
时间:2023-02-14 23:07:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】寒假,大概没有一个同学不期盼吧,寒假不只是休息日,它还是一个跨越新年的节日。寒假是一个放松的假期。以下是®文档大全网整理的《有关寒假的英语日记》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.有关寒假的英语日记 篇一

  In a twinkling of an eye, it's winter vacation again. Our winter vacation life is colorful. I like to go to my grandmother's house for winter vacation most. The yard of my grandmother's house is large, with evergreen camphor trees, colorful chrysanthemums, and a large turtle hibernating in this season, which is very quiet. The most is soil. There are various vegetables on it. If it snows a little more, it will be more fun. But it doesn't snow this holiday, but I'm not disappointed, There are so many mud here that I can play with my sister to make "ceramics".

  Although it was winter, we didn't feel cold at all. We were happy to get ready, spade, board, water. We first grabbed a large handful of soil, put it on the prepared board, and mixed it with a small amount of water. We used to mix it with two small pieces of wood, but that was not only troublesome but also very slow. So we cut it out and mixed it with our hands. Our hands were red and dirty with cold, but our faces were filled with happy smiles. I accidentally put mud on my face, and my sister laughed at me for being a big cat.

  Then we grabbed the mud and threw it to the ground. It was half soft and half hard. Just when we fell, my palm suddenly felt a huge pain. I looked down at my hand. It was a thorn that poked into the palm and made a deep cut. I couldn't help crying out. My sister rushed to see what happened. When she saw that my hand was cut and still bleeding, she hurriedly washed the mud and blood stains with water, and then found a small camera after rummaging through the boxes and cupboards, and took out the thorn for me, with a look of heartache on her face. I am very grateful. I repeatedly said thank you. My sister also helped me to paste a band-aid. Looking at my sister's cautious appearance, the pain relieved a lot.

  We continued to work again, and finally, with our joint efforts, we made a good earthen bowl, holding our work, which was so fulfilling that we had long forgotten the pain.

  In this winter, although there have been injuries and pains, the more harvest is happiness and friendship. Enjoy the tail of your childhood. Find the happiness that belongs to our childhood.

2.有关寒假的英语日记 篇二

  After watching a fireworks party, I couldn't sleep for a long time. The colorful fireworks appeared in my dream again and again. I can't forget this night.

  It was on the Lantern Festival. I heard that the fireworks party would be held in Sun City. At noon, I couldn't restrain my joy, hoping to get dark quickly and imagine the grand occasion of the party.

  Night fell in anticipation. I also came to Sun City with the tide of people. People who watched the fireworks came from all directions and gathered in the sun city square.

  While waiting anxiously, I heard only a loud "rumble". Looking up, I saw that the sky was covered with huge colored balls, which glittered with brilliant golden light and spread around. The streamer is full of color, and the scattered little golden light makes the night sky so bright and dazzling, and you can hear a "thump" sound, and a huge golden chrysanthemum is blooming in the sky again. Look, it is covered with yellow, exposed with white, reflected with purple, and scattered with dazzling streamer, all of which are embedded in a layer like magic, one with a roll, one with a ring, forming a huge and magnificent streamer painting. In the exciting loud noise, the whole city's sky was lit up and dyed red by fireworks. The huge fireworks, like huge umbrellas, opened in the night sky, like clusters of dazzling lights in the night sky, like clusters of flowers blooming and floating with golden powder. The fireworks burst into full bloom in the night sky, and finally, like countless long tailed meteors, they slipped through the night sky reluctantly, and some boldly fell into the crowd. Others were like red lanterns flashing with strange aura, floating above people's heads, like cherry blossoms.

  The party slowly ended with cheers. I looked silly and didn't know where I was. I just wanted to remember the colorful fireworks and wonderful pictures in my heart forever

3.有关寒假的英语日记 篇三

  In the eyes of children, the winter vacation is colorful, joyful and unforgettable. But I think my winter vacation is full of laughter.

