繁琐 My little bother always disappears from view when it is time for dinner.
简洁 My little bother always disappears when it is time for dinner.
繁琐 The point I am trying to make is that practice makes perfect.
简洁 I believe that practice makes perfect.
繁琐 I am writing to call your attention to the fact that…
简洁 I am writing to remind you that…
1)There are several things which are interesting here.
2)It is encouraging and inspiring to note that sales which are reported right now have increased this month.
3)Another factor that adds to the persuasive power of this speech is the vivid example is gives.
1)There are several things which are interesting here.
Several things are interesting here.
2)It is encouraging and inspiring to note that sales which are reported right now have increased this month.
Sales have increased this month; the figures are encouraging.(特别说明一下,这句句子是商务英语写作的范畴,一般不用形式主语,不用从句,所以这里不要用it is + aj.句型。)
3)Another factor that adds to the persuasive power of this speech is the vivid example is gives.
The vivid example also makes the speech mor persuasive.
本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/jzGn.html 正在阅读: 2017年英语专业四级作文真题|2017年英语专业四级写作作文指导:句子简练07-25 2018年内蒙古出版专业技术人员职业资格考试报名通知06-18 山东:济南大学美术学院2023年推免研究生复试录取方案及安排10-10 2020江西万载富民村镇银行秋季招聘启事10-12 小学一年级下册第四单元语文练习题05-15 九年级作文500字范文10篇07-30 2020年教师资格考试真题试卷:2020教师资格考试单选练习题12-13 蜜茶味浓情更浓作文600字09-25 华夏银行上海分行2016年度社会招聘04-29 2017年云南大理会考成绩查询网站:大理白族自治州教育局01-24 快乐是一种选择作文500字10-10