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【#英语资源# 导语】在生活、工作和学习中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。你写作文时总是无从下笔?®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  My hometown is in Huaiyang, she is beautiful! She, rich! She, cute!

  After 20 years, many changes have taken place in my hometown! Meide can only use a pair of couplets: "There is paradise on the top and Huaiyang on the bottom." To describe.

  The Longhu Lake in Huaiyang 20 years later has been built more beautiful than the West Lake. Now there are many poems praising the Longhu Lake, "It is better to have a clear water and a beautiful mountain. If you compare the Longhu Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to wear thick makeup and light makeup." Yes, when you walk on the bank of Longhu Lake, there are water spirits and water spirits in every corner of Longhu Lake. Every scene of Longhu Lake is designed to print the water of Longhu Lake, the water spirits and water spirits.

  The Huaiyang street 20 years later is particularly elegant. Here, European style, Russian style, Roman style... can be seen everywhere. The unique granite pavement is also simple, elegant, and reminiscent of the distant past

  Twenty years later, the open space next to the Jiuqu Bridge in Huaiyang has become a vast grassland. The grassland is called "sunset beauty" because when the sun sets in the evening, the sun shines on the grassland like a meteor. When spring comes, the grassland looks like a green carpet, on which groups of sheep are playing, and those groups of sheep are like strings of white pearls embedded in the vast carpet. The vigorous horses are running, chasing and playing happily on the grassland, adding a lot of vitality to the grassland.

  When I grow up, I will build my hometown better than I thought!


  Early in the morning, as soon as I woke up, a robot said, "Master, please brush your teeth and wash your face for breakfast." I said, "I see."

  After washing, I saw that the food on the table was so fragrant that I immediately picked up my chopsticks and gobbled it up. While I was eating, a group of robots ran to my room and began cleaning. When I finished eating, I went to the room and saw that it was clean.

  As soon as I went out, I saw that the outside was clean, and people did not throw rubbish on the ground, but in the dustbin. The air outside is very fresh. There is no litter on the lake. The little fish are playing happily in the lake.

  I went to the street again. It used to be a small road only 3 meters wide, but now it is very wide. Side houses have also changed into high-rise buildings and specialties have also changed.

  After watching, I went to the orchard with the robot again. The farmers in the orchard no longer have to pick fruit by themselves. You must think how to do without picking fruit? In fact, it is not the farmer's uncle who picks the fruit himself, but the robot who picks the fruit. You will say, "What if the battery runs out?" No robots can eat garbage to generate energy!

  Great changes have taken place in my hometown! The sun is going to set. When I get home, the robot has already put the food on the table, waiting for me to come back for dinner.

  "Bang Bang Bang" only heard a sudden knock at the door, and her mother roared, "Get up quickly! Hurry up! Otherwise, you will be late again!"

  When I wake up, alas! It was a dream! I really hope my hometown will be like this in 20 years!


  A gust of cool wind blows gently, white clouds pass by, rivers are crystal clear, and tall buildings rise from the ground. This is my hometown 20 years later.

  Look! Each house is luxurious and beautiful. Let's talk about my house first: there is a password in front of the door. Press OK first, and my mobile phone will vibrate. If I press 9, I can press 9 letters and the door will open. If I press 0, the door will not open anyway. When you enter the house, first of all, it is the world of music. That kind of concert makes you feel very comfortable. Then open a door and you will find the living room. There is a robot playing your favorite TV show. The chair is wheeled and can be controlled by mobile phone!

  Let's talk about highways. Roads are embedded in the middle of tall buildings and lead to various countries. All affairs on the road are handled by robots. Robots can grow bigger and smaller. Their wheels are twice as big as those of cars. If you say to them, "America", they will arrive in America at twice the speed. If you say they get smaller, they will become small wooden blocks for passers-by to rest.

  Finally, let's talk about the river. The river was originally turbid. After being sprinkled by the super sprinkler, it became clear water; The turbid water has become the "oil" of super sprinklers. Soon, many fish jumped out of the water to breathe fresh air.

  The hometown 20 years later has brought unimaginable convenience to mankind. Seeing the earth shaking changes in my hometown, people are happy, and I feel happy. I will use my own efforts to make my hometown better!


  I am on a time-space train heading for my hometown 20 years later. The "Didi" train has arrived, and my hometown has taken on a new look.

