
时间:2022-08-26 05:54:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在秋天里,有许多叶子从树上出发,他们要跟着风婆婆去旅行呢!以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Autumn is coming! In the golden autumn, the scenery is pleasant. It's really beautiful. In particular, the beautiful fallen leaves are the most eye-catching.

  Fallen leaves are very beautiful scenery. They float down from the trees one after another, like butterflies, dancing in the air. It's very beautiful! People walking along the road seem to have forgotten what they have to do. They stop and come to see the fallen leaves dancing in the air. The leaves that have finished dancing are picked up one by one by the children and become beautiful leaf specimens.

  Fallen leaves are also very naughty children. Some of the fallen leaves do not want to be collected by the children as specimens, so they hide away from us. When the cleaner uncle came, they jumped out from all directions, causing a lot of trouble to the cleaner uncle. Thanks to the kindness of Uncle cleaner, otherwise the buttocks of fallen leaves would have been beaten in half by Uncle cleaner.

  This is the beautiful and naughty autumn leaves! I like falling leaves


  Today, my father took me to zebra lake at 7:00 to find the most beautiful leaves. When we came to zebra lake, in the warm sunshine, we walked along the path beside the lake. The leaves piled up on the way.

  Dad agreed that whoever found more leaves first would be the winner. So we began to look for beautiful leaves. I never look for leaves in the woods, so my father picked up all the beautiful leaves. I picked up only five or six beautiful leaves.

  We took these beautiful leaves home to make beautiful articles, but we forgot all about taking pictures. My mother gave me a mobile phone and asked me to photograph the fallen leaves in our community. After a long search, I only found moths, mushrooms, trees and lotus leaves.

  Mom can only do beautiful articles with me like this. She first asked me to choose some photos to make beautiful articles. I listened to a song and asked my mother to put it on. After I finished, I began to write a diary.

  It's fun to look for leaves.


  Autumn comes, the leaves are floating, and the ground is covered with all kinds of leaves.

  Wutong leaves in autumn are orange and yellow. Its leaves are an irregular five pointed star, which looks like a banana fan. Like the banana fan of Princess Iron Fan, it fell to the world, driving away the hot summer and bringing cool autumn.

  Ginkgo leaves in autumn can be more colorful, some green with yellow; Some are half yellow and half green; Others are all yellow. Their shapes are like parachutes, carrying the autumn girls into the world. In an instant, the earth became a golden carpet, and they danced happily on it!

  Maple leaves in autumn are as red as fire. I picked up a piece of red maple. It was shaped like a palm. I let it lie quietly in the palm of my hand. Wow, it's so small! There is a ring of small gears on the edge of its leaves, as if shaking hands with me. Looking at the fiery red "carpet" spread all over the ground, people feel warm!


  Autumn is coming, the color of the leaves begins to turn yellow, and it is the season of falling leaves.

  One day, walking through the "small primeval forest" in my community, I saw something fluttering, like a butterfly flying in the air. When I walked in, it turned out to be a flying leaf. Day after day, the leaves fell more and more, and the remaining leaves became more and more yellow

  Another day, when I passed through this "small primeval forest" again, I saw the leaves "Shua Shua" falling down. On the ground, they were golden, like a layer of gold blanket. The naughty dog rolled in the leaves, and there was a little cool wind from time to time, which made people feel a little cool.

  Where is autumn? Autumn has unfolded before our eyes, and careful children will feel her coming.


  Autumn leaves make people feel desolate and short of life.

  With the arrival of autumn, many leaves turn yellow and are blown down by the autumn wind. How they look like butterflies in the wind. They slowly fell to the ground and ended their lives. They danced out the wonderful life in the air.

  Life is like falling leaves. When I was young, I was like a spring branch sprouting and green; Youth is as deep and evergreen as summer leaves; Middle age, like autumn leaves, began to change color; Without the artistic conception of summer, old age is like winter leaves, falling leaves and returning to their roots. A person's life is as short as a leaf, so we should cherish time and life, learn more when we are young, and never be like "young people don't work hard, old people are sad"!


  Our campus is located on Chui Liu street, where the air is fresh and the southeast corner of the campus is the most beautiful place of the school.

  Upon entering the school gate, a tall cedar stands in front of the gate. It is like a huge sunshade, which can protect us from the wind and rain.

  Around the cedar, we came to the grape rack. The leaves were covered on the rack like a quilt. From the gaps between the leaves, a few warm sunshine shone, like a natural arbor. The grape rack is full of fruits. The purple grapes are like a string of agate, shining with attractive light.

  Walking forward, there are four tall papaya trees with luxuriant branches and fruits. The color of papaya is really beautiful. Yellow, green, yellow and green, the color is really beautiful.

  There is a beautiful small garden beside the papaya tree. There are flowers in full bloom in spring, green trees in summer, fresh fruits in autumn, and snow in winter. I still like the small garden in autumn most. The path in the garden is covered with fallen leaves, like a yellow and soft carpet, which rustles when stepping on it. The grass on the grass is withered and yellow, and the crickets are singing in the grass like a happy sonata.

  Ah! The school in autumn is so beautiful! Fresh fruits are fragrant and insects are singing happily in the grass. I love the beautiful and lovely campus in autumn.


  I like the warm and blooming campus in spring, the free running campus in summer, the snowy campus in winter, and the colorful campus in autumn.

