
时间:2024-02-09 07:31:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. I want______ for my mother. Today is_______ _________.
2. What is your favourite ________? I like lotuses best.
3. What____ of salad? Vegetable salad.
4. What’s in the basket? _________ a ping-pong ball.
5. I ____ skipping the rope. Sandy ____ running. He _____ run fast.
6. Do you_______ volleyball?_____, I ________ like volleyball.
7. I can______ with my hands.
8. ________ the spring roll, Sue. Wow,it’s delicious!
9. I can________ the bird flying. I can______ the bird singing.
10.  What can you do with your feet? I can_______.
11.  I can____ with my nose. I can______ with my mouth.
12. What can you_____? I can _____basketball.
13. Wet,wet,I can feel the_____.
14.  Look at the white_________ in the sky.
15. In the evening,there is the______ and_______ in the sky.
16. _______you _______a lovely bird?
17. My good friend____ _____ some beautiful dresses.
18. How many racing cars _____ Mike ______?He_____ ____ one.
19. Peter and Tom____ ____ a football. Look,they_____ _____ football.
20. Look here, ______ are sunflowers. Look there, are _________pines?
21. Christmas tree is a kind of __________.
22. _______ and_________ are my favorite fruits.
23. My favorite flower is________.
24.  Look,Linda is______ newspapers.Listen,Peter is ______. I’m______ to my teacher. We ____ ______ a good time.
25. What are the drivers _______?Orange juice. 
26. Do you like to _______ hamburgers or sandwiches?
27. Look,the boys_____ ______ musical chairs.
28.  What are you doing?I’m_________ a letter.
29. Are they ______ to the music?Yes,they are.
30. Let’s________ the room.
31. Come and ______ the floor.
32. What______ are you playing?Hide-and-seek.
33. Which grade are you in?We are in______ ______.
34. I often _____ my dog after supper.
35. The children _________singing and dancing at the party.

1. what are they doing theyre talking about tv news
2. whats in the box there are some peaches
3. have you got a storybook yes i have
4. what are those theyre picture books
5. whos got a bat alice has
6. have they got any hoops no they haven’t
7. look those are science books
8. whats he doing hes eating hamburgers
9. where are the picture books please they are over there
10. and weve got many hoops too

1. When is Children’s Day?
2. Are you playing basketball now?
3. What do you do on Children’s Day?
4. Is there a pencil in your hand?
5. What are your good friends doing now?
6. What are you doing now?
7. What can you do?
8. What’s in your bag?
9. Come and sing with me.
10. How many pencils are there in your hands?
11. What do you like to play?
12. Which fruit do you like, peaches or melons?
13. Are there any chairs in the classroom?
14. Can you clean the windows?
15. Can your brother play ping-pong?
16. What can you do with your hands?
17. What game do you like?
18. Are you in Grade Five?
19. Has your mother got any dresses?
20. What’s in the classroom?
21. Which programme do you like best? 
22. What subject do you like?
23. What can you see in the sky?
24. Can you sing English songs or Chinese songs?
25. Is your brother at school now?
26. How many blackboards are there in your classroom?
27. Who is your music teacher?
28. Which class are you in?
29. Do you like to watch TV plays or TV news?
30. Has your English teacher got a pet?
31. What can you do in the library?
32. How many picture books have you got?
33. Have you got a pair of red shoes?
34. How do you spell the word “art”? 
35. What have you got?
36. What can you see in the classroom?
37. Who can spell the sentence?
38. Can you drink with your feet?
39. What have you got in the playroom?
40. What colour is the snow?
41. What book do you like besr?
42. Is there a library in your school?
43. What can you do on windy days?

