
时间:2023-02-25 20:03:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】收收心,敛敛性,生活不能再随意;养养精,蓄蓄锐,开学之日已渐近;翻翻书,动动笔,学习要鼓足干劲。新学期快来到,愿你勤奋进取,在新学期进步不停!以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  The happy Spring Festival is over in the twinkling of an eye, and we usher in a new semester. In this new semester, I am full of expectations.

  As the saying goes, "the plan of a day is in the morning, and the plan of a year is in spring." In the new semester and new atmosphere, I should study purposefully and strive towards my goal, so I should develop my strengths and avoid my weaknesses, overcome my weaknesses and make continuous progress.

  I have a bad habit that is very serious. When teachers talk about key points in class, they are easy to get distracted. They always like to gnaw their fingers and look at the beautiful scenery outside the window. When the teacher finished talking about the important knowledge points and asked me to answer the questions related to this knowledge, I came back to my mind. I must be at a loss when I know nothing about strange topics. In the new semester, I must pay full attention to the lecture and keep the important knowledge points in my mind. It's better to have a bad memory than to say. So after class, I copied these knowledge points completely and correctly in my notebook as soon as possible.

  Before, I always dared not raise my hand to speak. In this new semester, I must actively raise my hand to speak and speak boldly.

  In this new semester, in this season of flowers in full bloom, I must bloom more beautiful.


  It's the new semester. I'm in grade two. I am so happy to think that I have taken another step towards the graduation holiday!

  The arrival of new students brightened my eyes, and I couldn't help saying: Wow! Their new school uniform is much uglier than ours, hahaha! I always thought our school uniforms were ugly enough, but I didn't expect the new school uniforms to be more ugly!

  The school built the canteen in the new semester. On the way to the canteen at noon, I saw the freshmen playing happily on the playground. I thought about what I used to be. Later, I found that I had stopped playing on the playground as early as the sixth grade of primary school. But talking with friends while walking on the playground, walking through every corner of the playground. We can't find anything to play. Many of them are boring. Nowadays, these freshmen are still so energetic and playful. Really, really let the old man envy.

  There are always noodles in the school canteen. I eat that every noon because I eat that much faster than I eat. Every time I finish eating, I won't call again because it's too much trouble. There is no need to eat boxed lunch in the canteen. Everyone goes to the canteen to eat. In this way, there will be a lot of people in the canteen. When there are more people, there will be a sound. It will not be too quiet for lunch every day. The voice of students and the voice of teachers' management. Among these voices, the loudest is the voice of management. There is a speaker in the canteen. As soon as the teacher speaks, the big speaker rings. The noise is very loud. The key is that he is still very close to the place where the meal is served. The original beautiful mood is not beautiful directly under its loud noise.

  In the new semester, some changes have taken place. I am also adapting to these changes. I may not be in good shape at first, but I should be better later.


  On February 17, we ushered in the official opening of the new semester and a new atmosphere. The class group has also undergone earth shaking changes.

  Each group began to change its members again, and I, who was lucky to be the leader of the fourth group, began to consider it with great interest. First, my good friends can stay, so there are only two empty positions left; Second, we need to choose some people who can answer first, but later, I found that most talents have their own masters; Finally, I decided on the candidates for new friends: Qian Kexin and Wang Wenxiu.

  In the next few days, I gradually got to know them. Qian Kexin looks forthright and informal, but in fact she is a very careful girl. When I carelessly lose something, she will always help me enthusiastically. Where I don't pay attention, she will find out what I need. Sometimes, there are some mistakes in my homework, such as forgetting a topic, she will always point out in good faith. Wang Wenxiu is a generous girl who knows how to share. She will give you a biscuit or bread when you are hungry and tired. She can also give you a brand-new pen when you need a pen urgently.

  Of course, now as the head of the group, I can't stand back when I see the team members face life one by one. I want to change my impetuosity and carelessness and serve them wholeheartedly. Of course, tolerance and harshness are both indispensable. I also want to learn from the advantages of the team members, such as Wang Yuan's calmness in case of trouble and Zhang Jia's optimism.

  I hope to get good grades in the new semester and become an excellent group.


  The star is still that star. The moon is still high in the sky. Through the silver curtain illuminated by the moonlight, there is a girl on the bed who can't sleep over and over.

  That girl is me.

  I'm really excited and scared about the opening of school tomorrow! I really want to see the students I haven't seen for a long time, and I'm really afraid of the opening exam. Thinking, I slowly closed my eyes

  Get up early, brush your teeth quickly, eat, and then slowly embrace this new semester. Although the epidemic separated us briefly, we finally sat in the classroom one by one.

  This semester is really special. We went to and from school from twice to once, so our lunch was solved at school. It's really a rare thing. I couldn't control my excitement on the first day of school, but the process of cooking is still a little boring.

