

时间:2024-04-22 00:46:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】相信有很多女孩都非常喜欢购物,下面©文档大全网给大家整理了一些购物中常用的实用口语,大家在以后的生活中都是可以用得到的。以下内容由©文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!

1. What's your favourite brand? 你最喜欢的品牌是什么? 2. But no, I don't like to splash out on designer clothes too much 但是,我不喜欢在品牌服装上花钱太多 3. Oh, I love your t-shirt! Where did you buy it? 哦,我喜欢你的衬衫!你在哪买的? 4. I like to often just wear vintage clothing. 我时常穿一些复古服装。 5. Would you be happy if you could afford to buy lots of brand-name products? 如果你买得起很多产品,你会觉得幸福吗? 6. My favourite brand is Zara. 我最喜欢的品牌是Zara。 7. I usually shop around this area. 我通常在这个地区购物。 8. Your pants look really great. 你的裤子看起来真棒。 9. How much does that cost? 这个多少钱? 10. I can’t afford these branded goods. 我买不起这些品牌。 11. Well, this, I got this for my 16th birthday. 这个是我十六岁生日的时候得到的。 12. So, I'm not like a brand or a label person. 所以我不是追求牌子或者商标的人。 13. Well, I like the red shirt, but it's too tight for me. 我喜欢这件红色短袖,但它太紧了。 14. What's your favorite brand that you can see around Union Square? 联合广场这边有你喜欢的品牌吗? 15. It's called "The East End Thrift Store". 它叫做“东区旧货店”。 16. Let’s go window-shopping. 我们去逛逛吧。 17. What a crowd. 人多得要命。 18. When does the store open? 商店几点开门? 19. Where is the shoe department? 买鞋的专柜在哪里呀? 20. I’d like a suit. 我想买件套装。 21. Could you tell us about the current fashion trend and some of your favorite shops? 你能跟我们讲讲当前的流行趋势和你最喜欢的一些店铺吗? 22. I generally just wear whatever I find comfortable and I like at the same time. 我通常只穿我觉得舒适、同时我也喜欢的衣服。 23. And I'd like to, like, wear, bright colored shoes. The taller, the better, the heel. 我喜欢亮色的鞋子。跟儿越高越好。 24. I think Diesel is a wonderful brand. 我觉得Diesel是个不错的品牌。 25. And we've got a lot of clothes shops, a lot of kind of designer clothes shops. 我们有很多服装店,很多品牌服装店。 26. I really like uniqlo. 我很喜欢优衣库。 27. Summer dress for summer times. 夏日穿夏裙。 28. I think oversized sunglasses are really in right now. 我觉得特大墨镜现在非常流行。 29. Red is the new black. 红是现在最流行的颜色。 30. Style is to say who you are without having to speak. 所谓风格就是不用说,就能表示你的态度。



