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【#英语资源# 导语】平安夜里平安仙,平安仙人送平安,送你平安过圣诞,过完圣诞过元旦,身体健康乐无边,财源滚滚笑开颜。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。

1.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇一

  Today is the Christmas Eve before Christmas, and we can eat the "Peace Fruit" again. Although the "Peace Fruit" is just an apple, if you eat it on Christmas Eve, it will taste different.

  Finally, I finished all my homework before 8:00 p.m. and just wanted to have a rest. My mother grabbed me and said, "Daughter, let's go and buy apples." I asked, "Why buy apples today?" My mother smiled and asked me, "What's the festival today?" I finally shouted excitedly: "Today is Christmas Eve before Christmas!" My mother and I quickly went into the supermarket and bought some big and red apples, as well as some gift boxes for apples. When I got home, I couldn't wait to make the "Peace Fruit". First, put apples into the gift box, and then carefully tie a flower on the gift box to make beautiful "peace fruits".

  Then, I gave these "Peace Fruits" to my father, mother, cousin, cousin... and sent them blessings. They were very happy and praised my dexterity. I also received several "Peace Fruit". After opening the gift box, I took out the apple. I took a bite excitedly. How sweet it is! Really delicious. Mother smiled and said, "If you eat Ping'an fruit, you will be safe, happy and happy!"

  I love Christmas, and I prefer Christmas Eve before Christmas!

2.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇二

  Christmas Eve is a happy holiday, don't believe it, look! One by one, the children happily walked around holding their mother's hand. The lovers were happy walking in the street. Many people were playing games. They looked very happy!

  That day, I finished my homework at school. When I got home, I went out to play with my classmates.

  I spent this Christmas Eve in the White Tower. There are many children in Baita. Five or six of them sell apples together, because apples are also called "Ping'an Fruits". After eating them, they are safe. After eating them, lovers have a long relationship.

  I bought a bottle of "Flying Snow" secretly while my friends were not paying attention. A light spray on their back caused a "snow spray war". I hid beside the grass and behind the tree at one time. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would be sprayed into a snowman! Ah! I was sprayed with "white hair" when I didn't notice. Before I could wipe it, I immediately countered. A large piece of cloth was sprayed on my clothes. I was laughing and hit my back again. I quickly turned around and wanted to spray her, but my "flying snow" had already been sprayed. They saw me, and I suffered a lot. I had to hide everywhere. No matter how I hid, I could not escape their "magic claws". Finally, their flying snow was used up, and I became a little snowman!

  I'm so happy this Christmas Eve!

3.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇三

  It will be Christmas Eve tonight, tomorrow is New Year abroad.

  All ready for Christmas Eve, my sister and I are no exception.

  We bought a Christmas tree, of course, want to buy ornaments, such as notes, bowknot, much money...

  We want to open a ChristmasPart at 7:30 in the evening. The place where we take the Christmas tree to the party; Prepared some food: orange, the sand sugar orange, sugar, Switzerland... ; We have since also prepared gifts for each other; Also recorded a few beautiful song; In addition to my sister and I also asked the cousin, cousin, and my friends.

  Party to start, but we have no lights lit the candle and everyone dancing in music. The candle went out, and I said: "ChristmasPart, officially started." Sister picked up the spray cans, spray up. Below we send each other gifts, younger sister to send me a pig piggy bank. Then we eat. After a while, I remembered to say: "lets take pictures!" "Good! Good! Good!" Sister shouted clap your hands. We took lots of pictures around the Christmas tree.

  This years Christmas Eve, I had a really happy. Hope tomorrow morning I open my eyes can see Santa Claus gave me a gift.

4.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇四

  Today is Christmas Eve, and it is also the day of our open class.

  Finally in the afternoon, at the moment when the bell rang, and the moment when we entered the multi-function hall and began to read before class, I heard my heart pounding.

  The class began. At this time, I took a peek secretly. It didn't matter. It almost scared me to urinate. It turned out that there were several teachers sitting on chairs with notebooks at the back. In order not to lose face to our class, I straightened up and played 12 points. I listened carefully.

  When it was time for group discussion, I turned to discuss it quietly. The teacher came over, puzzled, and asked, "Why don't you speak louder? You see, there is no sound in the discussion, so the teacher may mistakenly think that we are too quiet to discuss." We lowered our voices and answered with one voice: "It's not that we don't speak loudly, it's that we can't speak loudly. Teacher, if our group is very loud, it will appear that our group is very prominent. Besides, Teacher Wu said that we should talk quietly and not make noise." The teacher was speechless.

