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【#英语资源# 导语】平平安安是快乐的源泉,平平安安是幸福的基础,平平安安是如意的核心,平平安安是吉祥的根基,平安夜到了,®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。

1.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇一

  Today is Christmas Eve, and the streets and lanes are all selling fruits of peace.

  The students in our class all send the teacher the peace fruit. The peace fruit I send is made at home by myself. The peace fruit I make myself is simple. Use two pieces of paper to wrap the peace fruit, take another stretch flower, put the peace fruit on the paper, and tie the extra paper with the stretch flower, so that the peace fruit is ready!

  I wish everyone a happy Christmas Eve!

2.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇二

  This Thursday is Christmas Eve. At first, I didn't know what Christmas Eve was. Later, I heard everyone talking about Christmas Eve when I was queuing after school. I asked Li Kui, "What is Christmas Eve?" He said: "Christmas Eve represents the night of peace. As long as you eat an apple today, you can make a wish and it will come true." After listening to his words, I thought I must eat apples when I go home.

  I hurried home and asked Grandma if she had any apples. Grandma said, "I don't know if you want to eat, but I didn't buy it." After listening to this, I was very sad and depressed. Grandma asked me, "Why do you eat apples today?" I said, "Today is Christmas Eve, a holiday for foreigners. Today Santa Claus will come to give gifts, but it will only come true if you eat an apple and make a wish." Grandma said hurriedly, "Why didn't you say it earlier? It's not too late to buy it now. Would you like to go and buy it with your grandpa?" I thought about it first. I just wanted to say yes! But I thought that the road must be very slippery just after the snow fell. What should I do if I fall down? If this is true, it will be counterproductive, and this Christmas Eve will not be so peaceful. I said, "Forget it. Don't you still spend this day when you didn't know it before?" Grandma knew the reason why I wouldn't let her buy it from her heart and said, "You have grown up and become sensible." I was very happy to hear Grandma's praise.

  Today, I learned about the customs of the Christmas Day and realized my wish that is to make my grandparents' parents happy. I also wish my classmates peace. Although I didn't eat apples on this Christmas Eve this year, I wish my loved ones peace in the new year. What an unforgettable Christmas Eve!

3.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇三

  Today is Christmas Eve, which is very different for me.

  In the afternoon, in the first class, we all prepared gifts for our teachers (the gifts were made by ourselves, not bought). When the math teacher came, we rushed like a tide of math teachers and gave them gifts that we had carefully prepared. In a short time, the math teacher received a lot of gifts.

  The gifts that the teacher received were very beautiful. There were gifts wrapped in paper and boxes. The teacher said, "Let's share the peace fruit later, OK?" We all said, "OK!" The teacher gave each of us a piece of Ping'an fruit, which was very delicious.

  The third class is the Chinese teacher's class. When the Chinese teacher came into the class, he asked the students to take the board and kitchen knife to the classroom. We gave the gift that we were going to give to the Chinese teacher. The teacher smiled as sweet as a flower. The Chinese teacher also received many gifts. The teacher received gifts such as chocolate, peace fruits, oranges, dates, walnuts, melon seeds, pears... The teacher said, "We will share the peace fruits later, and I will also give you a gift." We said, "What?" The teacher said, "That's -- no homework yet!" "Yeah! Great! No homework!" We cheered. The Chinese teacher first let us see the origin of Christmas, stories, customs, PPT of poetry, and sang "Jingle bells".

  Well, the Chinese teacher asked the students to wash the fruit, and then the teacher cut the fruit and gave it to everyone. The fruit is more sweet in the mouth, and the Chinese teacher took pictures of us.

  Today, I spent a different Christmas Eve!

4.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇四

  Today is Christmas Eve.

  Grandma picked me up after school this afternoon. When we got home, Grandpa and I decorated our house. Grandpa first hung the Christmas tree wreath on the door, and then hung a string of blue bells on it. Then, Grandpa used tape to stick small Christmas trees on each door, and Santa Claus hung colored lights on the Christmas trees. Mom and Grandma made a lot of delicious food.

  In the evening, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep, hoping that Santa Claus would come riding reindeer quickly. As a result, I looked at the flashing lights on the Christmas tree and fell asleep.

5.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇五

  This afternoon, my mother picked me up after school. I just walked to the bus station courtyard and saw an old man lying on the ground. At this time, many people ran over. Some people said that the old man fell down, so my mother quickly opened her mobile phone and called 120 for help. I stood at the door and looked around, hoping that the 120 car would come soon. Everyone quickly picked up the old man and the car ran to the hospital.

  When my mother and I get home, it will soon be dark. Tonight is Christmas Eve. I wish Grandpa health and safety, and I wish everyone in the world peace and happiness.

6.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇六

  Today is December 24, Christmas Eve. The school held many celebrations: bilingual drama performance, class get-together, fireworks party... The celebration started in the afternoon.

  This year's get-together took the form of a bilingual drama contest. The golden curtain slowly opened, and the drama competition carefully prepared by the students officially began. All the programs on the stage are wonderful. Some students dress up as rabbits, some as monkeys, some as foxes, and some as tigers... Look, there are always fat rabbits running here, because he is too fat. When he runs, the meat on his stomach shakes up and down, and he bumps into the tree in a daze, causing a burst of laughter. This is the third grade Chinese drama "Waiting for the Rabbit". Our fifth grade "The Tiger" is also very wonderful. My good friend plays a big brown bear in it. Watching his lifelike performance, I cheered him hard on the stage!