  The ticket office used to be shabby, but now it is very different. Now the ticket booth is a big tree. I can hear the voice of the small robot when I get off the station: "Hello, welcome to come here and what services you need."

  Not only the ticket office, but also many places have changed.

  The air used to be very bad, but now it is very fresh because people plant trees? No, it's robots. Robots are more diligent than people, making contributions to our hometown, planting trees, grass and flowers, and adding a beauty to our hometown!

  The houses at that time were not the same at all as they are now. The houses were all written in the book, whose houses were written on the book. Click the fingerprint identification to enter. Not only did people not need to build them, but also the floor space could be saved. If you don't want to live in books or outside, you must spend money and effort. No! You don't have to worry about it. The building of the house has been handed over to the robot. When the house is built, there are empty rooms inside. However, there is something like a microphone. If you want to speak to the microphone, you can have whatever you want

  I was sent back with a "whoosh", but it made me linger. I hope that we can take action to create a beautiful home that people yearn for.


  "I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives every festival." How many people miss their hometown! For 20 years, I have become a famous singer at home and abroad. In the process of this struggle, when I am lonely, I can't help thinking of the hometown where I was born, raised and nurtured.

  So I decided to return to my hometown. Riding in the new smart car 20xx, I think back to my hometown 20 years ago. After getting off the bus, the scene in front of me surprised me, and my hometown changed completely. The low bungalows and buildings used to be in my hometown have gradually disappeared and turned into high-grade villas. I found our home after looking for it for a long time. When I walked in, my home was full of high-tech smart products.

  After returning home, our door is very special. The intelligent identification system can enter the room only by scanning your eyes. There is a row of intelligent keyboards on the sofa, with buttons of various colors. If you click the red button, the heater will turn on; A little blue, the air conditioner automatically adjusts the temperature. But I like orange buttons best, because when I click it, a robot will send me a drink; Click the white button, you can take the house to travel together, and then click the white button, you will have ice cream to eat? Is it very pleasant?

  I love you so much, my hometown, because I was born here, grew up here, and my memories are here.


  How time flies! Twenty years have passed in a twinkling of an eye.

  Let's say 30 years ago, the garbage in our community was thrown outside, and the people who threw away the garbage hurriedly covered their noses. But now, all kinds of future technologies have come to the fore, adding a lot of luster to the current environment. Now let's talk about these future technologies.

  In order to solve the problem of exhaust emissions, scientists have converted all cars into solar cars, which are very environmentally friendly and have no exhaust. There are many cleaning robots on the streets, so sanitation workers only need to command robots in the office. The trash can is also very advanced. When the trash is full, the automatic crushing system will open, and the trash can will become as clean as new in an instant, and will not emit garbage. The sprinkler beside the street will spray water as soon as it senses a little dust.

  Of course, the scientists have also improved the heating system of the heating company. The gas sprayed out is no longer a gas that pollutes the environment, but a very environmentally friendly steam.

  Entering the big shopping mall, you will find that there are many flowers, grass and trees even indoors.

  And the trees on the street are equipped with oxygen amplifiers. Although the trees can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, the converted oxygen is still not enough. In fact, the scientists also installed an electric circulator on the tree, which can absorb the surplus nutrients of the tree. So the system can work normally.

  Moreover, the river water becomes very clear, because a sewage filter is installed, the water in the river can be directly drunk.   

  The technology in the future is really advanced. I hope people can protect the environment more because of this!


  "I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives every festival." Who hasn't missed his hometown for more than 20 years? I am no exception when I am in a foreign country. Today, I came back from abroad.

  Walking outdoors, I found that the old stream polluted by garbage became clear. It is said that a scientist invented a drug that can turn sewage into clean water. And the big tree planted by people can move its position by pressing a button, without affecting the growth of the tree at all. What an eye opener!

  I walked alone in the street and soon found my alma mater. The security guard who was on duty at the gate has disappeared, and only a blue robot is scanning me with its eyes. Knowing that I was a student here, he let me in. In the elevator, I found that the elevator was voice controlled, so I called out, "To the classroom!" Sure enough, I came to the classroom in the blink of an eye. I saw that there was no need to write with pen and paper now. Every student has a computer, and the computer has a writing area. Only a special pen can write, which is convenient and environmentally friendly. Because we no longer need to cut down trees and make paper, the forest has been really protected. Every class, the teacher only needs to transfer the knowledge to the students' computers and travel with them in the ocean of knowledge. Once class was over, the students went online heartily. Class is easy, class is fun, now students are really happy!

