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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩是一个永恒的话题,具备了一颗感恩的心,才是人最重要的道德节操。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  The grateful heart, thanks for having you with me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself! Presumably, everyone is very familiar with this song. Most people can sing it. Its song is called "Heart of Gratitude". But when you sing this song, do you think about what a heart of gratitude is? Do you have this grateful heart?

  Heart is indispensable to everyone, but what kind of heart is it? How do you feel when you see your father is not willing to give you meat? When your mother stays up under the lamp to knit a sweater for you, will your heart ignite a feeling of gratitude? Or feel nothing? If you don't care, you don't have a heart of gratitude at all. If you see this situation, you secretly say to yourself, "When you grow up, you should repay Mom and Dad..." This means that you love Mom and Dad for their selfless efforts, and that you have a heart of gratitude that is slowly sprouting

  My friends, in today's society, there are fewer and fewer people who have such a grateful heart. Modern people are so ruthless. Surely you don't like such a society! Then start from yourself and let gratitude emerge in your life from now on! Go and thank the people around you who silently support you! Care about your parents, educate your teachers, help your classmates... Have you ever noticed these people? Did you say thank you to them? If not, then act quickly!

  Thank you for sending us cool trees, colorful flowers, warm and bright sunshine... Now, let's find more things you should be grateful for! Get rid of your past ruthless behavior!

  Let our society become more beautiful and happy! Let people get closer to you!


  When I was in kindergarten, the teacher taught us to perform the sign language "Heart of Gratitude". At that time, I only knew that the music was beautiful, and the teacher told us the story behind this song. It was about a little girl who was born aphasic and lost her mother. After listening to it, we were all moved to tears. During the performance, we were very careful and the action was up to standard. Compared with that poor little girl, I am so happy!

  I have the love of my parents. Since I fell to the ground, my parents have taken care of me day and night every day, amused me, taught me how to learn, and spent too much effort and sweat. By chance, I found thin wrinkles on the corners of my young and beautiful mother's eyes, and three shallow ditches on my sunny and handsome father's forehead... I realized the hardships and difficulties of my parents, and also felt their deep love for me.

  I have the teacher's love. At school, Miss Zhang is another mother of mine. She is serious and strict in class, gentle and lovely in the playground. It is she who enriches my mind, develops my intelligence, gives me wings of imagination, lets me swim in the ocean of knowledge, and grows into a pupil with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor. I deeply felt the teacher's motherly love, so I would like to thank the teacher with my heart.

  I also have the love of my grandparents, my grandparents, my classmates, and my bloggers... Little by little, they converge into an ocean of love that haunts my heart, making me feel warm and happy!

  As the saying goes, "The kindness of dripping water should be rewarded by the spring." I thank all the people who help and care for me, thank you for giving me a colorful life, and thank you for giving me a warm and grateful heart!


  Each of us must have a heart of gratitude. At school. We should always be grateful to our teachers and students. Thanksgiving teachers, because they teach us knowledge, teach us how to behave. We are grateful to our classmates because they helped us when we met difficulties. At home, parents and elders need to be grateful. We are grateful to our parents for giving us life, nurturing us and caring for us.

  I am especially grateful to my grandparents. Grandma gets up very early every day to cook for me and take me to the car. Grandpa brings me hot food every day. Sometimes at noon, there are good dishes in the government canteen, and Grandpa saves them for me. In the evening, Grandpa helped me take a bath. When I was sick, my grandparents took good care of me, gave me injections and fed me medicine.

  In terms of study, Grandpa and Grandma care more about me. When I was studying, my grandparents always explained to me patiently whenever I encountered problems that I didn't understand. Whenever I was about to take an exam, Grandma urged me to review. If I do well in the exam, they will be happy for me. They felt sorry for me if they did not do well in the exam. The teacher said that I was very observant. In fact, it was thanks to my grandparents. When I was three or four years old, they taught me how to observe things and exercise my expression ability.

  The winter vacation is about to begin. I plan to do more housework during the winter vacation, such as cooking, washing dishes, sweeping the floor... reduce the burden on my grandparents, and give thanks to them with practical actions.


  Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day. Teacher Chen asked us to write a paragraph to our parents on the prepared note or bookmark to show our gratitude.

  I prepared two bookmarks, one for my mother, the other for my father.

  I wrote the words, held them in my hands like treasure, and looked at them again and again. Delighted, he put them carefully into the "treasure box", made a red silk screen flower, stuck it on the box, and finished the thanksgiving gift.

  At night, everyone went to sleep, with only bursts of snoring and faint light from the moon and stars. I walked out of the room quietly, like a swan dance. I was afraid of disturbing my parents. I opened the door of the room. It was dark inside. I couldn't help feeling a little scared. I finally found my parents' bedside table. After putting the gift down, I slipped back to my room.

  In the morning, it was another fine day. The sun shone on the quilt through the window. I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I did was go to my mother's room to see the situation. At the door, I heard bursts of laughter. When I pushed the door, I saw that my mother was reading a book tag. A childlike smile appeared on her face, like a blooming flower. I called out: "Mom!" Mom smiled when she saw me. I clearly asked, "Mom, why are you smiling?" Mom said, "Ha ha ha, because my daughter will be grateful, I am so happy.

  A grateful heart and a grateful destiny. I hope I can always be a filial child. Know how to be grateful


  In that cold winter, you brought me a warm cotton padded jacket, as well as a variety of school tools and daily necessities. After knowing my family situation, use your hard-earned money to support my study.

  Maybe you learned from other sources that I was a poor student and that I had no money to continue my study, so you sent me something that you bought with your hard-earned money to support my study. This gives me the opportunity to learn with my classmates, so that I can learn more knowledge and better repay the society in the future.

  There are many good people in this society, but I think you are the good people in this world. You can help others when they are in trouble. It may be insignificant to others, but for me, it is a great love, which gives me great encouragement and courage to persist in learning, and solves my worries about learning.

  In this society, and many students like me. Now that you have helped me, I want to be a person like you when I grow up and extend a pair of warm hands to give warmth to more people.

  I can't repay your help. I can only study harder and turn my gratitude to you into motivation for learning. This is a powerful force, which encourages me to repay you with excellent results and pass on my love with good morality.

  Here we salute you. My parents and I deeply thank you and thank you for your gratitude! Finally, I wish you good health, good luck and success!


  Thank you, my grateful heart. A grateful heart and a grateful destiny.

  Every morning when I cared about its origin, I could see a cup at the bedside, which was filled with milk white soymilk. After drinking it, I felt that the whole heart was warm, but I never cared about its origin.

  Miss Yue went off work, and Sun's father-in-law went to work. A little light appeared in the east. I was lying in a warm and comfortable bed, and I didn't feel sleepy. Suddenly, I heard a light footsteps coming from the window. I thought to myself: Who is this? Can't it be that my family broke into the thief?

  I secretly opened the door into a slit and looked out from the middle. It was my mother. I thought to myself: It's only 5:00 in the morning. Why does she get up so early?

  She took out the wall breaking machine and soybeans from the cabinet. First, she picked out the bad soybeans. Then she poured water, soybeans and sugar into the wall breaking machine. The wall breaking machine made a sizzling sound. Soon a cup of hot soymilk was finished, and she was lying in bed again. It turned out that my mother made me a cup of delicious and healthy soymilk every morning. I must thank my mother.

  A few days ago, my mother went shopping to see a dress and never bought it. Because the price was too expensive, I used my pocket money for many years to buy this dress today. When I gave it to my mother, she cried. I found several white hairs on her head and wrinkles on her eyes and feet.

  Only when everyone learns to be grateful can the world become more warm.


  With sunshine, there is warmth; With land, there is food; With God, there will be human beings; Only with mother can we live.

  Mom, do you still remember? That morning, the alarm clock rang "Ding Ling". As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw you busy in a hurry. I asked you, "Mom, what are you doing?" You replied, "Today... your old grandma died. Let's tidy up later... and go to see her off!" You paused, closed your eyes for a moment, and tried to take back the tears that swirled in your eyes.

