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【#银行招聘# 导语】截止目前,通过银监会批准成立的股份制商业银行共有12家,包括:中信银行、光大银行、华夏银行、广东发展银行、招商银行、上海浦东发展银行、兴业银行、民生银行、恒丰银行、浙商银行、渤海银行、平安银行。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《2019民生银行招聘试题及答案:英语单选题(一)》,供大家参考学习。
1. If our cooperators achieve from the first step, they will look forward to ______.

A. having goods B. making progress C. being made progress D. process

2. Current accounts for export trade shall be detailed ______.

A. and reasonable B. and value C. without reasons D. or invalid

3.The toy store needs ______staff over the holiday season, as this is by far its busiest time of the year.

A. adding B. additive C. additional D. additionally

4. _____company executives and union members can reach an agreement, the workers will go on strike.

A. If B. When C. Unless D. After

5. As an associate in the legal department, it will be Mr.White's ______ to review all corporate contracts.

A. symptom B. responsibility C. quality D. discipline
1. 【答案】B。解析:根据句意,如果我们的合作者取得了第一步成功,他们将期望取得进步。进步为make progress,排除A,D;make progress与they为主动关系,故排除C。look forward to后接动名词doing,故选B。

2. 【答案】A。解析:目前贸易出口账目应该具体并合理。value价值,名词;without reasons 无理由和invalid无效的均不符合句意,故排除。

3. 【答案】C。解析:根据空格后的名词可直接排除B、D。 作定语时形容词优先于分词故答案为C

4. 【答案】C。解析:主语中说员工将会继续罢工,从句说是公司领导与工会达成协议,故应选unless 表示除非。

5. 【答案】B。解析:symptom症状;responsibility责任;quality质量;discipline纪律。
本文来自: 中公金融人

