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【#高三# 导语】高三是忙碌的、高三是辛苦的,高三也是最值得我们骄傲的一年。在拼搏奋斗的过程中高三学生还需要一些精神食粮来激励自己不断的前进。®文档大全网高三频道为你整理了《高三英语寒假作业试题参考》希望你努力学习,圆金色六月梦!


I. 1. connection 2. worthwhile 3. observing 4. inspired 5. disturbed/upset 6. expand 7. equipped 8. reduced 9. content/satisfied 10. overcome 11. convinced 12.particular 13. represent 14. approached 15. curious 16. major 17. various 18. unique 19. preserved 20. Admission

II. 1. put to death 2. argued with 3. be looked down upon 4. refer to 5. in intended for 6. struggled for 7. get, rid of 8. four times the length of 9. equip with 10. build up 11. focus on 12. Keep, from 13. worse off 14. pick out 15. in defence of 16. In general 17. are wrong about 18. No wonder 19. stand close to 20. come to life

III. 1. Teaching English is 2. Only, did, realize 3. It was yesterday that 4. would rather, than 5. one fourth the size of 6. With, in his hand 7. It is likely that 8. Not knowing 9. Whatever job 10. not only, but also

IV. 1-5CDADB 6-10 DBCBD 11-15 CDAAD


I. 1-5 BDBCB 6-10 DDBCC 11-15 BADDC 16-20 BBBBC

II. 1-5 BDBBD 6-10 CCDDB 11-15 DACBB 16-20 AADBA


I. 1-5 BBDAC 6-8 DDC

II. 1. How to be a good listener?

2. The worst listeners usually aren’t aware that their listening skills need some attention or improvement.

3. you are not concentrating on/focusing your mind on .

4. Don’t interrupt the speaker, for the speaker may be frustrated by the inability to finish a complete thought.

5. 如果你与讲话者有眼神交流,他会觉得你在全神贯注地听他讲话。


I. 1. conclusion 2. expose 3. challenged 4. announced 5. instructions 6. contributed 7. cautions 8. reject 9. accomplished 10. convenience 11. attract 12. arranged 13. impression 14. surrounded 15. sweep 16. instant 17. acquired 18. concentrate 19. accurate 20. approve

II. 1. put forward 2. draw a conclusion 3. cured of 4. was absorbed in 5. prevent, from spreading 6. break away from 7. broke down 8. arranged to meet 9. took up 10. lost sight of 11. concentrate, on 12. depends on whether 13. accused , of breaking 14. ahead of time 15. approved of her going 16. ten years senior to 17. over and over again 18. If necessary 19. A great number of 20. dressed in white

III. 1. every time 2. suggested , should turn down 3. consists of 4. It is, that 5. Worried about her safety 6. On the top, stands 7. By, means will 8. that 9. when 10. It was in the street that

IV. 1-5 BACDB 6-10 DCADC


I. 1-5 CCDBD 6-10 ADAAC 11-15 ACABD 16-20 ACABD

II. 1-5CBCAB 6-10 BDDAB 11-15 CCDAB 16-20 CBAAB


I. 1-5 BACAD 6-9 DBBD

II. 1-5BCCCA 6-10 AADAD 11-15 ACCBA

III. As the cartoon shows, nowadays, some college graduates employed earn almost as much as migrant workers, thus arousing the issue: Is it still a necessity to go to college?

As far as I am concerned, I’ll definitely say “yes”!

To begin with, we go to college not merely to get a diploma, nor for getting a job, in which case, we can attend a technical school instead; we seek to improve our multiple abilities as well as broaden our horizons. A noncollege life is not a full life.

On the other hand, it’s quite normal for migrant workers, especially experienced ones to demand more while as greenhands, college grads have all the potential capacities which enable them to better their life in the long run.

So, despite the fact the cartoon reveals, it’s utmostly necessary for us to go to college.

IV. 附加题 1. interested 2. assistants 3. as 4. operate 5. right 6. coming 7. satisfactory 8. early 9. details 10. Why

