

时间:2021-09-04 07:35:50 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】品味亲情,发现其中的香醇与甘甜;品位亲情,发现其中的灵魂与光彩;品位亲情,读懂其中的信任与爱。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  When it rains, she will hand me an umbrella; Whenever I was hungry, she would bring me a piece of bread; Whenever I get sick, she will buy medicine for me. Decocting medicine; Sometimes I even pass the medicine to my mouth and feed me spoonful by spoonful... She is my dear.

  Kind grandma. Grandma loves me so much that I can't express my gratitude to grandma in limited words. Grandma is over seventy years old. It is reasonable that she should spend her old age in peace and don't care about the next generation, but she can't rest and take care of me all the time. Every day, grandma should get up on time before 7 o'clock, prepare breakfast for me, put boiling water in my washbasin, and the water will be warm when I get up. It will be very comfortable to wash. Grandma will give me clothes. Pants. The shoes are arranged neatly, which is convenient for me to get dressed soon after I get up.

  When the alarm clock rang, I pressed the alarm, rubbed my eyes, got up reluctantly and put on my clothes and pants. I washed my face several times slower than a snail. My grandmother thought I was too tardy. She grabbed the washcloth from my hand, washed my face three times five times two, and urged me to have breakfast. "Come on, come on," grandma kept shouting, sometimes as loud as a lion's roar. I hate people urging me to eat. As soon as I was nervous, the food just flowed back from my mouth. Grandma always sighs.

  I managed to finish everything, so grandma hurried me to school. When you get to the school gate, grandma will tell you to "listen to me in class today." "you must raise your hand and speak in class today. Don't be timid for fear that the teacher will criticize you. When you speak, let the teacher check your knowledge." "when you have physical education class today, remember to take off your coat when you exercise, so as to avoid getting hot and sweating and wetting your vest." ... I often rush into school with my ears covered. After school, the first thing I saw at the school gate must be grandma. Grandma carried my favorite fruit in her hand. I immediately ran to grandma, ate the fruit and walked on the way home.

  At dinner, I always talk to Grandma about what will happen next day. After finishing my homework and washing, I entered a sweet dream, and grandma is still doing the preparation for the next morning... Grandma, my dear and kind grandmother, how can I forget your pay and love for your granddaughter!


  The wind, silent, blows green the earth; Love, speechless, moistens the heart. I used to think that my father was a dull person. When I was a child flying a kite, my mother accompanied me and my father picked up the kite. Learning to ride a bike, it was my mother who picked me up when I fell. Standing aside, it was my father who shouted to let me get up and continue. When I was a child, it was my father who hit me and my mother who drugged me. It was my mother who blew candles with me at the birthday party.

  It was my father who blew the balloon for me. My fingers were infected. When I went to the hospital to remove my bad nails, I shook my hands and repeatedly told me not to be afraid. It was my mother who was tightly clenched by me and kept silent Is it because my father can't express his feelings, or... Since that incident, I have realized my father's love. My father is a good cook, but he is not a cook, so his cooking can only be displayed at home, but he doesn't cook dinner. He can taste his cooking only when there are guests at home or have a snack. That day, the date of the mid-term exam was getting closer and closer. I had a lot of homework that day. If I finished my school homework and had a lot of review papers, I would lie on my desk and do a mountain of homework. "Dangdang -" the clock had pointed to 10 o'clock.

  At this time, I was sleepy and tired, my fingers were numb, and my arms could not be lifted. The head is also dizzy, the eyelids are sour and astringent, the eyes are blurred, and the words look like twisting insects. I yawned. If only I could have a good sleep! Suddenly a familiar figure appeared next to my eyes. Turning around, it turned out to be my father. He was carrying a bowl of steaming wonton with an attractive smell. Dad said with concern: "tired, have a rest and eat a bowl of wonton." I'm really hungry after doing my homework for so long. I took the bowl and immediately ate. My father stood aside and looked at me with a smile, with a face of satisfaction and relief. I looked at the wontons in the bowl. They were like lilies. Seaweed and shredded eggs floated on the delicious soup. My father made it specially for me!

  If mother is compared to a blooming lily, emitting its charming fragrance in every corner, then father's love is a jasmine, which silently spits out his fresh fragrance in a corner! Always only praise the greatness of maternal love, but who knows the implication of father's love!


  What is family affection? Family affection is the most brilliant sunshine in the world. No matter how far we go or how high we fly, they always look at us with trust and encouragement; When you face failure, they will always come forward and lift you up with their big hands, encouraging you to move forward with warm and fighting words; When you succeed, they will praise you and warn you not to be proud and continue to work hard, because they are also pleased with your success.

  You have never had this extraordinary family.

  When we were young, we all took family affection for granted. However, time told me that family affection was not as simple as I thought. Bing Xin said: "Family affection is a kind of depth, friendship is a kind of breadth, and love is a kind of purity. Family affection is a kind of sunshine bath without conditions and no return; friendship is an ideal embankment that is vast and grand and can inhabit safely at will; and love is a mysterious and boundless soul that can make songs forget their feelings."

  Indeed, family affection is a sunshine bath without any conditions and no return. Everyone doesn't need what others can do for themselves. However, others will pay silently to protect her from harm and live in happiness.

  In the process of growing up, how much do we give them and how much do they give us? Two incomparable numbers. What we give them is that they worry about us again and again, worry about us again and again, and are disappointed with us again and again. What they give us, we never pay attention to or remember, because in our thoughts, There is always such a consciousness that it is natural for them to love us. Even so, they still pay silently. Only because their love for us has been ordinary and has never changed, can we have every happy day.

  That silent love is the most beautiful voice in the world. Silence is better than sound. It has composed the most beautiful music of time.

  One day, we finally learned that family affection is a continuous thread of love, ordinary, no regrets, all love is justified, and there is no reason to find. At this time, when we are ready to repay them with our own actions, they are already old

  They always give so much, their love always leaves no trace, meticulous, children always owe them so much, one day, we will become them and let this love pass forever

  Family affection is like wine. The longer it is stored, the more mellow it is; family affection is tea. The more you taste it, the more you can understand its taste. From now on, let's respond to their efforts with our hearts and appease their weak bodies with actions!