  What should I do on the first day of school? Of course, study hard! At the thought that I didn't listen carefully to the online class, I couldn't help but bow my head in shame, and I was confused by the teacher's questions. When I saw that other students stared at the teacher thoughtfully and nodded slightly from time to time, I knew that the gap between me and my classmates opened. I regretted that why the online class didn't listen well? I seem to know, but that may not be a good reason.

  At the beginning of school, I must stand at a new starting point. In the new semester, it's not too late to forget the things you regret, start again and work harder!

  The Chinese teacher said that Chen Ziang woke up at the age of 18 and began to study hard. I have more and more motivation to study hard. In the new semester, I want to refuel! Must refuel!


  How time flies in winter vacation! In the twinkling of an eye, I ushered in the beginning of school. The beginning of school is often my happiest time. I can get not only brand-new books with the fragrance of books and ink, but also a set of new stationery. But this is not the reason why I am excited. When I get together with my classmates again, I think of studying happily together, listening to the teacher's instructions carefully, sometimes laughing, sometimes sweating, sometimes crying. This is the life I like.

  The first day of the new semester can't sleep in as comfortably as the winter vacation. Under the urging of my mother, I got out of bed reluctantly. "Today is the first day of school. You can't be late!" Mother said eagerly. After that, I had a quick breakfast and hurried to my school. When I stepped into the school gate, I looked up and saw the teaching building with eight big characters "study hard and make progress every day", as if urging me. The clean playground, the white fence and the clean and quiet classroom are still familiar.

  Finally, I saw familiar faces. The students came to the classroom early and were talking to each other with lovely smiles on their faces. Their mood at this time must be the same as me, new start, new discovery and new expectation. The podium is full of neat rows of new books. I really want to have it right away. After a while, the new book came out, and sure enough, it smelled like a book. Fill the whole schoolbag quickly. It's so heavy! The teacher rearranged our seats. My deskmate is one of the top students. I'm secretly happy. It seems that I have to learn from her and strive to improve my study this semester.

  The beginning of school is like a wisp of spring breeze, which warms me and every classmate. I will cherish this good time and work hard! Students.


  With the beautiful bell, I followed the hurried crowd and walked into the campus with the joy of the new semester

  The students walked into the classroom one after another, "jingling bell" class. I was surprised to find that my deskmate didn't come. Suddenly, I was ecstatic. I finally got rid of her claws. The chaotic world was finally peaceful, and the "people" could live a good life! A group of my friends are also cheering. My deskmate is like a devil! It's hard to look back on the past when she often bullied us.

     At this time, the teacher said, "students, Yi Zihan has gone to Beijing and won't go back!"

  I snickered in secret. But I don't know a "bloody disaster" is coming to me.

  I thought that I must have a good deskmate to change seats in the afternoon. It's best to be my friend Yu Zhenxuan. With full joy and new hope, the afternoon came... At this time, the teacher said, "because there are few girls in our class, so let the girls choose the same table!"

  I seem to see the girls laughing. I'm desperate, my God! Do you have to endure another painful semester? I don't believe it. As the saying goes, "Feng Shui turns in turn." At least a gentle girl. I closed my eyes and silently prayed for God's arrangement. The fate was right in front of me. When I looked at it, it was like five thunders, like a bucket of water falling down, cooling from the top of my head to my heels. My heart was dripping blood. This is the "hero" among the women in our class. She has a great reputation for beating people. If she was the second, no one would dare to be the first. She is Wu Fengyi. I suddenly sat on the ground, just walked a "devil", and now there is a "goddess of vengeance". It's really painful. One day, I'm afraid I'll be beaten so that I can't even get out of bed

  New semester, a worrying new semester, a frightening semester, a "desperate" semester.


  The new semester has begun. I have unspeakable happiness to see my classmates. There is always an unspeakable joy in seeing the students who have been away for a long time. This school is more serious than before. The teacher told us many new examples, learning attitudes and learning methods. The teacher has repeatedly stressed that we must pay close attention to our study in Grade 6. Teachers pay more attention to our study like our mother, even better than our mother.

  The happy summer vacation is over, and we have entered a new semester, which means we have to work harder. We can't muddle through everything. We should be responsible for our future. Sixth grade. I will be promoted to junior high school in another year. If I don't pay close attention to my study, how can I keep up? The more difficult the subject is, the harder it is. We must pay close attention to it. Once it falls, we may not be able to keep up. For example, mathematics is closely linked. How can you solve more difficult problems if you don't get a good bottom? Learning is like building a building. If the foundation is not well built, no matter how high it is, it is not firm, nor can it stand the wind and rain, and it will be destroyed at any time. So is learning.

  I like learning. If I don't like who forces me, I won't learn; If I like it, if you don't let me study, I will learn it myself. I know that learning is to lay the foundation for our future. What we do now may mean our future position. Parents let us study hard, in fact, is to let us grow up and have a good way out.

