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【#英语资源# 导语】冬天的风,像一个清洁工,风一吹,树上的黄叶被吹得一干二净。下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Changbai Mountain is located in Antu County, Jilin Province. The scenery throughout the year is like paradise. But what attracts me most is the winter of Changbai Mountain.

  In the winter of Changbai Mountain, the temperature on the top of the mountain drops to about minus 40 degrees. The colder the place is, the stronger the wind is. The wind here is very strong. The strong winds of seven or eight are normal. It's really "too cold at high places".

  My parents and I took a bus to the top of the mountain. When we got off the bus, the wind almost blew me away. I quickly tied up my horse stance to prevent the wind from really blowing me down the mountain. After a while, the wind was not so strong, and our family walked on the plank road. Looking down, wow, there is a vast forest sea below. When I move my eyes to the right, I only feel three words: beautiful! I have seen the West Lake as flat as a mirror and enjoyed the magnificent sea, but I have never seen the water like the Tianchi Lake on Changbai Mountain. However, the water on the top of the mountain is about - 30 degrees centigrade, and the water has already frozen into ice. But even if it is frozen into ice, it is also very beautiful. It has no impurities, just like a gem, embedded in Changbai Mountain.

  The father said, "Son, go to the railing and take some pictures for you." I ran over happily and posed. I had just taken two photos. A strong wind blew over, twice as big as when I got off the bus just now. The wind blew me down. I rolled down the mountain three times and hit a small tree. I said to myself, "Thank you for this tree. Otherwise, I might die."

  The wind stopped again, and our family drove down the mountain.


  The autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves, the freezing snow flies, and the pace of time is in a hurry. In the blink of an eye, winter has come. Walking on the street, the leaves on the roadside trees have fallen off, and the bare branches are shaking in the wind. Only the evergreen pines and cypresses with straight waists are guarding both sides of the road like fighters in the cold.

  The cold wind is blowing, rolling the fallen leaves through the streets and alleys. The sky was overcast. Soon, snowflakes began to fall in the sky. The snowflakes became heavier and heavier. Looking around, the swirling snowflakes were flying in the air like beautiful little butterflies. It was not until the wings were tired that they drifted down the street reluctantly. I stretched out my hands, and the snowflakes fell quietly in my hands, and soon became shiny little drops of water.

  I put out my tongue to try to taste the snow again, ah! Cool, sweet, like manna. Look, the trees and the house are white, and the ground is white, like a white carpet. The branches have turned into silver bars, and a thick layer of green and white trees has fallen on the pine trees. It seems that they are trees with silver flowers.

  The children cheered and jumped. Open your arms, jump into the snowflake flying world, and playfully step on the snow, and then ignore the cold, grab a handful of snow with your hands, knead it into a ball, fight with each other, and play a snow fight. Small hands are red with cold, small faces are numb with cold, but happy laughter wafts in the sky with the snowflakes.

  The adults said that the snow covered the wheat seedlings with a thick quilt, which is "auspicious snow augurs good years". I think the farmer must be as happy as me!

  I love this beautiful white snowflake!


  I like the spring when everything recovers, the autumn when the grain is plentiful, and the summer when the lotus is in full bloom. But my favorite is the cold winter, because Winter Girl will bring us a lot of happiness!

  When winter came, the leaves of the wutong tree disappeared without a trace, as if the hair had fallen off, and the branches became bare. The green grass that had been everywhere on the roadside also went to sleep in the fertile soil. The flowers have already withered, and only the wintersweet flower, fearing the cold, opens alone, emitting a faint fragrance. People are all wrapped up thickly, wearing down jackets, hats and scarves... The wind is blowing like a knife on people's faces, exposing their skin outside, as if they were cut by a knife, causing pain.

