To the world, Mother Teresa came to be known as the mother of the poor and the needy,a symbol of a life of service to mankind.She began her charity work in India,where she was sent in 1929 by her religious congregation, the Loreto Sisters of Dublin.But she embraced her calling in the small Kosovo village of Letnica.Then a young woman of 18, she lived in Kosovo, where her family had resettled from her native Macedonia.
A devout Catholic from an early age,she would later reveal that it was in the Church of the Blessed Lady of Letnica that she decided to adopt a life of religious devotion.
从很小的时候开始,特蕾莎就已经是一名虔诚的天主教徒了,后来她透露说,就是在莱特尼察的Blessed Lady教堂她决定选择一种虔诚奉献的生活方式。
Father Marjan Lorenci of the Letnica Church leads the congregation in prayers in anticipation of Mother Teresa’s canonization.
Marjan Lorenci是莱特尼察教堂的神父,他带领祈祷者进行集会,希望能够追封特蕾莎修女为圣者。
The church serves a community of 500 Catholics, in a village populated mostly by Albanians, with a small Croatian minority.
“This is where Mother Teresa felt the holy calling,after she arrived here from Macedonia, from Skopje.She came here because God brought her here with her family,and it is here that she heard God’s word.This is where she took her steps on the path to serve God,and what’s more important, to serve her brother man,” Lorenci said.
For the local community, Mother Teresa’s canonization is a source of pride and a chance to share the famous missionary of Albanian origin with the world.
“I was born and raised here,and I am very proud to have received my religious teachings at the same church where Mother Teresa first felt her calling,”
Father Lush Gjergji, who first met Mother Teresa in 1968 and has written extensively on the Nobel laureate,says Letnica was always in her itinerary every time she visited Kosovo.
Lush Gjergji神父第一次见特蕾莎修女是在1968年,关于这位诺贝尔奖获得者,他记述了大量资料。他表示,特蕾莎修女每次来科索沃,必定会造访莱特尼察。
“The one place which she always visited was Letnica; it was her spiritual sanctuary,”
Mother Teresa visited Kosovo five times after she became a nun.But it is her charitable work around the world that garnered her international fame and the adoration of millions.
On September 4, the Catholic Church will formally declare her a saint,immortalizing a life of dedication that got its first inspiration in a church in a small Kosovo village.
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