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  The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the
natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this



  With a sheer volume of the world population, the demand for consumer
products has reached to the vertex. The factories and industries which are
manufacturing these goods are often attributed to deteriorating the natural
environment. The causes are many and there are some efficient solutions that can
prevent this damage to a great extent and this essay deals with these issues and


  To begin with, it is quite natural that the huge population has increased
the demand for various consumer products and to meet the demands, new factories
and industries are being established each day. To provide the spaces required
for this overwhelming number of factories, trees and forests are being cut.
Sometimes agricultural fields are being used to build such factories. This has a
direct impact on the environment. Furthermore, almost every factory is
contributing to the global warming and polluting the air. Factories often
consume natural resources and emit chemical wastages to water. This is polluting
the water and threatening the very existence of the natural ecosystem.


  Again, the increasing demands for consumer products is a reason humans
exploit the natural resources. Plastics and similar materials used for packaging
are the reason the degradation of the land. The consumer products like cars,
electronic devices and luxury items directly contribute to the temperature
increase and greenhouse effect.


  The solutions to this problem have to be very efficient and long term. One
such solution could be educating people to be frugal while purchasing goods.
Governments should strictly control the location of factories and the amount of
wastages those factories emit. Then, establishing factories near rivers, lakes,
fertile agricultural lands should be banned. On top of that, eco-friendly
alternative fuels should be introduced and using solar power for offices and
industries should be compulsory. Some other solutions like waste recycling,
imposing heavy taxes on luxury items, use of disposable packaging materials and
mass tree plantation projects should be in place. Finally, factories and
consumer products selling organisations should be forced to participate in tree

  解决这个问题的办法必须是非常有效和长期的。其中一个解决方案教育人们在购买商品时要节俭。政府应该严格控制工厂的位置和工厂排放的废物数量。然后,在河流、湖泊、肥沃的农田附近建立工厂应该被禁止。除此之外,应该引入环保的替代燃料,并将太阳能用于办公室和工业。其他一些解决办法,如废物回收、对奢侈品、一次性包装材料课以重税、大规模植树项目,都应该到位。最后,应该强 迫工厂和消费品销售组织参与植树造林。

  In conclusion, the overuse of natural resources and the human luxury affect
the natural environment very adversely. Effective solutions to prevent the
damages caused by this should be immediately implemented to save the earth we
live in.