  In winter, it will snow heavily, thousands of snowflakes will fall down, just like elves, holding hands, floating down one after another, falling on my hands, and immediately melting into a drop of crystal clear water, like elves greeting me. The snowflakes fall on the tree, which looks like a hundred flowers blooming on the tree from a distance. Snowflakes fall on the car and it drives like a huge ice cream that can move. The snowflakes fell on the roof, forming a thick layer, like a quilt on the house. The snowflakes fell in the river and were quickly carried away by the water. As long as it snows for a day, the world we live in will seem like a kingdom of ice and snow.

  We can come to the snow to play, but happy! You can make a snowman, make snow into snowballs, and then dress the snowman vividly with all your brains. You can have a snowball fight. Snowballs shuttle back and forth in the air. From time to time, there will be bursts of piercing screams, followed by strings of silver bell like laughter.

  Although winter is cold and windy, it can't stop my love for winter.


  Winter is a season when everything is sleeping. As early as autumn, the green leaves on the branches become yellow and withered, falling into dust and turning into soil. At the beginning of winter, there were almost no branches and leaves on the branches, only bare trees hanging in the street with piercing cold wind.

  As a southerner, he has no cold resistance like the northerner. Every time the cold wind blows on his red neck, he shivers. He subconsciously shrugs up his shoulders to let the collar and neck close together, so that the cold wind can blow into his clothes through the cracks.

  It doesn't snow here, so there is no fun in winter. It means "spring all the year round" in four words. The north is good. In spring, there are willow catkins in the lake, in summer, there are fragrant lotus flowers, in autumn, there are wutong trees in Chenglin, and in winter, there are snow covered winter scenery. On our side, it is estimated that there is only the first scene.

  Fortunately, I went to Suzhou with my parents during the winter vacation. As the saying goes, "Hanshan Temple outside Suzhou City, the bell rings at midnight to the passenger ship", I am really fascinated by the ancient buildings in Suzhou, and I have heard so much about this place. Although Suzhou is not too cold in winter, it has beautiful scenery. At about four degrees below zero, branches and branches will be covered with a layer of snow, embellishing the picturesque scenery. The lake water in the garden is not frozen, as bright as in spring, reflecting the snow covered roof tiles on both sides. Sometimes there will be scorching sun shining on the white snow, showing light. Some will turn into snow, and some will remain unchanged, still beautiful.

  Although I only played for ten days, the beauty of Suzhou in winter is vaguely engraved in my mind. The snow in Suzhou is soft and beautiful. Maybe in the future, I will see "the wind blows snow flakes like falling flowers, and the moon shines like a broken mirror", which has a sad beauty of snow, or "I don't know whether the flowers near the water will come first, or they will not be sold after winter snow", which competes with the plum blossom.

  Enjoy a snow scene and enjoy a winter.


  Winter has come, and the season of howling north wind, biting cold wind, and heavy snow is finally coming. We ran to the playground to have a snow fight. As soon as I grabbed a handful of snow, others threw snowballs on me. My face was red with cold, and my hands were stiff, as if it was cold to get into the refrigerator. After school, when I was walking home, I accidentally slipped on the bottom of my foot and sat on the ground, which made me cry out in pain.

  Winter is always regarded as a season without vitality. No matter big or small trees, they have lost all their leaves, leaving only bare trunks. With the arrival of winter, the wild geese fly south. Now only a few small sparrows are chirping on the telegraph pole

  When I got up in the morning, I found a layer of ice on the window. Touching the ice, I felt like thousands of fine needles sticking into my hands, freezing to death! When I put on my clothes, a cold air came to my nose. My nose was very sour and uncomfortable!

  This is really a season of freezing water!

  Winter is also a beautiful season.

  In winter, there are snowflakes in the sky, snow blankets on the ground, and a silver dress on the trees. Everywhere is holy, and the world has become a "ice palace" made of powder and jade.

  One day, my little partner and I approached the artificial lake and looked at the frozen lake. It was as bright as a mirror. The sun shone on it, shining and dazzling. It was very beautiful. Ice is like a "crystal world", which always gives people a sense of peace. There is also an artificial waterfall. There are crystal clear ice skates on the top of the "waterfall". They are sharp and long, like a fierce lion opening its mouth to swallow food.