  The wind is whistling outside the window. We are not afraid of the cold and still go out to pay New Year's greetings, my family is no exception. After a long time, I finally finished my New Year worship. I was bored and dazed. Seeing that I was so depressed, my father ran over and asked, "Hmm? What's wrong? Is it boring?" I nodded gently. My father laughed and said, "Come on, let me play with you." I lifted up my spirits and told my father that I wanted to have a rat painting competition, and my father agreed.

  Do what you say! I took up my pen, drew a mouse head, big and round, and then drew a fat body with two hands. Well, it's really cute. After a while, I painted the mouse with two feet and a long tail. oh Right! This mouse has no eyes, nose and mouth, so I need to make it up.

  Then look at the mouse painted by my father. The small, thin mouse looks so light and sensitive, while my mouse is fat and fat, and runs so clumsily. When my father saw the mouse I drew, he almost lost his front teeth. I got angry and got angry. My father comforted me for a long time before I forgave him.

  The painting of mice is really interesting, which brings me infinite joy and makes me feel happy during the winter holiday.

4.有关寒假的英语日记 篇四

  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, my long-awaited winter vacation has finally arrived. But how should we spend this winter holiday?

  On Saturday, I hurried to the kitchen and asked my mother to arrange my winter vacation. I asked, "Mom, how do you think I can spend this winter holiday?" My mother said with a smile: "Oh, you are so old, you should deal with it yourself!" Ah? This is really a problem! After thinking about it, I had no clue and stamped my feet in a hurry. My mother looked at me, looked worried, came to the living room, and said to me solemnly: "Son, do you really want me to arrange it?" "Yes." I answered without thinking.

  After a while, a schedule of work and rest was placed in front of me. I looked at it carefully and said with satisfaction, "OK, I will finish my winter homework carefully according to the schedule, thank you, Mom." My mother smiled and went to cook again.

  The schedule is arranged in this way. From this Saturday to the end of the next Saturday, there are: Analects, writing, diary, reading, annotation, etc. every day, and the remaining two diaries will be written after the Spring Festival. I am required to complete it carefully and ensure the quality. I took this schedule and cheered with joy.

  My mother arranged my schedule very well. In this way, I can finish the interesting Chinese homework for the winter vacation assigned by the teacher in advance before the Spring Festival, and reasonably arrange reading, writing, reading, annotation and other homework every day, which is both easy and efficient. At the Spring Festival, I can have a good time and enjoy the fun of the Spring Festival without worrying about my homework. Even so, I can't be too careless. I will review the homework I have done in the winter vacation a few days before the school starts, and finish the remaining two diaries. Boys and girls, can you tell me such a plan?

  Yes! This winter holiday should be more comfortable. Is it very easy! I hope you can prepare and plan for the New Year.

5.有关寒假的英语日记 篇五

  There was another winter holiday, which I spent at my grandma's home in the countryside and at my home in the city. In both places, I have unforgettable memories.

  In the countryside, it snowed heavily in the days I went back. It was like a skating rink outside. People should be careful when walking. The snow fell on my ankle. Although the weather is so bad, my little friend and I still have to take a shovel and put on gloves. When you see here, you can't help asking, where are you going? Of course, go to the gym near Grandma's house to shovel snow. There are many people passing by every day. We are afraid of someone falling down, so we agreed to shovel snow for everyone. Do as you say. I shoveled hard. When the ice shoveled onto the shovel, it was as heavy as a stone on it. I couldn't stand it. When the shovel overturned, all the ice fell to the ground, and I almost fell down myself. Looking at the ice on the ground, I sighed and thought to myself: the hard shovel now falls! Although the gym is large, we have finally shoveled the ice there through our efforts. We can also play freely there!

  After talking about the countryside, we will talk about the city. There are not many students near my home this winter holiday. Sometimes I want to talk to my classmates, but they don't answer me, so I can only do my homework at home. It was not easy to stay at a friend's house for two days, but when we arrived at her house, we were no longer as friendly as before, and we didn't talk to each other. At this time, I thought: Alas! I really want to go back to my grandma's house and stay for a while. It's so boring here!

  Although the city is prosperous, it will feel lonely and small in the face of people coming and going; Although the pace of progress in the countryside is slow, there are many partners and many interesting things. So I prefer to stay in the countryside during the holiday.