  Walking into the campus, a thick scent of jujube came. Looking up, it turned out that the jujube tree at the gate of the school was full of fruits, like a red lantern hanging on the branch during the new year. The red jujube was shining with joy on the branch, like the smiling faces of the students.

  On the playground, those poplar trees not far from the national flag still have thick leaves. When the cool autumn wind blows, the leaves of the poplar trees change from green to yellow and fall down. If you don't pay attention, you will think that it is the heaven and women scattering flowers! The leaves that are evenly spread on the ground layer by layer are soft. When we walk on them, it seems that we are planted on a golden carpet, which makes us linger.

  Near the teaching building, there are all kinds of chrysanthemums. The flowers are red like fire, yellow like gold, and white like snow. They are blooming and blooming in a variety of forms, dazzling and amazing. The leaves of these chrysanthemums are green and the flowers are large. Some of the golden velvet like petals are curled upward and some are stretched sideways. They have their own characteristics and are graceful. The chrysanthemum is not only beautiful, but also amazing: when the flowers wither, it stands proudly. It does not compete with the flowers for spring, but monopolizes the autumn scenery. With this spirit, listen: "enter the autumn, enter the vast concert hall." As the students read aloud, a few geese flew from the sky, one after another in a line, one after another in a row.


  Autumn is coming, our campus shows a charming wind color, brightening our eyes and hearts. Today, let me take you to enjoy it.

  As soon as you enter the school gate, you can see a large flower bed on the left. The big flower bed is full of osmanthus and rose. You see, some of those osmanthus flowers have already opened, like happy faces; Some are half open, like shy little girls blinking their eyes and secretly looking at this beautiful world; Some are still flowers and bones, like children sleeping and unwilling to get up. The sweet scented osmanthus tree emits a charming aroma. As long as you pass here, you will automatically stop to take a hard breath and deeply breathe the refreshing aroma.

  There are some cockscomb flowers beside the big flower bed. A breeze blew and cockscomb hung down. Some students said that cockscomb was like a rooster pecking at small insects. It's beautiful and fun.

  Two tall and vigorous cedar trees are also planted in the two large flower beds. They stand upright in the center of the flower beds and wear green "clothes" all year round. Children often go to the trees to play. How happy I am.

  There is an evergreen tree around the big flower bed. The evergreen tree is also called "short silver". Whenever I hear "short silver", I will laugh. This name is too funny. Evergreen trees, like cedar, are covered with green "clothes" all year round.

  The playground is surrounded by trees, including peach trees, camphor trees and so on. Now many leaves are leaving the embrace of mother tree and falling into the embrace of mother earth.

  Rows of big trees are like loyal soldiers guarding our beautiful campus.

  Ah! The campus in autumn is really beautiful. I love the campus in autumn, I love the campus in autumn!


  On the campus in autumn, the leaves of ginkgo trees turn yellow. Although mother ginkgo warned her group of golden babies not to run to the ground. However, those naughty children did not obey and ran to the ground. As a result, it became a yellow quilt for Grandpa earth. And the two huge cedar trees on the campus stand still like two guards. One day, a gust of wind wanted to enter the campus, and the two cedar trees set up needle like leaves. The wind was so frightened that it shuddered and shouted loudly while running away.

  Autumn is coming, and the sweet scented osmanthus flowers on campus are naturally blooming. The small osmanthus hid behind the dark green osmanthus leaves, emitting a faint fragrance. But the osmanthus leaves are like a sharp knife, protecting the small osmanthus. A few days later, a sudden gust of wind rushed into the campus. The leaves of Osmanthus were blown by the wind so that they could not open their eyes, so they had to leave one after another. Therefore, the small osmanthus was blown to the ground by the wind. After class, the students rushed out of the classroom like a tide, came to the osmanthus tree, surrounded the osmanthus, and picked up the osmanthus on the ground. It was like taking the osmanthus as a star and asking the osmanthus to sign on the paper.

  Autumn, the scenery is charming and the fruits are plentiful. I like autumn!


  Throughout the year, the campus scenery is beautiful. When spring comes, jasmine, lilac, etc. all show their beautiful faces, and the grass also comes out of the ground, singing the song of spring together; When summer comes, cockscomb and Impatiens also join the summer band; Autumn is coming, chrysanthemums are mourning for the fallen leaves; Winter is coming, and plum blossoms in the wind and snow compose a strong poem. However, I think the campus in autumn has a unique scenery, which makes people never tire of seeing. I love the campus in autumn most.

  As soon as we entered the school gate, we first saw a round flower bed. There is a lime plaster sculpture in the center of the flower bed. Around the sculpture are lovely stars and beautiful sunflowers... These flowers are colorful, including red, yellow, purple, yellow with red, and white with purple... These flowers are not only colorful, but also have different petals, some are long, some are wide... Some of these flowers are still flower buds, some are in bud, Some have already bloomed.

  To the right of the flower bed is a brand-new teaching building. On the left of the teaching building is another teaching building, and on the left of the teaching building is a comprehensive building.

  There are two eucalyptus trees on both sides of the playground. These two trees are tall and straight, like two giants, meticulously guarding our school. A gust of autumn wind! The campus in autumn is really beautiful! I love the campus in autumn.

  What a beautiful campus in autumn! I love the campus in autumn.
