
时间:2023-01-11 01:49:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#小学英语# 导语】很多同学其实对自己的学习效果是非常迷茫,即使每天都在学习,但却不知道自己到底掌握了多少,又可以应用到多少,只是在单纯的学习学习。而在月考中,我们首先就是考验自己的知识积累量与掌握量,其次就是让学生知道自己的学习效果在什么位置,明白自己的下一步努力方向在哪里,以下是©文档大全网整理的《小学五年级下册英语月考复习题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。

1.小学五年级下册英语月考复习题 篇一

  1.th__ __ 那么,就
  2.l __ t 让
  3.s__ __ __ t __ __ __s 有时
  4.g __ __ e 给
  5.n __ __ __ t 夜晚
  6.f __ __ m 从...起
  7.pl __ __ gr__ __nd 操场、运动场
  8.f __ __ 达,计
  9.h__ __ vy 重的
  10.t __ 直到
  11.f__ __ __ __t 朋友
  12.h__ __ __ __快乐
  1.trick or treat _______________
  2.tidy up ______________
  3.lots of________________
  4.tell stories________________
  5.look different
  6.good time  ________________
  7.lucky dog ________________
  8.both of________________
  9.lovely day______________
  10.eat noddle______________

2.小学五年级下册英语月考复习题 篇二

  It’s Saturday. Su Nan goes swimming and palys very happily with Liu Zhaoyang. The weather is very hot. He has a big ice-cream and drinks a lot of juice. In the evening, he has a fever.hie father has to take him to see a doctor.
  1. ( ) It’s _____.
  A.Sunday B. Saturday C.Monday
  2. ( ) Liu Zhaoyang and Su Nan go ______happily.
  A. swimming B. shopping C.skiing
  3. It’s _____ on Saturday.
  A. cold B. warm C. hot
  4. Su Nan has _____.
  A. ice-cream B. a lot of juice C. A and B
  5. Su Nan has _____.
  A. a cold B. a fever C. a cough

3.小学五年级下册英语月考复习题 篇三

  Liu Tao: Hi, Mike. Nice to see you.
  Mike: Nice to see you, too. Liu Tao.
  Liu Tao: What day is it today?
  Mike: It’s Thursday. What lessons do you have in this morning?
  Liu Tao: We have Maths, Chinese, Art, and Science.
  Mike: Oh, I like PE very much. But we don’t have PE today.
  Liu Tao: We have PE and Computer Studies this afternoon.
  Mike: Great! Do you like PE?
  Liu Tao: No, I don’t. I like English very much. Tomorrow we will have an English lesson in the morning.
  Mike: It’s time for class. Let’s go!
  (   )1. Liu Tao has PE in the afternoon.    
  (   )2. Liu Tao has six lessons today.
  (   )3. Liu Tao doesn’t like English.
  (   )4. Liu Tao will have English lesson on Friday morning.

4.小学五年级下册英语月考复习题 篇四

  (    )1.Look at ___________ numbers.
  A. these.     B. this     C. that
  (    )2. We have five _______________ a week.
  A. English lesson.    B. Englishes lessons    C. English lessons
  (    )3.Open your_________ and _______ “Ah”.
  A. mouth, say.     B. mouse, say     C. mouth, speak
  (    )4. --What’s 531 ________200?        --It’s 731.
  A. pluses.     B. minus     C. plus
  (    )5. Take___________medicine and have________rest.
  A. some, a lot .     B. some, a lot of    C. any, a lot
  (    )6. --________ that in the basket?      --A basketball
  A. Where’s.     B. Whose     C. What’s
  (    )7. --What lessons ______ Mary have in the morning?
  --She ________ two English lessons and two Chinese lessons.
  A. does, has.     B. do, have     C. does, have
  (    )8. __________ any medicine near the cup?
  A. There are.     B. Are there     C. Is there 

5.小学五年级下册英语月考复习题 篇五

  (   ) 1.  Do you like  spring ?              A. No. It’ windy and it often rains
  (    )2. Which season do you like best?                  B. We finish class at 11:50.
  (    )3. When do you finish class in the morning ?      C .  Autumn .
  (    )4. What’s  your  favorite  season?                 D. I like winter best.
  (    )5. Why do you like summer?                        E. I often do homework.   
  (    )6. What do you do on the weekend?                 F. I’d like to go on a picnic.
  (    )7. What would you like to do?                      G. It’s always windy and cool.
  (    )8. What’s the weather like in fall?          H. Because I like summer vacation .
  1.  do , when,  do  ,morning , you , exercises  (?)
  2. take, I ,often , on , dancing,  Saturdays , a, class (.)
  3.  you,  what , do , the,  on , do , weekend  (?)
  4 which, you ,do ,season ,best ,like (?)
  5.   the, is, weather, good ,pretty ,colours, and,  the , are  (.)
