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【#雅思# 导语】®文档大全网今天为大家准备了2018年5-8月雅思口语Part1新题预测:Meals,供同学们学习参考。每年的1、5、9月为雅思换题月。每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰30%到40%的旧题,并且补充相应数量的新题,大家在备考雅思口语的时候,一定要根据雅思口语话题的变化来变更自己的机经版本。希望以下内容可以为你的雅思口语考试提供帮助。更多有关雅思备考的内容,尽在®文档大全网。

  雅思口语相关话题:Meal   1. What kinds of meals do you like?   2. Do you often dinner with your family or friends?   3. When do you usually eat dinner?   4. Are there any fruits or vegetables you don’t like? Why?   5. And what is your favourite cuisine?   6. What kinds of meals do you like?   7. Do you often dinner with your family or friends?   8. When do you usually eat dinner?   9. Are there any fruits or vegetables you don’t like? Why?   10. And what is your favourite cuisine?   雅思口语part1参考答案   Oh, I adore different meat plates… My mouth is watering whenever I see roast beef, grilled chicken or pork chops… However, I don’t like to cook… That's why I often eat ready meals and take-aways.   Well, I try to dinner with my family as often as possible… Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time for such dinners due to my busy schedule...   I usually have main meal at about 4 p.m. … I'm starving hungry by then and sometimes overeat myself...   Yes, there are… I’m not a fussy eater, but I really hate onions and seafood… I try to avoid meals that might contain these products…   Well, I love French cuisine for its versatility and flavorful ingredients.... French cuisine has a variety of dishes, starting from their famous onion soup and ending with cheese fondue... Also, it rarely uses artificial ingredients or flavors.   Oh, I adore different meat plates… My mouth is watering whenever I see roast beef, grilled chicken or pork chops… However, I don’t like to cook… That's why I often eat ready meals and take-aways.   Well, I try to dinner with my family as often as possible… Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time for such dinners due to my busy schedule...   I usually have main meal at about 4 p.m. … I'm starving hungry by then and sometimes overeat myself...   Yes, there are… I’m not a fussy eater, but I really hate onions and seafood… I try to avoid meals that might contain these products…   Well, I love French cuisine for its versatility and flavorful ingredients.... French cuisine has a variety of dishes, starting from their famous onion soup and ending with cheese fondue... Also, it rarely uses artificial ingredients or flavors.

2018年5-8月雅思口语Part 1新题预测:Meals.doc
