
时间:2023-09-05 11:36:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】高山在于不动,河水在于流动,生命在于运动,爱心在于传动,老师您带给我太多感动,教师节到了。祝福老师您幸福快乐!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《有关教师节的英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.有关教师节的英语日记 篇一

  Today is September 10th, which is Teacher's Day. As soon as I arrived at school, I saw my classmates carrying various flowers and greeting cards.

  When we arrived at the classroom, some students said they wanted to send flowers to Teacher Ge, some said they wanted to send greeting cards to Teacher Wang, and some said they wanted to send gifts to several other teachers. When the classmates were discussing enthusiastically, Teacher Ge walked into the classroom and everyone gave her the prepared gifts. During breakfast, everyone saw Teacher Wang and gave her the prepared gifts. Teacher Wang also said, "She is glad to receive everyone's gifts and wants to teach more knowledge to repay everyone." In the following classes, everyone also sent gifts and blessings to Teacher Wang, Teacher Wang, and Teacher Xiao.

  Have a really happy day today. Wishing all the teachers in the world a happy Teacher's Day!

2.有关教师节的英语日记 篇二

  Today, September 10th, is the annual Teacher's Day and the happiest day for teachers.

  In the morning, as I was walking to school, my eyes were immediately attracted by a flower shop. Wow! Many people! The owner of the flower shop was extremely busy. Just after delivering a bouquet of flowers, the phone rang and said, "Hello!" "Oh," "I see." Before the phone could be put down, the customers over there began to urge, "Hurry up, I want this bouquet of lilies! Hurry up!" I was stunned and said, "Ah! Too many people want to send flowers to the teacher, right!

  I came to school and glanced at the teacher's office, ah! The teachers are all immersed in a sea of flowers, with flowers in the office: roses, lilies, osmanthus... and many unknown flowers. The colors are even more colorful:

  The fiery red, snow-white, yellow, blue, pink... pots stick to each other, bunches stick to each other, it's amazing!

  At this moment, several junior high school students walked towards them, and they were walking towards the English office, still holding flowers in their hands. What? Even junior high school students will return to their alma mater to stay. Happy Teacher's Day! Suddenly, my face turned red and a burst of heartbreak welled up in my heart: On Teacher's Day, even middle school students would go back to their alma mater to send flowers to their teachers, but I didn't! Ah。 As the saying goes, good! A day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father, that's really good.

  Here, I wish all teachers a happy holiday! I hope you wear bright smiles every day!

3.有关教师节的英语日记 篇三

  Teacher's Day is here, I want to say to my teacher: Good holiday!

  Teachers are gardeners who cultivate the flowers of the motherland, with each flower blooming in their hands. The teacher irrigates the flowers of the motherland with his own energy and painstaking efforts. What a noble move this is!

  In my third grade, when my father and mother were both on business trips, I stayed at my cousin's house at night. His house was far from school and he didn't come home for lunch. What should I do? At this moment, Teacher Zhang, the homeroom teacher, realized my difficulties and took the initiative to discuss with me, arranging for me to eat at school. So, I had lunch at school at noon and then went to my cousin's house at night, feeling the same warmth as when my parents were at home. How much trouble did you say the teacher had for us!

  Our life requires teachers to worry about, and learning is even more difficult. Each student only needs to do one homework, but the teacher has to grade dozens of homework. Before exams, we often have to revise test papers. We have to work on one paper for over an hour, let alone the teacher who has to revise dozens of papers! The teacher also has to worry about our road team, hygiene, safety. Therefore, we need to bow deeply to the teacher and say, "Teacher, good holiday

4.有关教师节的英语日记 篇四

  Yesterday's Teacher's Day was very happy for everyone, but I felt a hint of sadness - it was the last Teacher's Day at my alma mater.

  On Teacher's Day, the students expressed their blessings to the teacher and also performed various programs. Some students sing, some recite poetry, some perform skits, and some are dancing. Although brief, these are only for wishing the teacher a happy holiday.

  This is a festive holiday, time flies like an arrow. We have gone from babbling children to tall and straight cool guys and Tingting Yuli's big girls.

  I vividly remember when I was in fourth grade, I was a timid girl who didn't communicate with my classmates. However, you were my beacon, and it was you who encouraged and supported me that made me the bold and lively girl I am today. Although you are not my biological mother, you have put in all your efforts and worked tirelessly for this family. When I called you mother yesterday, I realized that you are not only an excellent teacher, but also a kind parent. When you are in your seventies, please do not forget this sentence: "Although I am not your student, you are my most respected teacher

  Farewell with a kiss at the end! On the last Teacher's Day of elementary school, I will confidently say to you that I will work hard, and I will proudly say upon graduation, "Yesterday I was proud of my teacher, today my teacher is proud of me; yesterday I was proud of my classmates, today my classmates are proud of me; yesterday I was proud of my parents, today my parents are proud of me

  Teacher's grace is unforgettable, teacher, you have worked hard!

5.有关教师节的英语日记 篇五

  The annual Teacher's Day is approaching, and perhaps everyone has prepared gifts: perhaps flowers; Perhaps it's a pen; Perhaps it's a greeting card; Perhaps... but I am still worried about this matter. What should I give as a gift?

  I thought and thought, but then my mother walked in and saw what I was frowning and thinking. She walked over and said, "Are you worried about what gift you're giving for Teacher's Day?

  Don't worry! We have all bought it for you. I immediately relaxed my brows and urgently asked, "Mom, what gift is it? Mom took my hand and said, "Come on. Look. After finishing speaking, I arrived at the display cabinet and said, "Wow. Give this to the teacher? It's so exquisite!" Mom smiled and took out three gifts, saying, "Let's wrap the gifts together!" I happily said, "Wow." Not long after, each exquisite gift was wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper. We carefully put them into each paper bag.

  On Teacher's Day, I brought three paper bags to the classroom, quickly put down my backpack, and then took the paper bag to the teachers' office to give gifts. The teacher kindly took the gift and said, "Thank you. “