  The campus get-together ended in laughter and laughter. In a flash, it was time for the class get-together. While eating snacks, the students enjoyed the programs that they had prepared meticulously. Some of them danced, some sang, some played the violin, and some performed sketches. Zhang Xunhao and I sang a chorus of "Cao Cao" for everyone. Although I think I didn't play well, I still won applause from my classmates.

  The clock turned to eight o'clock in the twinkling of an eye. The fireworks party was about to be staged. We quickly lined up and took it to the designated place. I saw fireworks burst into the night sky like rockets, and then burst into colorful fireworks. Colorful fireworks turned the campus into a sea of flowers.

  Seeing here, I could not help but send out a call: This is really a happy and happy Christmas Eve!

7.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇七

  On Christmas Eve this year, our class held a get-together. There were various kinds of games, including peeling melon seeds, blowing balloons, and erecting coins

  The game begins. The first game is to peel melon seeds. My good friend Chen Yifan also attended, watching her holding her breath and waiting for the teacher to give the command. "Ready, start!" The competition started. I immediately cheered Chen Yifan and cheered him on. Watching her peel melon seeds so quickly, I thought: Chen Yifan must win this time. Time is up, as I expected, Chen Yifan won. I'm really happy for her.

  After the competition of peeling melon seeds, the next game is to blow balloons. The monitor and the deputy monitor are drawing lots. "No. 21!" the deputy monitor shouted. As soon as I heard my student number, I hurried out and thought: Hey, why is it blowing balloons? God knows I'm the worst at blowing balloons. After the teacher took out the props, I knew that it was not bigger than the balloon blown by anyone, but it could be blown by mouth or overhead. As long as the balloon fell on the ground, which side would lose. It's easy! I can't help feeling smug.

  When the teacher blew the whistle, Sun Jing and I quickly blew the balloon up. Unexpectedly, Li Kewei and Zhang Weiwei were so powerful that we blew the balloon over. The balloon swayed on my head. I jumped up and used the balloon on my head. However, the balloon did not win. It did not fly to Zhang Weiwei's side. It was still on our side. The sound of shouting beside him was high and low, and climax followed climax. Sun Jing and I didn't want to be outdone. We blew the balloon to the other side. After several rounds of fighting, we were exhausted. I whispered to Sun Jing, "We must go for victory!" At the moment when I spoke to Sun Jing, the balloon flew to us and was not far from the ground. Sun Jing and I puffed our cheeks and blew. It didn't help. The ball shook a few times on the ground, but there was no movement. Finally, we lost.

  The game is over. We enjoyed the activity very much. I look forward to the Christmas Eve coming soon next year.

8.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇八

  On Christmas Eve, December 24, I'm going to see the Christmas Concert performed by Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra in Hangzhou Grand Theater.

  My mother and I set out from home at 5:20 p.m. The first section of the road was smooth, but there was a traffic jam on the third bridge. Today is Christmas Eve. People living in Jiangnan have to go to the city. Some go to shopping malls, some go to hotels, some go to amusement parks, and some go to movies. Every road to the city is blocked. The cars on the third bridge are blocked from the end of the bridge to the end of the bridge. We got on the bridge at 5:26 and stayed on the bridge for 30 minutes. Finally I got off the bridge. It was already six o'clock. The notice told us to pick up the tickets at 6:40. It looks like it's too late for dinner. My mother and I changed our plan to get tickets before going to dinner.

  We went to the hall of Hangzhou Grand Theater to get tickets for the concert. It was already 6:50, and it was 40 minutes before the performance began. It should be OK to have a meal in 40 minutes. We drove to Vientiane City. There were so many cars on the way. When we arrived in Vientiane City, there was no place to park. We had a hard time to find a free seat. After stopping our car, we went straight to Vientiane City. I thought that the food agency in Vientiane City would eat something at random, but there were so many people queuing to buy cards. We just have to go downstairs. "Why don't we go to McDonald's?" Mom said, "OK!" I agreed at once. Before we came to McDonald's, there was a long line of traffic. Hi! Who wants today to be Christmas! We found a small team, bought dinner and hurried to the parking lot. It was already 7:30, and we drove to the Grand Theater. The road became more and more congested, and finally arrived. My mother and I had not eaten the dinner we had bought. My mother had to sneak the hamburger into the bag and take it into the theater, taking a bite or two when others were not paying attention.

  My mother and I rushed into the performance hall step by step, and the performance had already started. We found a seat nearby and sat down. Finally, we could watch the performance with peace of mind.

  Although I didn't hear the first piece of music, I didn't miss the performance at a glance. This Christmas Eve is really different. I spent it happily in a hurry.

9.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇九

  This evening is Christmas Eve.

  When I came home from school, I walked with my mother to the fruit shop in the community and saw many packaged apples in the shop. I looked at it and said to my mother, "Mom, I really want one!" Mom said: "There are a lot of apples at home. It's not cost-effective to buy such packaged apples, and these packaged apples are for free." After listening to my mother, I reluctantly left the fruit shop. When I got home, I ate an apple and hoped that it would be safe every day.

  Here, I wish everyone a happy Christmas Eve and a Merry Christmas.

10.有关平安夜的英语作文 篇十

  Today is Christmas Eve. Last week, my piano teacher Xu told me that the music school I studied in was going to hold a concert and asked me to prepare songs to play on Christmas Eve. I played the brisk and lively Etude No. 90 of Bayer.

  The music party will start at 7 o'clock this evening. The scene is very lively. I am the eighth performer. But I'm not nervous at all. When I finished playing the music fluently, the audience applauded. I'm very happy. I wish everyone a happy Christmas Eve!