  Soon after the open class was over, I rushed to the classroom. I found a beautiful Christmas box on everyone's table. I opened the box and said, "Ah! It's a big, red and fragrant apple." I couldn't help drooling at the apple.

  At this time, the teacher left, came in and took a picture of me, said: "Go and help me get the candy from the office." I quickly ran to the office and brought candy. The teacher gave each of us a candy. As a foodie, as soon as I got the candy, I opened the package with violence and ate it with relish.

  Finally, we took a group photo with the teacher alone. It was an unforgettable Christmas Eve!

5.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇五

  Last night, when I was doing my homework, my mother said to me, "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Tomorrow, my mother will take you out with my father as soon as the exam is over!" I laughed happily. Mom said, "But you should study hard!" I said, "Yes."

  As soon as I opened my eyes today, I said to my mother, "I wish you a full mark in the exam today!" Mom said, "OK, thank you for my baby son." Then my mother left. I eat, and then I study hard while waiting for my mother. I waited for a long time, but my mother did not come back. In the afternoon, my mother finally came back. I said to my mother, "I have been impatient." Mom said, "Let's start when Dad comes back." Not long after, Dad came back, and then we went out to play.

  After getting off the bus, we first came to the Italian Style Street. The scene there is really beautiful. It's a world of lights. We bought masks, a glittering stick, and then some spikes with optical fibers, as well as peace nuts and many other things. Then we went to eat McDonald's. Before we finished eating, Uncle Dalei came to us with his sister, and I gave her a spike with optical fiber. Then we went to the department store again. Later, we saw the cartoon characters Smurfs, Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf and took pictures with them.

  We stayed up late. At last, we went home. Today we had a happy Christmas Eve.

6.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇六

  The night is dark and quiet! It's already 10:18:08, and Christmas will be here in more than an hour. At this time, everyone in the dormitory is talking for a long time. Strange. It seems that Christmas Eve this year belongs to us. It's very noisy and lively. Early in the evening, several boys went to attack the other classes in groups. Later, everyone burst into laughter, which shook the corridor. Today, the weather is good, everyone is also good, but the mood seems to be not very good, all like eggplant cream.

  Yes, at Christmas, teachers still assign so many homework, which is really disappointing! After school, I plan to throw away my homework and have fun. So I can do my best to help others happy, at least tonight. However, they didn't need me. They walked into the dark square box filled with air conditioner alone. The world was so small that I met him again. I just said a word in a hurry, and then disappeared in the dark. Forget it, I don't care.

  Back in the dormitory, we agreed to wash our hair and feet together. The room was very quiet except for the sound of water. But as soon as the light went out, the peaceful elves came back to life, making a lot of noise and joking. I was also a little elated. Just in the moment of laughter, tears flow down. I felt the warmth of tears for the first time. I have longed for this laughter for a long time. Lying in the bed, curled up in a ball, holding a big cold apple in his hand, "Christmas Eve... Happy!" I am the most easily overlooked, so this Christmas Eve, this first Christmas Eve, let me live by myself. The cool apple slipped into my stomach, and I felt a little happy and satisfied.

  Ah, it's 10:40 now. It will be early in the morning after a while. Tomorrow is Christmas. Forget it. I'm tired. I wish I will always be happy after this Christmas Eve.

7.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇七

  I had a very happy Christmas Eve the day before yesterday.

  In fact, according to the traditional regulations, on Christmas Eve, I will send peace fruits to my friends. There are peace fruits sold at the gate of the school, but they cost 5 yuan each. It's too expensive. I decided to buy some wrapping paper to make some peace fruits myself, but I can't wrap them. How can I touch them? There are many female students in our class who make their own bags. I went to ask them and got the answer: First, put a wrapping paper on the tea table, then put an apple in the middle of the wrapping paper, lift the four corners, hold the top of the apple, and tie a flower to the place where it is held. This is a kind of fruit.

  In the afternoon of that day, I gave those four to some of my good friends, and they also gave me a Christmas fruit respectively. Christmas Eve was really interesting!

8.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇八

  Jingle, jingle. Santa Claus drives a sled full of gifts across the night sky after the children are asleep, and fills the red sock with gifts that promises wishes beside each child's bed.

  This is a bit unrealistic for us, because we grew up in the hometown of the dragon and are descendants of the dragon. For five thousand years, there has never been a man named Santa Claus in this ancient country, and there has never been a child who holds a red sock and makes many strange wishes before going to bed on the Christmas Eve before Christmas; There are only the red lanterns in front of the door, the neat couplets and the sound of firecrackers that want to shake the sky. In this way, five thousand years of history separated us.