  My hometown 20 years later is really technologically advanced. I hope my hometown will become better and better in the future!


  Today, I did my homework late at night as usual. After taking a bath, I lay in bed and slept soundly. In my sleep, I came to my hometown twenty years later.

  Walking on the street of my hometown, I saw a light in my eyes. The original garbage strewn street is now devoid of any garbage. The uneven private houses in the past have now become a row of tall buildings.

  Walking into the park beside the street, I found that the small flowers that had withered in winter before are now in full bloom in the middle of winter. They were originally four season flowers, which will not wither all the year round, and will emit different colors and smells every season. Spring will turn pink, emitting rose fragrance, summer will turn green, emitting jasmine fragrance, autumn will turn yellow, emitting kumquat fragrance, as for winter! It will turn red, emitting plum blossom fragrance.

  After I came out of the park, I returned home. My home has changed a lot. In the past, when it was hot, I had to turn on the air conditioner, when it was cold, I had to turn on the air conditioner, which was dry and airtight. Now I don't need it. When I enter my home, the wall will automatically adjust the appropriate temperature according to four seasons. For example, in summer, my home will automatically cool down, and in winter, it will automatically warm up.

  The sunshine of breakfast came through the window and spilled on my face. I heard my mother calling outside the door, "Hurry up, I'll be late for school!" I just woke up from my dream. I really hope that all this will come true. From today on, I will make my dream come true.


  "Dingdong! Sir, please get up!" My robot said. I got up and sat down on the chair to have breakfast. "Sir, you slept well today and should eat something with more protein." After dinner, I put on my clothes and pressed a button! There is a crossing cabin, go up and press the place you want to go. In a blink of an eye, I came to my hometown. When I crossed the cabin, I was shocked. Those old houses had turned into tall buildings, which looked like long dragons, pointing directly into the sky. It was too high! The ground is not bare, but has become a large area of grass, trees, flowers, I am afraid that everyone here will be intoxicated and amazed!

  I took the elevator and came to my mother's house. As soon as I entered the door, I saw the robot beating its back for her. My mother smiled and said, "You have been walking for too long, and we have changed a lot." When I saw my mother with white hair, she showed me: "This is a smart kitchen. You can write down what you want to eat and make it for you." I stayed at my mother's house for a long time and couldn't bear to part.

  Sitting in the crossing cabin, I flew to the school. Wow -- flowers, grass and trees are reflected in front of me, and I look up. The white clouds are inlaid in the sky. It's really beautiful! Going to school is like going to nature.

  When I got home, I didn't cross the road. I sat on the UAV and found that there was no car on the ground, only an aerial vehicle. It was amazing!

  Twenty years later, my hometown is high-tech, interesting, and the most beautiful.


  After 20 years, I have made some achievements and become a scientist, ready to transform my hometown with knowledge. I was sitting on the new folding airship that I had invented.

  In a few minutes, the spaceship flew to my hometown Ezhou. I was shocked when I came out. Did the sanitation workers sweep this layer of uncontaminated land? Oh, it's an environmental sanitation robot. It uses its intelligent arm to turn garbage into fresh air. Tall buildings stand there, surrounded by green plants outside. It's really a beautiful scenery.

  While I was admiring the great changes in the world, my old classmate, Sun Tianqi, the little girl who answered questions like a mosquito when she was a child, saw me and came to her with a surprised face. She asked me to go to her house to sit down. As soon as she clicked her fingers, a beautiful 3D car came over and got on the car. She said the destination and the car drove over. I talked and laughed with her on the car, Talking about things when I was a child, I soon got home.

  As soon as I entered the house and opened the door, wow, a big garden came into my eyes, and a jasmine fragrance came to me. Eh? Why is it a rose fragrance again? "Ha ha," Sun Tianqi smiled at me with the remote control of the fragrance. "The fragrance of flowers can also be controlled," she said to me.

  Wow, Ezhou has changed so much. "Hometown mountain, hometown water" I seem to have heard that beautiful song again. I decided to stay in Ezhou and continue to transform Ezhou to make it better.