  Winter is beautiful, I love this snow covered winter!


  Winter is coming.

  Accompanied by the gusts of cold wind, I sent autumn away with cold footsteps.

  I like winter. Although my hands were red with cold before I started writing, I couldn't help writing.

  Although it does not have the vitality of spring, the warmth of summer and the coolness of autumn are just the last season of the year, as if they are so inconspicuous, in my eyes, winter days are the time that can best temper people's will and need to be treasured.

  People always say that it is ruthless and cold, giving away all the warmth and greeting all the coldness. But have we noticed this: the wutong tree, which has lost all its leaves near the pond, grows more luxuriant in the second year, some animals that survive in the cold are stronger, and how many people have honed superhuman perseverance in the ice and cold. Why? Because of the cold and heartless winter! Compared with those comfortable spring, isn't this winter great?

  When we change our way of thinking, we will find that everything around us is so beautiful. Whether it is bad weather, miserable life, or even various disasters, you will not go back empty handed during that time. There is a famous saying: "When God closes a door for you, he will open a window for you. Just like what I said in winter, if you treat it sincerely, it will not disappoint you. The power of nature is infinite. Why don't we give up resistance, comply with the destiny, and do more things to benefit mankind in our own time? It is just like a truth in a text we learned: "There are certain laws in nature. If you break them, you will have nothing."

  I wonder if there is anyone like me who loves the snowflakes dancing in winter and the spirit of winter more. A warm current of "great love but no love" is in silence.

  In fact, winter is not cold and heartless.


  The winter is long, and the winter night is also long. In the cold winter, the sun seems to be stingy. It hides itself too early to leave people quiet and comfortable at night. The villages and fields look bleak in winter, without the noise of the past and the noise of summer, and the color seems to be monotonous. It is hard to find the dark green, the light yellow, and the smell of ripe crops overflowing from the farmland. Winter is a season that makes you calm, think more, and keep vigorous.

  The trees in winter are relaxed, without the climbing of leaves, and the fields in winter are transparent, without the covering of plants. If you stand on the ridge, you will see far away places, your thoughts will fly, your mood will surge, you will feel small, and you will feel the magic and greatness of nature.

  In winter, a quiet season, you will think of many people, including your friends, your colleagues, and the netizens who are far away, have never met, but seem to be familiar with them, their sincerity, their enthusiasm, and their selfless help and guidance. You will be excited and excited, and you will feel that there are more good people in the world.

  Winter, a time that is about to leave, how much emotion has stayed there and how much memory has gone with it. The footprints in winter, the thinking in winter, the speech and behavior in winter, the laughter and laughter will disappear with the season going further and further. Winter is a time that leaves no trace.

  Winter is about to pass, and spring has waved to us. Spring is a season when everything recovers. The earth starts to sprout, the vegetation starts to wake up, and the river starts to break the ice. Everything will begin to show to the world in a new way.

  Walk through winter and embrace spring.


  Winter is my favorite season. The reason why I like winter is that I like winter's character and its unique scenery. Every winter, we will make snowmen, have snowball fights, and feel the charming sunshine from her.

  In winter, snowflakes are flying. The kind-hearted sister snowflake will put a snow-white dress on the earth. The color of the dress is white with silver light, which is very dazzling.

  After a light snow, the weather is sunny and the warm sun is shining. If it is neither warm nor hot, there will be a kind of motherly tenderness around you. It is the winter with strong feelings. When people need it most, they give people kindness, tolerance and care. The sunshine in winter has humanized warmth. If you don't see snow at this time, you think it's spring. In fact, winter is far away from spring.

  In winter, you can spend your time lying idle, letting your bad mood and all your troubles drift away with the snowflakes, reaching a distant time and space. Before long, you will see the winter sun, and let the winter sun gently comb your sleepy body, as if waking up or dreaming.

