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New Ways of Teaching History   In a technology and media-driven world, it's becoming increasingly difficult to get our students’ attentions and keep them absorbed in classroom discussions. This generation, in particular, has brought a unique set of challenges to the educational table. Whereas youth are easily enraptured by high-definition television, computers, iPods, video games and cell phones, they are less than enthralled by what to them are obsolete textbooks and boring classroom lectures. The question of how to teach history in a digital age is often contentious. On the one side, the old guard thinks the professional standards history is in mortal danger from flash-in-the-pan challenges by the distal that are all show and no substance. On the other Side, the self-styled “disruptors” offer over-blown rhetoric about how digital technology has changed everything while the moribund profession obstructs all progress in the name of outdated ideals. At least, that's a parody (maybe not much of one) of how the debate proceeds. Both supporters and opponents of the digital share more disciplinary common ground than either admits.   When provided with merely a textbook as a supplemental learning tool, test results have revealed that most students fail to pinpoint the significance of historical events and individuals. Fewer still are able to cite and substantiate primary historical sources. What does this say about the way our educators are presenting information? The quotation comes from a report of a 1917 test of 668 Texas students. Less than 10 percent of school-age children attended high school in 1917; today, enrollments are nearly universal. The whole world has turned on its head during the last century but one thing has stayed the same: Young people remain woefully ignorant about history reflected from their history tests. Guess what? Historians are ignorant too, especially when we equate historical knowledge with the "Jeopardy" Daily Double. In a test, those specializing in American history did just fine. But those with specialties in medieval, European and African history failed miserably when confronted by items about Fort Ticonderoga, the Olive Branch Petition, or the Quebec Act — all taken from a typical textbook. According to the testers, the results from the recent National Assessment in History, like scores from earlier tests, show that young people are "abysmally ignorant" of their own history. Invoking the tragedy of last September, historian Diane Ravitch hitched her worries about our future to the idea that our nation's strength is endangered by youth who do poorly on such tests. But if she were correct, we could have gone down the tubes in 1917!   There is a huge difference between saying "Kids don’t know the history we want then to know" and saying "Kids don't know history at all." Historical knowledge burrows itself into our cultural pores even if young people can't marshal it when faced by a multiple choice test. If we weren’t such hypocrites (or maybe if we were better historians) we'd have to admit that today's students follow in our own footsteps. For too long we've fantasized that by rewriting textbooks we could change how history is learned. The problem, however, is not the content of textbooks but the very idea of them. No human mind could retain the information crammed into these books in 1917, and it can do no better now. If we have learned anything from history that can be applied to every time period, it is that the only constant is change. The teaching of history, or any subject for that matter, is no exception. The question is no longer whether to bring new technologies into everyday education; now, the question is which There is a huge difference between saying "Kids don’t know the history we want then to know" and saying "Kids don't know history at all." Historical knowledge