
时间:2023-11-13 18:06:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

一、英文单词:   Blueberry   二、双语例句:   1   现如今很多食品都不安全——牛奶、蓝莓酱等等。   So many things are unsafe these days — milk, cranberry sauce, what have you   2   每个旅馆都有一个别致的名字,如“洋槐树旅馆”、“蓝莓旅馆”。   Every inn had a picturesque name — the Black Locust Inn, the Blueberry Inn.   3   它是果汁,有三种口味:橙子,草莓和蓝莓。   It is the fruit juice and has3 flavors: ORANGE, STRAWBERRY, and BLUEBERRY.   4   美国和加拿大是世界上的生产者和消费者的蓝莓。   The United States and Canada are the world's largest producers and consumers of blueberries.   5   其代表水果有葡萄、黑莓、蓝莓和李子等。   Its have grape, blackberry, La Mei and plum to wait on behalf of the fruit.   6   多吃点新鲜鲜艳的水果蔬菜、和其他对你有益的如蓝莓、石榴和橄榄油这样的食物吧。   Eat brightly colored fruits, vegetables, and other good-for-you foods like blueberries, pomegranates, and olive oil.   7   我喜欢蓝莓,我希望我能每天吃到蓝莓。   I love blueberry, I hope I can eat them everyday.   8   新鲜的蓝莓到了么?   Have his fresh blueberries arrived yet?   9   研究人员说,葡萄中也含有紫檀芪,但蓝莓中的含量更大。   Pterostilbene also is found in grapes, but it is more abundant in blueberries, the researchers say.   10   但是在中国,竟然有蓝莓味,黄瓜味,荔枝味和其他一些水果蔬菜口味的薯片。   But in China, they came out with blueberry, cucumber, lychee, and other fruits and vegetables.   11   他们推荐的方法包括:进行体育锻炼,吃蓝莓、鼠尾草和海藻,避免使用防晒霜和氟化物。   They recommend exercise and eating blueberries, sage and kelp, and avoiding sunscreen and fluoride.   12   用AB-8型大孔树脂对蓝莓花色苷的吸附与解吸特性进行了研究。   The adsorption and desorption of anthocyanins of blueberry fruits with AB-8 macroporous resin was studied.   13   欢迎的是抹茶绿茶球和蓝莓松糕。   Scoops of matcha green tea and blueberry muffin, for the win.   14   阿蓝莓饼,玉米片,和一杯橙汁。   A blueberry pancake, corn flakes, and a glass of orange juice.   15   乔先吃了苹果馅饼,接着吃蓝莓馅饼,然后又吃苹果馅饼。   Joe started with apple pie. Then he had a blueberry pie, and then another apple.

