
时间:2023-07-25 19:37:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



a)使用相同的语法来表达具有相同功能的句子成分,可运用并列连词and, but或or等。

× If you want to learn a foreign language well, you’d better try to think in it and speak it as much as possible.

√ If you want to learn a foreign language well, you’d better try to think in it and to speak it as much as possible.

b)正确使用相关连词,如both…and, not … but, not only … but also等。

× Wang Lan is not only clever but also she is helpful.

√ Wang Lan is not only clever but also helpful.


× One reason I like to go to school on foot is the physical exercise I get from it.

√ I like to go to school on foot I regard it as a kind of physical exercise.


We each are responsible for our own jobs.

We are each responsible for his own jobs.


× The old woman told the little girl that she was wrong.

√ The old woman told the little girl,”I am wrong.”

√ The old woman told the little girl,”You are wrong.”