burrows itself into our cultural pores even if young people can't marshal it when faced by a multiple choice test. If we weren’t such hypocrites (or maybe if we were better historians) we'd have to admit that today's students follow in our own footsteps. For too long we've fantasized that by rewriting textbooks we could change how history is learned. The problem, however, is not the content of textbooks but the very idea of them. No human mind could retain the information crammed into these books in 1917, and it can do no better now. If we have learned anything from history that can be applied to every time period, it is that the only constant is change. The teaching of history, or any subject for that matter, is no exception. The question is no longer whether to bring new technologies into everyday education; now, the question is which technologies are most suitable for the range of topics covered in junior high and high school history classrooms. Fortunately, technology has provided us with opportunities to present our Civil War lesson plans or our American Revolution lesson plans in a variety of new ways.   Teachers can easily target and engage the learners of this generation by effectively combining the study of history with innovative multimedia- PowerPoint and presentations in particular can expand the scope of traditional classroom discussion by helping teachers to explain abstract concepts while accommodating students* unique learning styles. PowerPoint study units that have been pre-made for history classrooms include all manner of photos, prints, maps, audio clips, video clips and primary sources which help to make learning interactive and stimulating. Presenting lessons in these enticing formats helps technology-driven students retain the historical information they'll need to know for standard exams.   Whether you are covering Revolutionary War lesson plans or World War II lesson plans, PowerPoint study units are available in formats to suit the needs of your classroom. Multimedia teaching instruments like PowerPoint software are getting positive results the world over, framing conventional lectures with captivating written, auditory and visual content that helps students recall names, dates and causal relationships within a historical context.   History continues to show us that new times bring new realities. Education is no exception to the rule. The question is not whether to bring technology into the educational environment. Rather, the question is which technologies are suitable for U.S. and world history subjects, from Civil War lesson plans to World War II lesson plans. Whether you’re covering your American Revolution lesson plans or your Cold War lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations are available in pre-packaged formats to suit your classroom's needs.   Meanwhile, some academic historians hold a different view on the use of technology in teaching history. One reason they hold is that not all facts can be recorded by film or videos and literature is relatively feasible in this case .Another challenge they have to be faced with is the painful process to learn new technology like the making of PowerPoint and the editing of audio and video clips which is also reasonable especially to some elderly historians.   Questions   Reading this passage has eight paragraphs, A- G   Choosing the correct heading for paragraphs A- G from the list of heading below   Write the appropriate number, i- x, in boxes 28-34 on your answer sheet   List of Headings   i unavoidable changing facts to be considered when picking up technology means   ii A debatable place where the new technologies stand in for history teaching   iii Hard to attract students in traditional ways of teaching history   iv Display of the use of emerging multimedia as leaching tools   v Both students and professionals as candidates did not produce decent results   vi A good concrete example illustrated to show how multimedia animates the history class   vii The comparisons of the new technologies applied in history class   viii Enormous breakthroughs in new technologies   ix Resistance of using new technologies from certain historian   x Decisions needed on which technique to be used for history teaching instead of improvement in the textbooks   28 Paragraph A   29 Paragraph B   30 Paragraph C   31 Paragraph D   32 Paragraph E   33 Paragraph F   34 Paragraph G   Question 35-37   Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage?   