  Today in the 21st century, with the tide of the times, the old man who seems to be able to realize any wish drove his sledge full of gifts across the night sky of the Pacific Ocean, across the river of 5000 years of history, to the hometown of the dragon, adding a touch of laughter to this ancient country with 5000 years. Let's also learn to make many strange wishes on this Christmas Eve, and learn to send blessings to others.

  On Christmas Eve today, I thought I would spend it as sadly as before, without gifts or blessings. It is unexpected that the head teacher, who usually looks fierce, would buy apples with red and big apples to distribute to everyone. When distributing apples, he standing on the platform looked like Santa Claus with gifts. Although he would not fill our red socks with gifts when we were sleeping, he would fill every apple with Christmas blessings. Smell the aroma of the apple, bite it down, and it's sweet to the bottom of my heart.

  On this Christmas Eve, Santa Claus from afar is sending his hopes and happiness from afar to every family in this ancient country.

  Listen, here he comes!

9.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇九

  Today is Christmas Eve, so tomorrow is Christmas. Are you happy? Happy! Of course, happy! Because today is very lively. I'm so happy that three of us were invited to a Christmas party this evening.

  At night, Dad drove to the site. At the entrance, two amiable Santa Claus gave presents to the children. I got a chocolate bar and a fuzzy doll. Walk into that long dark and mysterious "tunnel", wow! It is decorated with colorful decorations. Beautiful Christmas trees are shining with colorful lights. Christmas garlands are hung on the windows, and they also give out a smell of biscuits and cream, as well as free snacks and drinks

  Walking up the magnificent spiral staircase, I came to the terrace on the second floor. I saw people there clustered in groups. I looked closely, wow! They are having a barbecue. On a whim, I took ten mutton kebabs and four ham sausages from the table next to me. It was not easy for me to squeeze into an oven and squeeze into the middle of a crowd of adults. Finally, I had a seat to bake. I was so happy! But the place where I baked never had a fire. It was disappointing! At this time, a charcoal Santa Claus came. He lifted the steel mesh and added charcoal piece by piece. While he was adding charcoal and others were removing the meat skewers, I stuck my meat skewers tightly to the steel mesh to take a good place in the barbecue so that my meat skewers could be cooked faster. After the charcoal was added, the fire got hotter. I kept turning over my skewers. As the fire was fierce and the smoke was heavy, my tears were smoked out. But I didn't care if I thought I could eat the skewers soon. After a while, I saw that the meat kebabs had changed from red to brown. I thought it should be OK. I left the oven and came to my parents who were watching the scenery. They ate the mutton kebabs I baked, and they cheered and I tasted a little, hmm! It's really good.

  After the barbecue, we played games, watched performances and drew prizes. Unfortunately, we were unlucky today and didn't draw anything. Finally, we saw fireworks, which is not my exaggeration. It is as colorful as the West Lake Fireworks Conference.

  I wish everyone happy every day! Merry Christmas! Happy Christmas Eve! Forever young!

10.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇十

  Hi, friend, how did you spend Christmas Eve this year? How do you feel? To be honest, this Christmas Eve is the warmest for me. Because my father is back! In my memory, this is the first time my father spent Christmas with me.

  It may be very common for you to have your father at home, just like eating three meals a day. But it is a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity for me. Because my father is from the Fourth Railway Bureau and works in other places all year round. He can only come back after the holidays. Therefore, it is a happy thing for my father to come back. Of course, my mother is also happy. Therefore, she showed great mercy and agreed to my request to watch movies online on Christmas Eve. So we turned on the computer, turned on the heater, sat by the bed and watched the movie. My mother is on the left and my father is on the right. I sit among them, hugging each other. Although the cold wind is howling outside, the home is warm.

  When the movie just started, I suddenly felt something was missing. Oh, little snack! I have eaten all the snacks at home. So my father volunteered to buy food. After my father went out, my mother and I watched the movie attentively. The film is called "The Legend of Christmas". It tells about a little boy whose parents died and was raised by his fellow villagers in turn. Every Christmas day, he changes his family. So every Christmas Eve, he put his carved toys in front of every family that had ever raised him. When he grew up, he became "Santa Claus" and appeared in the sky on Christmas Eve on a sleigh

  Dad came back at the end of the film. His face was red with cold, and when he got home, he kept breathing and warming his hands. He bought back a large package of snacks. When I saw that these are all my favorite snacks, I cheered. But my mother blamed my father for wasting money and buying junk food. But the father said, "It's not easy to have a Christmas and make the children happy!" Dad also bought eight unusual apples at a high price, each with the word "love" engraved on it. I ate the apple of "love", watched the movie about "love", and felt the love of my parents.

  This Christmas Eve, because my father is at home, I feel very warm.
