
时间:2021-12-17 09:16:43 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#三年级# 导语】很多学生在做阅读理解题时,总是丢分,甚至丢很多分。究其原因,貌似阅读理解做不好,实质上,是读书面太窄,对汉语的意蕴把握不够。要想把阅读理解做好,必须读足够的读物。日常没有阅读,却想把阅读理解做好,那只能是痴人说梦。以下是©文档大全网整理的《三年级小学生英语阅读理解》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  Mr.White looks out of his window.There is a boy at the other side of the street.The boy takes some bread out of a bag and begins eating it.There is a very thin dog in the street, too.The boy says to it, I‘ll give you some bread. The dog is hungry and goes to the boy, but he does not give it any bread.He kicks the dog.It runs away, and the boy laughs.
  Then Mr.White comes out of his house and says to the boy.I’ll give you a shilling (先令).The boy is happy and says,Yes.Come here. Mr.White says.The boy goes to him,but Mr.White does not give him a shilling.He hits him with a stick. The boy cries and says, Why do you hit me? I do not ask you for any money. No, Mr.White says,And the dog does not ask you for any bread,but you kick it.
  1.Where is Mr.White at first?
  A.He is in the room
  B.He is in the street.
  C.He is in front of the house.
  D.He stands close to the boy.
  2.Why does the dog go to the boy? Because__________.
  A.it wants to eat
  B.the boy asks it to do so
  C.the boy is the dog‘s owner
  D.the boy is friendly to it
  3.Why does the dog run away? Because__________.
  A.the boy gives some bread
  B.the dog doesn’t like bread
  C.the dog doesn‘t like the boy
  D.the boy kicks the dog
  4.Why does Mr.White tell the boy to come up to him? Because he wants to__________.
  A.give him a shilling
  B.give him a good lesson(教训)
  C.give him some more bread
  D.help the boy
  5.What kind of man do you think Mr.White is? He is a __________man.
  A.cruel (粗鲁的)
  B.sympathetic (富有同情心的)
  D.polite (有礼貌的)


  American boys and girls love to watch television. Some children spend six hours a day in school and four to six hours a day in front of the television set. Some even watch television for eight hours or more on Saturday.
  Televisions are like books or films. A child can learn bad things and good things from them. Some programs(节目) help children to understand (理解)the news, others show people and places from other countries or other time in history. With television a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals to the ocean to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a concert or a game at home.
  Television brings many places and events into our homes. Some programs show crime(犯罪) and other things that are bad for children, so parents sometimes help them to find other interesting things to do.
  ( )1. Some children spend eight hours more _______.
  A. studying   B. playing games
  C. watching TV   D. helping their parents.
  ( )2. On television children can see _____.
  A. games   B. big animals
  C. oceans   D. almost everything
  ( )3. Children usually spend _______ a day in school.
  A. six hours   B. more than eight hours
  C. only a few hours   D. four hours.
  ( )4. “Television brings places and events into homes” means_____.
  A. television makes things happen in homes
  B. we can know places and events without going to see them.
  C. we can see houses and buildings on TV.
  D. we can find them easily.
  ( )5. Parents sometimes help their children find other things to do when there is ____ for children .
  A. a bad programs   B. an animal
  C. a game   D. an uninteresting film


  I have a bag. It is black and white. It looks like a panda. There is one pencil case in it.
  The pencil case is brown and new. In the pencil case, I have three green pencils, a ruler and a nice rubber.
  In my bag, I have twelve books.
  1. ——What colour is my bag? ——It’s ____________.
  A. black
  B. white
  C. black and white
  2. My pencil case is _____________.
  A. new
  B. old
  C. blue
  3.——How many pencils do I have? ——I have ____________.
  A. one
  B. two
  C. three
  4. I have ____________ books in my bag.
  A. three
  B. twelve
  C. thirteen
  5. My bag looks like ____________.
  A. a toy car
  B. a panda
  C. a tiger