  The sunshine in winter always gives people a long aftertaste. The sun in summer is too harsh, and the sun in autumn is certainly fresh and bright. The sun in spring seems to bring people comfort, warmth and tenderness, and some lingering flavor. The most memorable, give me thinking, enlightening, only the winter sun. She is most reminiscent of the warmth she sent from the afterlife, the friendship she nurtured in the misery of life, and the friendship she extended her hands to help each other.

  Don't feel sad for the coming of winter, because there are also intoxicating sunshine and snowflakes, which can bring you good mood and eliminate your troubles.


  If spring is the bud, summer is the struggle, and autumn is the harvest, then winter is eternal. If spring is a nursery rhyme, summer is a dance, and autumn is a painting, then winter is a poem with long lasting appeal. I was deeply intoxicated with this poem of winter.

  I am drunk with the color of winter. Winter is like a beautiful and pure angel. He comes to the world quietly with a group of snowflake girls. The white and flawless snowflakes, like catkins, are in great profusion, hanging a silver snow curtain for us. Looking through the snow curtain, the houses in the mountains and rivers in the distance seemed very beautiful, as if they were in the fog or in the clouds. When the snow stopped, a thick white quilt was covered on the roof, branches, flower beds and ground, and the mountains and rivers suddenly became a white world of white makeup. Look, on the dark gray eaves, "necklaces" are shining; On the dark green pine and cypress trees, "pear flowers" blossomed brightly; In the round flower bed, red plum blossoms with white hats are charming and moving. I was deeply intoxicated by the color of winter.

  I am drunk with the sound of winter. The wind is raging, and the dead branches are still standing; The snowflakes are dancing, and the plum blossoms are still bright and open; With ice everywhere, the soldiers still stick to their posts. I clearly heard them singing: How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? I was deeply intoxicated by the strong voice.

  I am intoxicated with the smell of winter. The sun came out and shone on people warmly. The fiery red wintersweet flowers in the flowerpot smile against the golden sun, and the fragrance overflows. The balconies and courtyards of every family are all covered with white quilts, which glitter with dazzling silver light in the sun. Lie on the quilt and smell the sunshine. It's so cool! I was deeply intoxicated by the taste of winter.

  Dong is really a poem that makes me intoxicated. The middle of the poem is tinged with pure color, permeated with strong voice, and permeated with rich fragrance. I chanted as if my soul had been purified.


  It's winter again.

  Outside the window is still the cold wind. With his powerful magic, Fengxue made the earth white. The snow is still falling. Soon, the bare trunk was covered with snow, and the tall pine trees were also covered with snow. The streets were empty, and there was no figure. What remains unchanged is the environment, but what changes is the state of mind. Ah, it's winter again.

  Walking on the road covered with ice and snow. Everything around me feels familiar and strange. Snowflakes fall on my face and the cold wind blows on me. I feel extremely cold. The foot is frozen ice, where is the road? The failure of one and a half years filled half of my junior high school career, and the future is even more unknown.

  I fell heavily on the road. Blood oozed from my hands and dripped on the snow. I struggled to get up and walked on. No one can help me, because this is my own way. The road is full of unknown hardships, and I may have to pay a lot for it. I slowly looked back to see the road I had passed.

  The road I passed was also full of difficulties. There, I suffered, I was sad, I was desperate... Gradually, I became stronger and braver, I know, this is my own way, can only be completed by myself. My destiny is in my hands. I left my footprints on the road. I know that as long as I go through the process, both success and failure are my precious wealth. No one can seize this wealth.

  I looked up at the sky, which was white. Today is dark, and tomorrow is also dark. On the eve of light, countless people have given up hope. Only by sticking to hope can we see the sun after tomorrow! I looked up to see my future. I feel infinite courage and confidence. Yes, my destiny is in my own hands. The future is bright and there is a long way to go. What reason do I have to believe that "I can't"?