  At ten past seven, we came to the funeral home. You told me again and again to obey my orders and not make any noise. We changed into white clothes, and all the people were dejected. Some of them could not help crying. Soon, we saw the coffin of Grandma. You choked up. I know you don't want me to see you crying. But I know how sad you are, because it was grandma who took care of you when you were young and gave you a lot of precious dowry when you got married. You have always been grateful, so you cry.

  At noon, when we got home, you came into the kitchen to cook for me, with tears on your face and fatigue. Looking at the little white hair on your head, looking at your busy figure, my nose could not help getting sour. I thought to myself that I would also like to thank you and repay you in the future.

  Everyone has a grateful heart, and our life will be better.


  "A grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself, a grateful heart, thank fate, I will cherish flowers as well..." Hearing this familiar song, my eyes filled with tears.

  Who taught us knowledge? Who is it for us to work hard and become ill? Who silently made a choice without regret? It's our teacher.

  I remember when I was in the first grade, my grades were not very good. In order to improve my grades, Mr. Zhu and Mr. Liu went to great lengths to help me. Later, my grades improved by leaps and bounds, and I was among the best in my class. I had achieved good results in the Zenghua Pavilion Composition Contest and the Fractional Newspaper Contest. Last year, I also won the first prize in the English contest, and my compositions were always above 90 points.

  Along the way, we were accompanied by the teacher's care, instruction, encouragement and... they sounded in our ears again and again, encouraging us to move forward.

  Ah! teacher! You are like a spring silkworm, which has vomited the last thread of silk. You are like a candle, burning yourself and illuminating others. You are like a gardener, tending flowers and trees, but you are gradually aging. You are like spring rain, watering the fields with your soft body. You are like green leaves, giving nutrition to safflower. The teacher's kindness is unforgettable. I wish the teachers will always be young!


  In that cold winter, you brought me a warm cotton padded jacket, as well as a variety of school tools and daily necessities. After knowing my family situation, use your hard-earned money to support my study.

  Maybe you learned from other sources that I was a poor student and that I had no money to continue my study, so you sent me something that you bought with your hard-earned money to support my study. This gives me the opportunity to learn with my classmates, so that I can learn more knowledge and better repay the society in the future.

  There are many good people in this society, but I think you are the good people in this world. You can help others when they are in trouble. It may be insignificant to others, but for me, it is a great love, which gives me great encouragement and courage to persist in learning, and solves my worries about learning.

  In this society, and many students like me. Now that you have helped me, I want to be a person like you when I grow up and extend a pair of warm hands to give warmth to more people.

  I can't repay your help. I can only study harder and turn my gratitude to you into motivation for learning. This is a powerful force, which encourages me to repay you with excellent results and pass on my love with good morality.

  Here we salute you. My parents and I deeply thank you and thank you for your gratitude! Finally, I wish you good health, good luck and success!


  "A grateful heart, thanks for having you with me all my life, so that I have the courage to be myself. A grateful heart, thanks for fate, I will still cherish the flowers." With the melody of gratitude, I sang a song of gratitude. It is like a bridge that conveys the love in our hearts. Life comes from parents, so people should know how to be grateful to their parents.

  When it comes to gratitude, we must think of our parents. What our parents give us is something we can't pay back in our whole life. I thank my parents, although in front of them, I dare not say how much I love them. But I will prove it to them with my actual actions. They have a wonderful and filial daughter!

  I am grateful to my mother, who is a simple and understanding woman. When I make mistakes, she will not use violence, but will educate me with her own actions. It is precisely because of her education that I will not be so rebellious. I always remember this sentence: Don't compare with others, only compare with yourself, and be yourself! I take this sentence as the driving force of life and learning.

  I am grateful to my father. My father is a cultured person and very dignified. He can talk big and lose his temper. It is because of his temper that I listen to him very much. But he never exerts pressure on me, neither in life nor in study. People often say that father is the backbone. No, in my opinion, father is greater than a pillar. Father is a big tree, supporting a green shade for me. It is my efforts to live at the same time, let me know more about love.

  Thanksgiving parents, because you have me! I am grateful to repay you!
