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  【篇一】别适应穷日子 Don’t Get Used to The Poor Way

In Chinese tradition, it is a great merit for people to be frugal. Our parents have gone through the hard time when our country’s economy is not good. So they get used to be economical about everything. When the situation gets better, they still live in the old way. To improve lifestyle, they can think about giving up living the old style. 在中国的传统中,节俭是一种伟大的美德。我们的父母经历了国家经济状况低迷的困难时期。所以他们养成了节俭的习惯。形势有所好转后,他们仍然过着同样的日子。为了改善生活方式,他们可以考虑放弃旧的生活方式。

When I was very small, my parents educated me all the time that I should not waste money, so I always compared the prices before I made bargain, in the purpose of paying in the lowest price. But as I grow up and make money by my own, I start to consider about whether being frugal is best for me. For example, I want to buy a brand watch, which is very suitable for me, while there is another watch that is much cheaper and I don’t like it. My parents must take the latter one. But I decide to buy the one I like, because it worths. 在我很小的时候我父母就教育我不要浪费钱,所以,为了能以购买到商品,我总是会在购买前对比价格。但是我长大后开始自己赚钱了,就开始考虑节俭对我来说是否是的。例如,我想买一块非常适合我的品牌手表,但是另一块手表却便宜很多,可是我不喜欢。我父母肯定会选择后者。但是我会买我喜欢的那个,因为值得。

The old generation gets used to the poor days and they don’t realize the necessity of chasing a better lifestyle. When life gets better, it is reasonable to spend money to enjoy a comfortable life. 老一代习惯了贫穷的生活,他们没有意识到追求更好生活方式的必要性。当生活有所好转,花钱享受舒适的生活是合理的。

  【篇二】医生工作的利弊 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Doctor

Doctor is a common profession, but its content and duty make this profession not common. Different people have different views towards this job. In my opinion, being a doctor has advantages and disadvantages. 医生是一个很普遍的职业,但是其工作内容和责任使其变得不普通。对于这个工作不同的人有不同的观点。在我看来,医生工作有利也有弊。

Being a doctor is easy to earn respect as its job duty is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. This makes their job becomes noble. Besides, when they save people, they will have a sense of accomplishment, too. When it comes to this, the profession as a doctor is good for people to develop their loving heart and responsibility, which will make them better people. Of course, their salary is very high. 由于医生的职责是救死扶伤,所以成为一名医生很容易获得尊重。这一点使得医生这个职业变得很高尚。除此之外,在他们救助病人的时候,他们也会产生成就感。说到这一点,医生工作还有助于培养人的爱心和责任心,这些都会让他们变成更好的人。当然,他们的工资也是很可观的。

However, being a doctor is also a risky. Their job is saving people, so sometimes their carelessness will take a person’s life. As a result, sometimes it will cause some medical disputes. What’s more, doctor is always very busy. They usually can not have a break when they are at work. As for time, the job needs them to shift working. Thus, they do not have too much time to company their families and friends. 然而,医生工作也是很冒险。由于他们的工作是拯救病人,所以有时候他们的一点点粗心就会夺走了病人的生命。所以,有时候这也会引起医疗纠纷。而且,他们经常都是很忙的,上班时间基本都不得一会休息。说到时间,由于工作需要,他们也得实行轮班制。所以,他们并没有多少时间陪伴家人和朋友。

Every coin has two sides. So does the job of being a doctor. But, I think the good side is more than the bad side. 事物都是有两面性的,医生工作也是。不过,在我看来,利大于弊。

  【篇三】夏天如何保护皮肤 How to Protect Skin in Summer

The desire to look attractive is universal. For many girls, skin problem is the biggest headache. Especially in summer, girls’ skin is easily get bad, such as stain, dark, wrinkle and rough skin. How to deal with them? I have ways to solve those problems. 爱美之心人皆有之。对于很多女孩子来说,护肤是最头疼的事。尤其是在夏天,皮肤非常容易变差,比如色斑、变黑、皱纹、粗糙。如何应对这些问题呢?我有秘方。

First of all, sun block is the most important thing to keep good skin in summer. The foundation to have good skin is to avoid it exposing sunshine directly. Thus, you have to have sunscreen on your face and other skin may get to sunshine directly before you go outdoor, and supplement a few hours’ later. If conditions permit, you’d better have a hat or an umbrella, which will give you second protection. 首先,夏日护肤防晒是最重要的。想要拥有好的肌肤,最起码要避免太阳直射。所以,在出门前一定要在脸上还有直接接触到太阳的皮肤上涂防晒霜,还有隔几个小时就补一下。如果条件允许,带上帽子或者打伞,这样肌肤就可以得到双重保护。

Secondly, when you are out, you had better try not to walk under the sun for too long if possible. This can help make the injury to the least. But if you have to shined by the sun, you don’t need to worry too much as you have done the first step before going out. 其次,出去外面的时候如果可以的话不要在太阳底下走太久,这样可以减少伤害程度。不过一定要在太阳底下行走,如果你做了前面第一步的准备也不用担心。

Last but not least, after you go back home at night, do not be lazy, you have to remove the makeup of your face with cleaning water and then put some after-sun repair products on your face and body. Do not forget mask for your face. Then have a good sleep, you will be as good as before. 最后但并非不重要的是晚上回到家后千万不要懒,一定要用卸妆水卸妆,再涂上晒后修复液。不要忘记给你的脸敷上面膜哦。接下来就是好好的睡一觉,你的皮肤会跟之前一样的好。

