the librarian before you go into the reading room, where you can readmagazines or newspapers. If you find a good ar ticle and want to keep it , you can have itduplicated in the xerox room. Besides, if you want to watch films or slides , you can ask theprojectionist to play the videotape for you in the audio-visual room, where you can also listen tolanguage tapes and music tapes .


  Books are our good friends. When we began elementary school, we sta rted our friendship withthem. T hey never leave us unless we throw them away. When we are alone, they help us to getrid of lonely feelings. When we ar e in low spirits, they encour age us to stand up again. Whenever we are in trouble, they always offer help to us.

  However, not all books are worth reading. Certain ones can be harmful to our young people whohave committed crimes which have resulted in their being sent to prison. This is the result ofthe negative influence that these books which are not worth reading have upon their youngreaders .

  So it is important to make wise use of books . Our aim is not only to read them, but also to usethem. How can we use them mor e wisely? The answer is to practise what we have read. Onlyby pr actising and using the knowledge we have acquired from books, can we achieve more inour life .