In boxes 35-37 on your answer sheet, write   YES if the statement is true   NO if the statement is false   NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage   35 Modem people are belter at memorizing historical information compared with their ancestors.   36 New technologies applied in history- teaching are more vivid for students to memorize the details of historical events.   37 Conventional ways like literature arc gradually out of fashion as time goes by.   Question 38-40   Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using more than three words from the Reading Passage for each answer.   Write your answers in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.   Contemporary students can be aimed at without many difficulties by integrating studying history with novel. ..38.... Conventional classroom discussion is specially extended by two ways to assist the teachers to interpret ...39... and at the same time retain students' distinct learning modes. PowerPoint study units prepared beforehand comprising a wide variety of elements make ...40.... learning feasible. Combined classes like this can also be helpful in taking required tests.   文章题目:历史教学的科技   篇章结构:   体裁:论述文   题目:历史教学的科技   结构:   (一句话概括每段大意)   A 关于科技在历史教学中的使用引起争议。   B 有数据显示,年轻人及历史学家对历史方面越来越表现的无知。   C 比起如何改进历史教科书,怎样的科技应该运用到历史课堂才是亟待解决的问题。   D 老师们现在很容易将历史教学与多媒体技术相结合。   E 举例说明,PowerPoint作为多媒体工具是如何在历史课堂发挥作用的。   F 新技术可以运用在历史教学中已经成为不争的事实,应进一步思考什么样的技术才更加适用于历史课堂。   G 说明部分历史学家拒绝使用新科技的原因。   参考译文:   新科技对历史教学的影响   在技术和媒体主导的世界中,要得到学生的注意力并让他们从课堂讨论吸收变得越来越难,当今时代特別给教育者带来了独特的挑战。因为青少年很容易沉溺于高清晰度电视, 电脑,音乐播放器,视频游戏和手机,却对过时的教枓书和在枯燥的教室里听课不怎么感兴趣。在数字时代如何教授历史的问题,经常引起争议,一方面,老一代的人认为专业标准的历史教学正在面临数字化带来的昙花一现的只有表演并没有实质内容这样的致命的危险。另一方面,这个自封的“干扰因素”过分夸大了数字技术如何改变了一切这个事实,而垂死的专家打着这个旗号妨碍一切科技在历史教学中的使用。至少,这是一个关于其的模拟(也许不是太大的一个)辩论。支持者和反对者对于数字化比起他们所承认的更多的是共享相同的学科背景。   当作为补充的学习工具,仅仅是一本教科书时,测试结果显示,大多数学生无法标注出具有重大意义的历史事件和个人。较少的仍然是能够引用和证实基础的史科。这说明我们的教育工作者是怎样传递信息的?从1917年的测试报告可以看出,1917年668德州学生中不到10%的适龄儿童就读高中,而在入学率几乎普遍的今天,整个世界在上个世纪都发生了巨大的变化,但有一件事是保持不变:年轻的人仍然从他们的历史测试反映出令人悲伤的对历史的物质。你猜怎么着?历史学家也是在历史方面很无知,尤其是当我们将历史知识等同于“危险”这样的每日双报时。在测试中,这些专家在美国史方面的表现还好。但是,在关于中世纪,欧洲和非洲方面的历史知识方面的表现就相当糟糕了,当遇到有关提康德罗加堡的橄榄枝请愿书,或“魁北克法案这类问题”——这些题目都是来自一本典型的教枓书。据测试人员反映,从近期的国家历史评估中可以看出, 早期的测试结果显示,年轻人对自己国家的历史是完全得无知。更悲剧的是去年9月, 历史学家Diane Ravitch非常担心国家的未来,因为国家的实力正在因为学生在历史测试中糟糕的表现而遭到削弱。但是,如果她是正确的,我们国家早在1917年就完了!   “孩子们不知道我们想让他们知道的历史”和“孩子们完全不知道任何历史”之间有巨大的区別,历史知识自己成为我们的文化的毛孔,即使青少年不能解决所面临的选择题测试。如果我们不是这样的伪君子(或者如果我们是更好的历史学家),我们不得不承认,今天的学生正是在追随我们的脚步。太长时间我们都是在幻想通过重写教科书来改变历史知识的学习。但问题不是课本的内容而是他们的想法。在1917年没有谁的大脑可以记住所有塞进去的信息,现在情况也并没有好转。如果要我们学到任何东西可以应用到每一个时间段的历史,那么不变的就是变化。历史的教学或是其它任何的学科也不例外。现在的问题不再是是否将新的技术应用到日常教育而是怎样的技术应用到初中和高中历史课堂的主题是最适合的。幸运的是,科技已经为我们提供了机会,以各种新的方式来介绍我们关于内战或美国革命的教案。   老师们现在可以很容易地将历史学习与^浙的多媒体相结合来教授这一代的学生。特別是PowerPoint和演讲将传统课堂讨论的范围扩大到帮助教师在解释抽象的概念的同时可以保留学生独特的学习风格。为历史课堂提前准备好的PowerPoint中的学习单元包括各种形式的照片,版画,地图,音频剪辑,视频剪辑和基础资源对学习起到互动和刺激的作用。以这样吸引人的方式授课,有助于技术驱动型的学生同时记住标准考试中所需要的信息。   无论你是准备要覆盖国内革命战争时期的教案或二战教案,PowerPoint中的学习单元都包括了你教室的所有的需求。多媒体教学工具,如PowerPoint软件在世界各地都获得了积极的反响,将传统的课堂加上,书面的,听觉和视觉内容来帮助学生记得姓名,日期 以及在一个历史背景下的因果关系。   历史继续向我们展示新时代会带来新的现实,教育也不例外。问题不在于是否把技术纳入教育的环境。相反,问题是哪些技术适用于美国和世界历史科目,从内战教案到二战教案。无论你是覆盖美国革命教案或冷战教案,PowerPoint演示文稿中提供预打包的格式,都足以满足教室的需求。   同时,一些历史学家在历史教学中使用的技术有不同的看法。其中一个原因是他们认为并非所有的事实都可以以电影或视频的形式被记录下来,在这种情况下,文学是比较可行的,他们必须面对的另一个挑战是痛苦的过程,学习新的技术,如制作PowerPoint编辑音频和视频剪辑,这个理由也是合理的,特别是对一些年老的历史学家。