  I understand the pains of my parents. Who are the parents in the world who don't want their children to succeed? They are also looking forward to our admission to a good university. Now it's hard for people who enter the university to find a job. If you don't have a diploma, how can you get a foothold in the society?

  From now on, I will pay close attention to my study and put the task of study first. Only when I grow up in this way can I be promising, and it doesn't waste my parents' expectations for me!


  A person's life record is constantly updated. In other words, there are many starts and ends in a person's life. Every year is a new beginning, every day is a new beginning, and even every minute and every second is a new beginning. In the face of this rapidly changing world, we are destined to adapt to it with a new face.

  I also ushered in my new beginning, because the new semester is about to begin. A few days before school, I tossed and turned every night. Is it because of excitement? Maybe, I will meet many friends after school, and there will be more interesting stories than holidays... Is it because of my worries after school? Maybe, it's the first and next semester of junior high school after the beginning of school. The pressure and competition will certainly increase. Can you stand it Is it because of the memory of the holiday? Maybe, life after school is certainly not as easy as that in the holiday. However, time will never return

  After spending a few days like this, the day of school finally came. Students have also changed a lot. Of course, this does not just mean that the students have grown much taller. More because of the pressure and the increase of psychological age and other reasons, everyone no longer likes to play as much as in the first day of junior high school. But the problem of talkative still hasn't changed. Everyone chatters constantly, like a good friend I haven't seen for many years. Some said where they went during the holiday, some complained that they were too busy during the holiday, some asked about their homework... What's more, they said to me, "I finally heard your voice again!" It seems that although the old problems have not changed, everyone is ready to welcome the new semester with a new look.

  The new semester began and the life record was updated again. Everything has become a thing of the past, why worry about it again? They're just old files. At the beginning of the new semester, we should face everything that is about to start with a new look, leave no regrets, and challenge the old record is what we should and will do. Come on, let's show a new self together!


  The new semester will begin again. My parents and I made a new term plan together. Let's see how I planned it.

  In Chinese, I decided to read one hour a day and one extra-curricular book a week to increase my extra-curricular knowledge and expand my knowledge. I also decided to take part in a composition class to improve my composition level and my dream. In Chinese class, I will actively raise my hand to speak and express my understanding and ideas more.

  In mathematics, I think I am strong in this field, but I still need to work hard. This semester, I will continue to study in the Olympic mathematics class to improve my ability. In order to win the second place in this year's competition, I decided to insist on doing five Olympic questions every day. Don't raise your hand and speak actively in math class.

  Computer is my favorite aspect. I'm most interested in it. So my father and I suggested that I should take a computer class this semester to learn how to make web pages. Try to control the time of playing computer games so as not to affect learning.

  English is my weakness. I think this is the most difficult. My mother enrolled me in Cambridge English class. I also need to read more books, remember more English words and try to improve my English.

  Speaking of sports, I want to do devil training. Every day after dinner, I go out to play badminton, football and so on. Exercise at home in the evening, do dumbbell exercises, sit ups and so on. I also want to get up early in the morning. I'd better run and exercise. You'd better sign up for the track and field team.

  The plan is finished. But my father's right asked me suspiciously, "can you follow this plan?" I answered definitely, "well, I must do it! I must finish this plan!"


  I have made a lot of new arrangements for this semester.

  In the final exam of last semester, I failed to do well in two subjects, which makes me very sad. I hope that in the new semester, I will listen carefully, study hard, overcome lazy thoughts, take notes of what I don't understand and what I can't understand until I can understand it completely. I must improve my academic performance and surprise teachers and parents.

  In the new semester, I will strive to achieve the "one, two, three, eight" activity. I think the content of the activity is very good and educational. It condenses the "code of conduct for primary school students" and the "code of daily behavior for primary school students", which effectively reminds every student at all times and makes our students' image better.

  In my study, I will learn to learn from my strong points to make up for my weaknesses. While giving full play to my strengths, I will also strive to develop my weaknesses. For example, mathematics is my strong point, but sometimes I will make careless mistakes. I don't take the problem seriously and calculate carelessly, which will make me lose the points I shouldn't lose. In the future, I will get rid of these problems and strive to get more than 95 points in the final exam. The dictation part of English and Chinese is my weakness. In the face of this old difficulty, I should resolutely and bravely deal with it, learn from the students who write fast, learn from their good methods of memory, and strive for a great improvement.

  I should not only use my usual study time to study, but also make full use of the golden time in the morning. I decided to read Chinese and English for 20 minutes after getting up every day and review the texts and words taught by the teacher several times. In this way, if I see more, I won't be afraid. I also want to make good use of the weekend to review my lessons.

  The above is my imagination in the new semester. I can do it. Please see my actions!

