

时间:2022-03-30 15:40:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#三年级# 导语】如今,英语已经成为了世界语,渗透在全世界的每一个角落,政治、经济、文化、娱乐,可以说,我们每天的生活,以及生活的每个方面,都在这种语言的影响之下。所以,从小教育孩子学习英语,是为了将来更好融入社会而刻不容缓的事情!以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您!


1.It is a dark and rainy night. Barbie is reading in her bed. Kelly and Stacie run in. "Tell us a story, Barbie," says Stacie.


2.Barbie looks around. She sees a bunny. "There are two princesses named Kelly and Stacie…" Barbie begins.


3.One day, the princesses go to have a picnic in the forest. Suddenly it begins to rain! The princesses take their basket and hide inside a big tree.


4.The rain stops. A bunny hops by. "I have nowhere to go. My house has too much rain water," says Bunny.


5.Just then a bird flies down. "It rained so hard," he says. "My nest fell out of the tree."


6.The two princesses will help their friends. Everyone goes up the hill. Stacie and Kelly dig a nice new hole for Bunny. "Thank you," says Bunny.


7.Everyone finds twigs and leaves. They build a new nest for Bird. "Thank you," says Bird.


8.Kelly and Stacie share their picnic with Bird and Bunny.


9."The end," says Barbie. Kelly and Stacie look up. The rain stops. "We like your story!" says Kelly.




1.share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物。

课文例句:Kelly and Stacie share their picnic with Bird and Bunny.

2.bunny n. 【儿】兔子 【美】 松鼠


Who helped the bunny and the bird?



Peter is a pupil in Grade Four. He likes sports very much. His favourite sport are football, basketball, table tennis and swimming. From Monday to Wednesday he plays football. From Thursday to Friday he plays table tennis. From Saturday to Sunday he plays basketball and swims. He is good at swimming. Look, he is swimming with his father in the swimming pool. They are every happy.

( ) 1. What does Peter like?

A. Playing.

B. Watching Tv.

C. Sports.

( ) 2. Which sport does he like?

A. Football.

B. Basketball.

C. Both A and B.

( ) 3. Is Peter good at running?

A. Yes, he is.

B. No, he isn’t.

C. No, he is.

( ) 4. When does Peter play basketball?

A. From Saturday to Sunday.

B. From Monday to Wednesday.

C. From Thursday to Friday.

( ) 5. Are Peter and his father enjoying swimming?

A. Yes, they are.

B. No, they aren’t.

C. Yes, they aren’t.


1-5 C C B A A



A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to buy some tomatoes.

A: These tomatoes are fresh.

B: They look nice. How much do they cost?

A: Five yuan a kilo.

B: Five yuan a kilo? They’re too expensive. What about four yuan a kilo?

A: Mmm, let me see. OK. How much do you want?

B: Two kilos, please.

A: Here you are. Anything else?

B: That’s all, and here’s the money.

A: Thank you.


( ) 1.Mrs Web wants to buy some tomatoes.

( ) 2. The tomatoes aren’t fresh.

( ) 3. The tomatoes cost 5yuan.

( ) 4. Mrs Web wants to buy four kilos of tomatoes.

( ) 5. The tomatoes cost Mrs Wed 8yuan


1-5 T F T T T

